Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Jun 18 - 0 Comments

If you want to see an update on the Crawfish Festival, go to the Chamber website: portoconnorchamber.com for pictures and info.The Kids Fishing Tournament and the Kite Contest, held the weekend of Memorial Day will also soon be added. I understand the turnout was fantastic, all had so much fun enjoying the new update to the beach. THANKS to all the volunteers who helped make these events possible.     Also on the website are pictures of two graduating seniors, Jaylin Rameriz and Justin Munsch, receiving their Chamber Scholarships.

I’ve had calls concerning the Vendors Applications for annual Fireworks Display; this can be printed from the website home page. For those that have not heard, if planning to celebrate with fireworks on the 7th during display, you must purchase your fireworks before midnight on the 4th; can’t purchase night of the Display!!

As per last paper, if membership was not paid by June 1st, you would be deleted from site. This has been accomplished, so if you do not see your business, you probably forgot to pay your 2018 membership. I as anyone,  can make mistakes, for information call 361-983-2898.

I was shocked to see that in May the Chamber answered 63 calls for businesses and info on POC. Make sure to visit Chamber Facebook Page and  visit us on Instagram.

New & Renewed Members:

Seadrift Lawn & Home Service,LLC
Sonny’s Marine
The Saltwater Fishing Magazine
Vantage Marine
Judge Nancy Pomykal
Fishbeck Rentals
Barnes Appraisal
Salt Blossom
Jeco’s Marine—OPENING SOON—

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