Thank God We’re Still Here

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 May 11 - Comments Off on Thank God We’re Still Here

Sgt. E5 William Moody and his Navy veteran wife, Pamela, rest and recuperate after a demanding, but enjoyable, morning of bay fishing during Warrior’s Weekend.

A veteran of Desert Sheild, Desert Storm, and Iraq, Sgt. Moody was injured state-side in 2009. While riding his motorcycle, he was struck by a hit-and-run driver. “Given a prognosis of being 95% brain dead, it is a miracle he is here,” Pamela said.

Currently stationed at Fort Sam Houston, the Moodys, who hail from Indiana, plan to retire soon to Poteet, Texas.

Pamela, who also has serious health issues, says, “Every morning when we wake up, we thank God we’re still here.”

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