Port O’Connor Service Club Chronicles by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments

Whew! We survived another one. The 2018 Fall Community Garage Sale is in the books. Money was raised for the Community Service Club scholarship fund and community projects. Delicious baked goods were baked and sold and enjoyed. Treasures and necessities were purchased. It was a great day. Thanks so very much to all who donated items to the sale and to those who shopped, came to the bag sale, supported the club and made this another successful sale. I really can’t say enough about the club members and officers who worked so hard during some of the hottest summer days ever to sort the garage sale donations and prepare them for the sale and then worked hours on end the days just before the sale to set up, price and ready the sale. They baked homemade goodies and donated those to the bake sale. They arrived early to man the sale and most had been on their feet for several days straight when the sale started. And do not think they were through when the sale was over. They had to bag the leftover items for donation to charity, clean up the sale and take down signs and fixtures, store the supplies and clean the pavilion after the sale. Service Club members, their spouses and family and some special volunteers give their time and go the second mile to work this event twice each year. And it is hard work! They do it cheerfully and with one purpose in mind, they want to serve POC. This is a group committed to making a difference.

Believe it or not, they are planning to do it all over again in April. So, if cooler weather has you cleaning out the closets or your storage and you find quality used goods you would like to donate to the next sale, please give us a call. We will help you arrange a time to drop them off for safekeeping until then. Contact Donna Vuichard at 361-237-0476 for assistance.
Whether you are a newcomer to POC or a salty old timer you have likely heard about the Service Club Senior Christmas Luncheon. This special event is the club’s gift to the seniors in our community. Home Cooking, entertainment, door prizes and friends old and new will add a special sparkle to the Christmas Luncheon this year. The luncheon will be held on Friday, December 7th at the POC Community Center. The holidays get hectic and busy, so mark your calendars and plan to attend. You will be so glad you did.

There are so many fun and enlightening activities in POC this time of year. Check thedolphintalk.com, the POC Library, the Chamber of Commerce and other websites to stay informed of all the opportunities. Whether you want to learn something new at a library sponsored program, help our youth at the Trunk-or-Treat or the Toy Run, lend a hand to someone who needs it, make a new friend at Bunco or Service Club or win at Tuesday Senior Lunch and Bingo; there is plenty to choose from in this community. Get informed and get involved today.

POC Community Service Club is on track with our regular two meetings each month schedule. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 10:00 AM at the POC Community Center. You would be welcomed warmly and invited to join a great group of women who have lots of fun making their mark in their home town.

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