“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

The Neverending ‘Election’
I’m still re-writing this article five days after the election, and days days after the deadline. The results keep changing. The most important thing about this election is the glaring need for honest elections, the importance of citizenship, and a better understanding of the Dem-Socialist mantra, “By Any Means Necessary.”  As Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin said, “Who votes is not important. Who counts the votes is important.”
Back in February,  https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/26/lawsuit-100000-noncitizens-registered-vote-pa/ , told us: “More than 100,000 noncitizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to testimony submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems. The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.” Now if it is that bad up in the Northeast, how bad do you think it can be in the Border States with higher percentages of “Noncitizens”?
Democrats have denied any vote fraud, or “significant vote fraud” and fought ‘tooth & nail’ against any reasonable prevention and enforcement of voting security laws. Even Photo ID is demonized as Voter Suppression. But what we need is Voter FRAUD Suppression! Even Mexico has much better better Vote security. A Mexican must have a Voter ID Card. To get one, must apply in person, show proof of citizenship and identity, have photo and thumb print taken, sign the card, and after the card is approved, laminated with a hologram to prevent counterfeiting, the person must come in again, and prove who they are to pick it up. To Mexicans, citizenship and election security is more important than Political Correctness. This could easily be improved further by putting a chip in the card, to transfer the persons data to the computer by inserting it in a reader, to cut down the actual work of the Precinct Workers, and cut down any wait time for voters. The ballots could be serial numbered with the Voter ID number by running through a simple printer, and the date & time printed on the ballot and entered into the chip. Absolute security and a paper-trail as well as computer record, if there is any recount. Only a crook could disapprove of that.
In the “modern & advanced” USA, not so much. On Election Day, Project Veritas filmed and released this video in Texas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=139&v=veE5-O6wACw  By law, only Citizens can register and vote, but many counties allow people to register to vote with out providing any proof of Citizenship, people can register by filling out a card anywhere, and some are ‘registered automatically’ by things like Motor Voter. A gift to the Democrat Party by the Clinton Admin, it is a clear invitation to Voter Fraud. In California now, applicants are registered to vote even if they do NOT check the ‘US Citizen box’. Vote fraud has become a “tactic” instead of a crime to many Dem-Soc operatives. And obvious a large part of their much touted “Blue Wave”. It failed mostly, at least here in Texas, but in other states the corruption is more open.
Southeast Florida is bad, and Broward County probably the worst. Brenda Snipes is the elected Supervisor of Elections, a Democrat, and has a very long record of criminal “mistakes”, even destroying ballots. This year she is refusing access to vote counting to Repub Precinct judges, even a US Congressman was run off by “armed security”, caught moving unsecured and “no chain of possession” boxes of ballots to be counted, days after the polls closed. She ignored a State Judge’s injunction to secure her “vote counting” until State Officials could inspect late Friday afternoon, and still not arrested. By latest info, she had added 83.000 votes to the totals given at the precinct closures, and is reputed to have more registered voters than adult citizen residents in the county. (at least Live ones). During the 2016 count, 4 people were seen filling in ballots.  I could go on, but paper & ink are limited here.
Hopefully the best result of this election will be, Congress will pass laws to require Proof of Citizenship, Photo ID, and other reasonable controls on Elections and real enforcement of the laws on the violators. Just like a Nation must have secure borders to remain a nation, any representative Republic using the Democratic process must have secure voting, or it quickly degenerates. Irresponsible politicians want irresponsible voters. So when you hear “leaders” calling for Illegal aliens (Criminal Invaders) & 16 year olds voting, you will know what you are dealing with.
Please visit the website for updates and comments. This is a continuing story and very important to the continuation of our Constitutional Republic or collapse into mob-rule.

26 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


To be clear, the Washington Times article linked above does not contend that 100,000 non-citizens are registered to vote. The article is reporting on a lawsuit that was filed that makes this allegation.

November 29th, 2018 at 8:18 am

In fact, a follow up audit by the (Republican led) PA government has come up with a potential list of less than 10,000, or about 2% of registered voters in PA.

November 29th, 2018 at 8:26 am

This occured due to a glitch in their Drivers license software, which is not used by Texas, so it in fact could not happen here. Many of these non-citizens later notified the state that they were not eligible to vote willingly, so as not to mess up their immigration status. Most of these people are Good, and just want to become Americans.

November 29th, 2018 at 8:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Quit trying to excuse criminal acts by “spinning” what was reported.
“More than 100,000 noncitizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to TESTIMONY submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems.” (emphasis added.)
“The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”
“For DECADES”, SMH. These Voter Registrations are done at the “County Level”, the State Govt has been lax in protecting and purging the Voter Rolls. Every time there is any attempt to purge Voter Rolls of Dead, non-existing, moved-away, or non-Citizen Voters, the radical Democrat operators and Community Organizers cry “RACIST!”. And you know it! What, “racist” against dead people voting? Non-citizens are of all ethnicities and “races”, (but probably Democrat Registry).
You and I both know that all the extra names in Voter Rolls greatly increase the opportunities for Vote Fraud! “Liberal Democrats” have campaigned on “One Man, One Vote” for 60 years, but now it is “One Name, One Vote”?
For any political system that is “Democratic” to survive, it must have HONEST ELECTIONS!
There is well organized radical left-wing groups that have been subverting elections for decades, mostly in big cities, and in ethnic and “minority” groups. Now it is just moving into a much larger scale.

November 29th, 2018 at 9:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

The “Glitch” is Motor-Voter. Any one that checks the “US Citizen box” is automatically Registered to vote. “Voter Registration workers” may “help the process” by checking the box if the person filling it out at DMV failed to do so. California has been registering all Motor-Voter applications whether the box was checked or not. People that get a Voter Registration Card in the mail, and are known to be NON-Citizens are allowed to vote in Texas if they have a picture ID.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=139&v=veE5-O6wACw
Texas poll workers (“minorities”): “if you registeredand have ID, you can vote.”
When directly questioned about non-citizens, DACAs, they answer, “we’ve got a lot of them.”
Hey, SMH, you ‘Blue Wave’ ws really a “CRIME WAVE” and planned that way from top to bottom. DemonCrap poll workers are in on the planned criminal scam. Hired for that purpose.
We must have PROOF of Citizenship and Residency, and both VERIFIED to register to vote or our Elections are a SHAM! The more and easier Vote by Mail gets, the more FRAUD. Mail in Ballots misplaced, stolen, boxes of available to be filled out and then “found” after the polls close.

How is it “RACIST!” to use the same system of Voter ID as MEXICO? Or is it really that Mexico cares more about HONEST ELECTIONS than what passes as the “DEMOCRAT PARTY” in the US and even Texas?!?

November 29th, 2018 at 10:12 am
Bill Brayshaw

For years you have denied or tried to defend subversive, seditious, and criminal acts by “Democrat Party” officials and operatives with an endless supply of excuses, ‘opinion’ articles written by flagrant Lib-Progs, false accusations and innuendos by the Propaganda Media, and even transparent lies by the worst of Democrat Pols.
Are you ever going to open your eyes and mind to what is really happening here? Or are you so blinded by you loyalty to “persons” (Personality Cult) or false Agenda that you are dumbfounded into blind obedience, or have sold your soul to the false religion of Theoretical Marxism?

You often repeat stupid things, but I don’t think you are really that stupid.
You need to seriously reevaluate your core beliefs as to the Constitution and America, the sources of “information” you follow and try so hard to believe, and what your real aspirations are for America. Do you want a Constitutional Republic with Rights and Liberty for all Citizens, a Party-led “Banana Republic” with the Untouchable Political Elite protected by a criminal Bureaucracy, or some subservient “Colony” of a One World Globalist Cabal? Those are the choices offered by the Political forces in the District of Corruption.

Look around you and see what political forces and Political Leaders are pushing us in which directions. Get the wax out of your ears, the scales from your eyes, and the half century of Lib-Prog propaganda crap out of your brain and Observe, Absorb, and THINK about what is happening. Not just what may benefit you personally and your personal desires, but the Nation as whole, a culture and a civilization.
Notice that many that push the Lib-Prog Agenda do it for MONEY, and their exalted positions depend on their success of pushing the AGENDA. But do they live it in THEIR real lives?
Is not that the definition of HYPOCRISY?

I could go on at length, but I will consider myself lucky, even blessed, if you make it this far without you mind and attention span shutting down.

November 29th, 2018 at 11:01 am
Bill Brayshaw

I think we are fortunate that the Dem-Soc Party used this Mid-term Elections to demonstrate the power and depth of their Election Corruption. The Dems have denied the existence and the importance of Vote Fraud in all its many guises since 1960.
JFK carried Illinois because of The Chicago Machine’s overwhelming Dem vote-count in their area. Miami has been a standard ‘Election joke’ as far back as I can remember. Broward and Palm Beach counties followed, but at a reduced rate of corruption until this century.
But Brenda Snipes has proven the corruption surpasses all the worst fears and Republican accusations. She even fixes Democrat Primaries for Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
!4 times Ms Snipes has been caught “sniping” in her county vote-counts previous to this elections, and curiously she has not been removed from office. But it is good to be the one that counts the votes, if you wish to remain in an elected office. “Democracy in action”? Or is it “Entrenched Democrat Party corruption in action”?

It may take months for the many charges to be sifted into Indictments, more to go through Discovery and multiple Plea Bargains, and years before it goes to trial. If ever, if the Dems ever regain control in Tallahassee.
And Florida is still using Voting machines made by a company that George Soros owns that have be shown can be adjusted to throw elections.

November 29th, 2018 at 11:28 am

So What? It’s Florida’s mess, their decision. Republicans could have changed this over the last 6 years and chose not to.
Soros machines? Give me a break. You are just sounding whackadoodle.
I look around and see Americans, not socialists or communists. Where do you see these people? On TV? On the Internet? Here’s a news flash…..It’s not real.
Chicago, Kennedy, Soros, nothing to do with Calhoun life. Turn it off.

December 3rd, 2018 at 5:36 am

Manafort, Flynn, Corsi, Stone, Pappadopolos, Trump Jr., Putin, MSA, do not concern you? This argument against criminality seems slightly one sided and calls into question your ability to see clearly how you have been played.

December 3rd, 2018 at 5:56 am

MBS. Spellcheck error

December 3rd, 2018 at 7:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: Voting machines by Soros
“With recent WikiLeaks emails showing that Hillary Clinton received foreign policy directives and coordinated on domestic policy with Soros, along with receiving tens of millions of dollars in presidential campaign support from the billionaire, concerns are growing that these shadowy players may pull the strings behind the curtains of the upcoming presidential election.

As Lifezette reports, the fact that the man in control of voting machines in 16 states is tied directly to the man who has given millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign and various progressive and globalist causes will surely leave a bad taste in the mouth of many a voter.

The balloting equipment tied to Soros is coming from the U.K. based Smartmatic company, whose chairman Mark Malloch-Brown is a former UN official and sits on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundation.”
Smartmatic has been around for a long time. Every year the Libs claim they are no longer using them and the “New ones” can’t be “rigged”. But they always get used in critical areas that the Dems win by outrageous margins.
Florida’s MESS and all the other crooked elections gives us a crooked, very UN-Democratic Congress! How many? We don’t know.
We must have HONEST FEDERAL ELECTIONS! We must have PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP to Register, and proof of Residency and at least one month prior to insure verification!
There must be reasonable need, (Out-of-State Employment, Military Service) and tracking on Absentee Ballots> Provisional Ballots and Mail-ins are just an “Invitation to Cheat”.
If you won’t admit it, you are lying to yourself.

December 3rd, 2018 at 6:56 pm
Bill Brayshaw

And again, read carefully: Not one thing that Mueller has prosecuted, has anything to do with Trump or the Trump Campaign – NOTHING!
Mueller is running rampant down every “rabbit-trail” trying to terrorize the “Witnesses” into LYING! Suborning Perjury is a CRIME! For a Federal Prosecutor to do it in an election case is breaking dozens of LAWS. But Mueller has done it before (against the Mafia,) and nobody cared. He has been involved in many Cover-ups (non-prosecutions) but nobody could expose it because the whole Obama Admin was involved. And the Media, Then and now, the Propaganda Media is in the tank for the Clintons, Obama, Lib-Progs in general, and owned by the owners of the Deep State.
SMH, you might can get away with living in deep denial of the criminality of the LIB-Progs & Dem-Socs you so love and admire, BUT you can not deny the coming consequences of your denial.
I do not care what you do, if you want to lie to yourself.

December 3rd, 2018 at 7:12 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Listen to Dan Bongino 12/3.
Ep. 863 It’s About To Hit The Fan. The Dan Bongino Show 12/3/2018.
Bongino tells the truth as he says (except for the commercials, LOL! Capitalism sucks, right?)

December 3rd, 2018 at 7:38 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Mueller may be trying to shut down rapidly being exposed as a Criminal Conspiracy masquerading as “The Russia Collusion Investigation”. The Russia Collusion, Conspiracy, and Bribery was all with Hillary, Obama, and Democrats involved in almost a decade of cover-ups.
It is all unraveling, exposure may be imminent, Mueller needs “cover and concealment”, to wrap himself in a ‘Media cloak’ of the Persecuted Prosecutor by the Mean Old Trump!
Wait for it, it is coming.

December 4th, 2018 at 12:25 pm

Ok, I’ll wait. And wait. And wait.
Like the prosecution of Hillary, I’ll keep waiting for your fantasy to prove true. Don’t you get tired of waiting? I don’t, am too busy spending my very generous tax cut! Thank you again, Bill. Wouldn’t have been able to make that third trip to Italy without your suppprt.

December 5th, 2018 at 9:15 am

Regarding Soros and the Smartmatoc machines that you cit and pasted above, a quick search reveals numerous reputable sources that this was a false rumor (also called a lie). I will just post one, from fact-checker site Snopes.com. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-soros-controls-smartmatic-voting-machines-in-16-states/
Don’t you get tired of being on the wrong side?

December 5th, 2018 at 4:25 pm

Bongino? Three time loser? Keep waiting for him, too. FOX News has banned him from real news, now he’s just a guest on FOX commenters shows. Hardly fact based. Still waiting? Go play bingo old man.

December 6th, 2018 at 6:53 am

Now this was funny. I’m sure you’ll see the humor in it too. https://www.facebook.com/MorningJoe/videos/2043121395980102/?sk=h_chr

December 6th, 2018 at 8:16 am

Again, your concern about illegal voting and voter fraud is decidedly one sided. Nothing mentioned about North Carolina, where Republicans broke the state law, written by Republicans! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-north-carolina-idUSKCN1NZ2T2

December 6th, 2018 at 8:55 am
Bill Brayshaw

Re: #16 To SMH
Check the Snopes denial on Soros Voting Machines again. Written in weasel words. Soros is a major owner/Stockholder. The DEO is also a major Exec of Soros Open Society Foundation. Snopes is trying to deny the Vote-Fixing, and whether or not Smartmatic “Furnished the technology” (Vote Count Programing) for the 2016 and 2018 elections.
Snopes is about as truthful as CNN. No wonder you like them.

December 7th, 2018 at 8:25 am
Bill Brayshaw

SMH Re: #17
Did you read any of Bomgino’s books? Especially “Spygate”. Yeah, he looks like a thug, but super smart, and has connections with the “grunts” in Federal Agencies that have seniority now, and “know here the bodies are buried.”
As for “Losing”, he ran in Maryland! His mission is to try and make people THINK!
Re: 18
I refuse to use Facebook. The KGB & Gestapo would have LOVED it. ‘Morning Joe’ is laughable in a disgusting sort of way, pure Libtard Propaganda, excuses, false accusations, and other mind-rot. I do OppO Research, but not from the blatantly stupid liars.
Re; #19 I want ALL Vote Fraud punished! And as severely as lawful.
“He did it, too” is not an excuse for adults, although it is the first one the Dem-Socs trot out when they get busted. Accusations against Repubs at least have a chance of prosecution. And are infinitesimal compared to the EVIDENCE against Dems, and even the court case where Dem officials are admonished, but not actually punished or even removed from office.
SMH, you are only offering EXCUSE for Dem-Soc criminality that only undermines your “Beloved Democracy”. I am trying to find solutions to the criminality, waste, and intentional BAD DECISIONS that undermine our Constitutional Republic and the Democratic method of choosing Representatives and other Elected Officials.
Do you think allowing Non-citizens to vote, and “stuffing the Ballot Box”, is Democratic? You need to seriously re-consider your excuses for your Party’s criminality as accepted tactics and strategy, especially as to Long Term Effects.
Democracies that fail due to vote fraud, un-invested voters, and un-vetted immigration most usually devolve into Tyranny.

December 7th, 2018 at 8:54 am

Oh honey, hush up and pop some popcorn, pour a beer and pull up a seat. It’s Mueller time.

December 7th, 2018 at 7:02 pm

Democracies that fail due to vote fraud is certainly not the USA. TAKE A DEEP BREATH BILL, we are not in imminent failure. You’ll know we are when the social security check fails to make it into the bank account.

December 10th, 2018 at 6:48 am

“Suborning perjory is a crime!” So when the President of the US tells his lawyer and staff to lie to Congress and prepares and approves their statement, this is what?

The country can wait for him to get our of office to indict. It’s inevitable.

December 10th, 2018 at 12:47 pm

It’s hardly the Democrats who fail to support this President. Let’s take a look at some of the Republican men who have worked for him, and their opinions of our President…..
McMaster called him a dope.
Mattis called him a 5th grader.
Mnuchen called him an idiot.
Priebus called him an idiot.
John Kelly called him a “f-ing” idiot.
Tillerson called him a “f-ing” moron.
Cohn called him dumb as sh_t.
McGahn called him a “f-ing” idiot.
Bannon called him a “f-ing” moron.
Dowd called him a “f-ing” liar.
Rupert Murdoch called him a “f-ing” idiot.
Michael Cohen called him a co-conspirator.
Mueller called him Individual 1.

But the problem is the Democrat’s progressive agenda. Right.

December 12th, 2018 at 2:16 pm

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