Intercoastal 4-H Notes by McKenna Guevara

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Nov 18 - Comments Off on Intercoastal 4-H Notes by McKenna Guevara
Christina Ragusin Grand Champion Burkey

Christina Ragusin
Grand Champion Burkey

On November 5, 2028 the Intercoastal 4-H Club had their monthly meeting. On November 7 the 4-H Club, along with the First Baptist Youth Group, we had a food drive at Speedy Stop. We will hold another food drive on December 13 at Speedy Stop. Please come and donate canned goods for POC’s food pantry.

On October 17, 2018 4-H members who raised animals participated in the Calhoun County Fair. We had an awesome time and we would like to thank all of our buyers and sponsors who participated in the Calhoun County Fair Livestock Auction.

We are very proud of all our members who participated in the fair.

Christina Ragusin- Grand champion turkey
Braeden Ragusin- Grand champion Roaster
Christopher Richter- 8th place roaster
Rylie Ragusin- 11th place roaster
Nicholas Ragusin- 10th place roaster
Brooklyn Redmond- 14th place roaster
McKenna Guevara- 3rd place rabbits

Our next meeting will be December 3, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Port O’Connor Elementary school library.

McKenna Guevara
Vice President/Reporter

Braeden Ragusin Grand Champion Roaster

Braeden Ragusin
Grand Champion Roaster

McKenna Guevara 3rd place rabbits

McKenna Guevara 3rd place rabbits


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