Remembering Days Gone By

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - Comments Off on Remembering Days Gone By

For the last 22 years, Grace Episcopal Church has hosted a Christmas party for the orphans of The Bluebonnet Youth Ranch. This year, on December 8th, will be the 23rd year for this event. Children attending can number up to 38 kids ranging from tots to teenagers.

Each year the community responds with support of funding, gifts, tours…whatever the individual or company can contribute. These offerings come from donors as different as The Olephins Unit at Formosa to the Port O’Connor Service Club. Santa is always there, along with Sister Two and Larry Robinson singing Christmas carols.

The event is a mission of Grace Church and its members, sponsored by my wife Cherre and me. The kids have pizza and gifts, along with a terrific Christmas cake for the holidays
One family of five brothers and sisters we specifically remember as being placed there ten years ago by child protective services. The youngest came to visit me three years ago. He is married and has his own family now. He said he will always remember the Christmas Party at our church in Port Lavaca and how it was something all of the kids looked forward to…touring around the sights of Port Lavaca, the chemical plants, Indianola and Magnolia Beach…then… pizza, presents…songs and Santa.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story of people touching the lives of others at Christmastime.

Russell and Cherre Cain
Grace Episcopal Church at 213 E. Austin in Port Lavaca, TX 77979

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