“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Democrats and “Democracy”?

There are three major points necessary for any “Democracy” to succeed, or even to survive: Secure Borders. Honest Elections, and Equality Before the Law.

04/02/2018, Newton, Mass., District Judge Shelley M. Joseph was conducting a hearing on Jose Medina-Perez, arrested on “a drug charge”. She, the Prosecutor, and Defense Attorney had a sidebar conference, all wanting to release Medina-Perez pending trial. Newton is a Sanctuary City, and there was an ICE detainer attached to the case, and an ICE Agent in the Courtroom. And Mr. Medina-Perez also had a Fugitive Warrant for drunk driving in Pennsylvania, and had been previously deported in 2003 and 2007. He also had 2 known aliases. The 3 decided to release him anyway. The Judge forbade the ICE agent access to the Detention Area, and when Medina-Perez was moved there he was shown to a back door and allowed to climb a fence and escape.

Sanctuary City “rules” are Illegal immigrants will not be held solely on “Immigration Status violations”. Interfering with an ICE agent by denying him access & releasing the the subject is a violation. Releasing the subject when he was a ‘known flight risk’ is also a violation of normal procedure. And PA had “dibs” on him for the DWI. Why would a Judge and 2 attorneys “Willfully, Knowingly’ & Intentionally” conspire to break several laws? I suspect the Triumph of Lib-Prog Ideology and rabid Anti-Trumpism over greatly diminished Common Sense, Respect for the Law, and their Oaths as attorneys and Officers of the Court. All should be fired and permanently disbarred.

Elections by citizens are a standard in Traditional Democracies, but being perverted here. As I reported last month registering Non-Citizens to vote is becoming “almost standard” in some “Democrat Party” States and Counties. Ballot security and counting has become a joke. In Broward County, 83,000 ballots were “discovered” 2 days after the polls closed. The Broward Count Supervisor of Elections Office has a long history of corruption and fraud. Brenda Snipes was appointed when the previous Supervisor was removed for Fraud. She had numerous charges (14?) of vote fraud/ tampering against her going into the 2018 elections. It is good to be the one counting the votes if you want to hold an Elected Office. In disputes over Provisional ballots by known Non-citizens, Democrat Party attorneys insist they be counted. How can this be? California is a hot-bed of “Vote Harvesting” by Dem-Soc Activists. Having easy access to “Absentee Ballots” and Mail-In Ballots is an invitation to Fraud.

Why should States that try to have honest Elections, tolerate Congress seating representatives in Congress elected by fraud and non-citizens? And representatives apportioned by numbers including Criminal Invaders? Criminal Invaders that are systematically protected by Left-wing Marxists that now openly declare their intent to overthrow our Constitutional Republic? And replace it with what? Subjugation to a One World Govt that wants to criminalize even the criticism of “the Human Right of Mass Migration”? The UN passed a “Non-Binding Resolution”, on 12/10/18, against the objections of 16 nations, for “Mass Migration is a Human Right”. It was approved by 160 member nations. Estimates say some 250 million people are “migrants”, or want to be. There will be another vote 12/19, then “after they pass it, we can see what’s in it”. Our Media is not saying much, but with weak enforcement of ridiculously loose laws, and a lush Welfare State, the USA will be the prime target.

Our Media is overwhelmed by claims of radical Dem-Socs that Trump will be impeached, but their charges have been proven false. The Cohen/Stormy pay-off was a legal “Non-Disclosure Agreement”, and proven Trump paid out of his personal money, NOT Campaign Funds. In the last 10 years, over $17 million in Taxpayer funds has been paid out by Congress in “Hush Money” for actual “Sexual Abuse Crimes” by members, mostly Democrats. I think the Voters need a complete accounting for that! The Dems may vote an Article of Impeachment, but without any real charge or evidence, winning a conviction in the Senate trial is ludicrously unlikely, but provides endless false propaganda. American Voters are understanding this, those that don’t speak English and don’t care, not so much. The Dems are not paying attention to Equality Before the Law, only their Agenda. If we don’t fix the Broken Immigration Policy there will not be a “Secure Democratic Election” in 2020.

35 comments for “The Way I See It… by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


What a bunch of hooey.

For over 200 years we’ve had a world class Democracy, without border walls. THAT is proven success. So no, we do not need “secure borders” to have a successful Democracy. We’ve been so successful, people who don’t live in Democracies are willing to relocate to share ours. There’s no finite limit of Democracy, you can’t have too many people who want to live in a Democracy. It’s a limitless commodity that we have the key to running successfully. That key is called the Constitution.

Your time is being wasted on this struggle to change the world to your way of thinking, Bill. Peace be to you. Enjoy your family.

December 21st, 2018 at 10:00 am

“In the last 10 years, over $17 million in Taxpayer funds has been paid out by Congress in “Hush Money” for actual “Sexual Abuse Crimes” by members, mostly Democrats.”

Prove it. You can’t because it’s not true. I know of a local guy though, Blake Farenthold, Republican, remember him? He was the Congressman for this area who had to resign last April for sexual something-something payouts from that fund, and was going to pay it back but never did? He’s still living off the taxpayer’s tit in Port Lavaca.

December 21st, 2018 at 10:10 am

You know who are not elected Bill? The nuts who espouse this garbage in order to excite the political fringe. They are not elected, and have less voice than an elected representative from the other 49 united states. But go ahead and give their position more power, I’ll stick with the ones who ran for office and WON. Not the losers who just sit on the sidelines and complain.

December 21st, 2018 at 11:20 am

If you are a Christian and donating to a wall instead of charities that help relieve the suffering of homeless Vets, kids with cancer, animals in peril, or a thousand other humanitarian options, shame on you.

Please reread your bible and examine your life choices. Bring back Christ in Christmas, not hatred of your fellow man.

Jesus approved this message.

December 22nd, 2018 at 9:30 am
Bill Brayshaw

Here is a list of the number of offenses and payouts per year. But do not name the individuals. John Conyers was a Biggie.

December 24th, 2018 at 9:49 am
Bill Brayshaw

At least this is bipartisan. This will reveal all in the last 20 years at lest, if past and HONESTLY implimented. Over the years the it has run about 4 dems/ Repub of ones I could find. Info has been shutdown recently.

December 24th, 2018 at 9:59 am
Bill Brayshaw

Americans were rightfully outraged when they learned that members of Congress had used taxpayer dollars to pay settlement claims to alleged victims of sexual harassment.

They were even more outraged when they saw the numbers. The secret payouts for harassment claims, of which there have been more than 200, amounted to more than $17 million. There’s no telling so far how much of that money went to silence sexual assault accusers.

December 24th, 2018 at 10:07 am

Your links FAIL to prove your assertions. It’s a bunch of guesses and weird math.
Let’s evaluate, you are offering crackpot websites to confirm crackpot theories. It’s not real.

December 26th, 2018 at 7:37 am
Bill Brayshaw

My ‘Assertions” are based on over 4 decades of observation. The Records of the Congressional Shush Fund are sealed. Will Nancy Pelosi allow them to be published? There are many on both sides demanding it.
One reason that Dems outnumber using it is Dems will deny and fight charges. Repubs just resign if faced with anything embarrassing, true or not, real or imaginary. They have seen what happens to people like Clarence Thomas for even making complements or telling jokes.

December 26th, 2018 at 10:10 am
Bill Brayshaw

The real problem in Govt has two major but related points. Since Christmas is over, I will try again to explain them to you, so that even a Democrat can understand.
!. The Left Dems Hate Trump and must destroy him to protect the “Progressive Gains” in big govt and to stop the exposure of continuous Cover-ups for Lib-Prog criminal acts and conspiracies to further their Agenda, and then Hillary’s refusal to obey laws. They hate, fear, loath him and threat he represents to the point they are willing to use and risk all their power to destroy him. And if they have to damage our Nation and people, destroy our economy, create riot and revolution to do it, they are willing and organized to do it! They hate Trump much more than they love America. They have so violated their Oaths to the Constitution in the past, that the Constitution is meaningless to them anymore.
2. Is more complicated. The Democrat Party was taken over by “Liberals” during the FDR Admin. Traditional Liberals are ideologues, sometimes to a dangerous extent, but basically Constitutional and pro-American ideologues. The problem is they were infiltrated by Progressives. And Those Progressives were much more Marxist than anything else, much less “Constitutional”. As the ‘Progs” gained power, they claimed to be The Liberals, or what Conservatives call “Libs”, and in their constant leftward (Marxist) shift, have broken entirely away from Traditional Liberalism.
One of the “Holy Writs” of Traditional Liberalism id Free Speech. If speech is somehow ‘offensive’ to social or political views, the more it needs protecting. Free Speech to Progs means protecting anything that is offensive to Christians, Conservatives or Capitalists, but labeling ANYTHING that they don’t like as “Hate Speech” and and the endless list of labels they use: Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, now Xenophobic, Nationalist, Euro-Centric, whatever.
Anything that conflicts with their idea of Socialist, Globalist, “Save-the-Planet”, or “Save-the-Whatever-of-the-Day” Agenda is automatically against Political Correctness, and now labelled “Hate Speech”.
Protecting the borders, reducing crime, protecting Citizens, honest elections, honest money, free enterprise, and all personal liberties are not absolute responsibilities but Political Pawns to be used to further the Agenda! And to DESTROY any “Enemies” that Threaten the Agenda, or the Party & it’s Power. Whether Constitutional or not. And whether approved by the Citizens or not. Or whether good for the Nation or not. They are now in a campaign to condemn, marginalize, demonize and even criminalize the concept of “Nationalism” and the Nation-State.
“No Borders, No Nations, F*** your Deportations” is a current battle-cry of the “Libs” taken over by “Progs” that are actually Marxist International Totalitarians that used to be called “Communists”.

December 26th, 2018 at 10:58 am
Bill Brayshaw

To understand the current “Democrat Party”, you must understand the Fabian Socialists or ‘soft Marxists’, that also called themselves “Progressives”, for their plan to Progressively institute a Marxist Govt in England America to eventually rule the world using Marxist principles and Dictatorship by the Intellectual Elite. Progressive sounds so good and THEY are the Intellectual Elite, of course.
They are the “Progressives”. They have been telling each other how smart and how “right” THEY are for over a century, and everyone else that won’t agree with them & their Agenda is a “Regressive”or “Reactionary”, and therefor dumb, repugnant, bad, even evil and must be destroyed.
Propaganda. And works more on the followers than anyone else. That is why they appear so incredibly illogical, mule-headed, and plain dumb to us – because they are victimized by their Propaganda to the point that it is a substitute for reality.
The additional problem is the Radicalization of the Left. Just as the Traditional Liberals of the 20th century replaced the liberalism Of Thomas Jefferson, the Libs were replaced by the Progs as the Avtivist elements went further left. Where Traditional Libs were Pro-American and Capitalist, simply because The USA was the best govt in the world and Capitalism raised more people out of poverty and misery than any other economic system. But in the 60s & 70s the Activist were becoming more “Hard-Core” Marxist, embraced Maoism,and hedonism; rejected any Christianity, morality, individual responsibility, and ambition. Total dependence on the State as “Mommy”.
Those “activists” became the political leaders and College Professors of today. Their Drug and ‘Marxist Theology’-addled philosophy has morphed into the “Save-the- ____ Mentality” and twisted into “Guilt” if they don’t, and they must follow the Current Truth of Political Correctness like a Religion or they “go to Hell” of rejection by their peers. The Hippie Professors have created the Snowflakes. The political Lemmings descended from the Sheeple.
It is Irresponsibility that has metastasized into Insanity. Both personal and political!

December 26th, 2018 at 11:35 am
Bill Brayshaw

To save time and effort I’ll copy/paste a comment I made earlier today in a conversation about the current Party, and their propaganda about the Border, 2 children dying, and the Govt shut-down.

“It is the Party & Power mind-set. Anything and everything is seen through that prism on “How can this benefit Party & Power?”
The End Justifies the Means!.
And their Libtard followers are too brainwashed and stupid to see that their “End” is Political Dominance over all and everything. Totalitarianism by “bureaucracy” and Regulations written by “Committees”.
Power corrupts, Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely!
And that is what they want, the power to prevent you from even speaking out about Their Corruption in all things. Or even to think about questioning the corruption, inhumane control, immorality, and the the incredible defiance of God, Natural Law, and logic in all their actions.”
Is it ugly to state it so bluntly? Yes. But is it Hate Speech? Is to a Prog because they have been conditioned to see it “Through the Prism”. Unpleasant (to them) Truth is automatically hate speech because they “hate it”.

December 26th, 2018 at 11:45 am

Go ahead and speak, old man, my job is to point out the craziness of which you speak. With backup from neutral sources.

“Corruption, inhumane control, immorality, and the incredible defiance of God, Natural Law [whatever that means] and logic in all their actions” best describes this Presidency.

Truth isn’t hate speech, hate speech is hate speech. And you still haven’t proven your points, you’ve just spent time ranting away……

December 26th, 2018 at 12:07 pm
Bill Brayshaw

There was a discussion on the Identical Tweets of Schumer & Pelosi on Trump.
“It’s Christmas Eve and President @RealDonaldTrump is plunging the country into chaos. The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve- after he just fired the Secretary of Defense.”
Curiously they hated Mattis before (even though he was a Democrat), They applauded Obama firing him as CentCom because he wanted to DEFEAT ISIS! They were against “Mad-dog Mattis” as SecDef, but because he decide to leave (possibly to run for Prez in 2020)now they love him?
In answer to several questions about the identical Tweets and similar Headlines in the Propaganda media, I wrote:

“The force of Propaganda is in the repetition. The constant “reinforcement” that Trump is “Bad!’, “plunging the country into chaos”, “personal war with the FED”.
Trump is bad, because he fights against Prog take over of all Federal Power by Obama/Clinton. He (not them) is “plunging the country into CHAOS”, when CHAOS is a stated goal of the Far Left as a major step to power. “Chaos” is straight out of Alinsky and Cloward-Pivens.
And Trump is at “War” with the FED; not the FED is at War with Trump to the point of willfully and intentionally destroying ‘investment wealth’, damaging the economy, and American peoples lives for the reason of protecting the Swamp & empower the Dem-Socs power-grab.
They invert the real blame. Transference.
In a way they are telling Trump and America, “We wouldn’t have to do all these bad things to the people, if Trump and everybody will just do as WE want!”.

The FED has added about $500 Billion/annually to the Federal Debt, totally unnecessarily because there is no increase in inflation, but to punish Trump and his Pro-America Policy regarding Border Defense and especially Tariffs. Both are things the Globalists hate. The FED is Swamp, and the most powerful tool the Swamp & Globalists have to destroy any President that resistes THEIR Agenda. Also after 8 years of ZERO interest to prop up Obama the Global Socialist Prez, they want the “Bankster’s Harvest” of charging interest on “Debt-Money” they created out of nothing but computer entry.

December 26th, 2018 at 12:12 pm

“No Borders, No Nations, F*** your Deportations” is not a battle cry that the Democrats are using, honey. They just aren’t.

I’ve come to the realization that you speak from a deep FEAR of the world, and find comfort in defining it how it fits best with your world view. Sadly, your fear keeps you from experiencing the reality of the world, you see everyone who doesn’t agree with you as an enemy, and feel larger, bigger, righter when you tear them down with ugly words. It’s sad that you have a platform in an otherwise lovely town paper, I’ve rarely commented on other writer’s except to compliment what they’ve written. But your world view of FEAR of the “others” is not healthy. And it does not represent the majority of POC, of that I am certain.
Good luck, and maybe discuss with your doctor a prescription of anti-anxiety and depression meds.

December 26th, 2018 at 12:33 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re;14 SMH,
Your “sources” are consistently nothing but More of The Same from the Lib/Prog Propaganda Machine.
Next you will be quoting ‘Mother Jones’.
Think about what is happening.
You want to flood the country with dependent, diseased, socialist-leaning, low skill/education/intelligence people because Pelosi & Shumer don’t like the word “Wall”? Or because you want all those dependent, low info people to Vote… Dem-Soc? Or to provide cheap labor to Robber Barons and suppress wages for Americans? Or simply to destroy the Trump Economy because he is making Obama look like the total IDIOT he is?
If you are the successful business person you claim, you are “running dumb crazy”, ignorant of political history, or brainwashed to the point of suicide. You may think you are part of The Elite Insiders Club because you give them donations or try to parrot their destruction of civilization, but you are not!
Like the Soviets and the Kulaks, you are just a “rich Peasant” to be taxed out of existence as soon as they get the POWER to do so.
Or you are simply a Troll? With nothing but insults and false accusations. Bye!

December 26th, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Re; Denial of “No Borders. No Nations,”
From almost two years ago https://dailycaller.com/2017/01/29/the-left-goes-all-in-on-open-borders/
July 3, 2018 https://www.creators.com/read/pat-buchanan/07/18/the-liberal-stampede-to-abolish-ice
There are many sites on Facebook and Twitter, but I refuse to use either. Anyone who uses the Internet has seen the stories and pics that I can’t post here at many Anti-Trump rallys put on by Dems.

December 26th, 2018 at 1:56 pm

LOL that bill was introduced over a year ago and even with Democrat support did not even get presented for a vote in the Republican held Senate and House. Totally up to the majority. But they didn’t. Why don’t you ask Mitch and the former Rep from Wisconsin, what’s his name.

Got anything that’s maybe this year?

December 26th, 2018 at 5:21 pm

Bill rather than let you put words in my mouth I am going to insist that you show in my posting history where I have ever called for flooding the country with undocumented illegal immigrants. Please cite date and comment, or else admit you are lying about what I have called for in my comments previously.

You call me running dumb crazy and ignorant. I call you a LIAR.

December 26th, 2018 at 5:26 pm

I just have to point out that interest rates are not a function of inflation. Interest rates are determined by risk (as when a government becomes less fiscally or politically stable), demand (like when a country hits a $1 trillion deficit) and supply (when most of your borrowing comes from external money like China). In a free market economy that is all up to the market, not the Fed. The Fed reacts to these factors (as well as growth projections and other data) to determine what the short term lending rate is to banks. The Fed consists of multiple experts who serve on the board and decisions are not based on the whim of will of one person. This has kept our economy from flying off the wheel many times.

December 28th, 2018 at 6:20 am

The Treasury, on the other hand is charged with the issuance of debt to cover the country’s expenses. These monies are spent at the will and agreement of Congress and the President. Funding $1 trillion of government debt is a little more complicated than funding a car loan, but the underlying relationship is the same. Lenders are looking for a high credit score (political and fiscal stability) and a profit (interest rate) that compensates them, hopefully for at least as much as they could make from investing their capital in some other fund or stock. The Treasury doesn’t decide what model car the government buys, they just have to be certain the money is there to buy it. The great thing is, as the stock market goes down more people look at the rising interest rates and move their money to bonds (or bank CD’s), providing more lending market liquidity and earning a higher return on their savings.

December 28th, 2018 at 8:04 am
Karla B.

Wow! Your rabid left-wing hatred is showing. You mostly always call Mr. Brayshaw all kinds of names because that is what lefties do, but this article really tripped your trigger. Not the name calling so much, but the childishness that has taken over the left. “YOUR ‘crackpot’ sites are bad. MY sites are good. YOU are a liar, I am not!” Get a grip, girl. That kind of foolishness only proves you are a lefty, and we already knew that!

You say ‘For over 200 years we’ve had a world class Democracy, without border walls. THAT is proven success.’ The founding fathers would be astounded. We were NEVER intended to be a ‘democracy’. That was the whole point of founding a Democratic Republic. I guess democrats or liberals or whatever you are, kinda threw that part of history away. It amazes me how much you brag on your smarts and your business prowess and how stupid and old Mr. Brayshaw is, but your stupidity shows up in all your comments. You are just like all the rest of the libbies, they have no idea how totally foolish they sound when they get up on their soap boxes and expound their ridiculous notions of how ‘our democracy, and our constitution are supposed to be upheld’. Do you ever re-read what you write on here?

Believing anything at all that SNOPES says just shows your naivety. Talk about ‘crackpot’ sites. And even I thought you were much smarter than that. Oh well, wrong again. The fund for getting Congress Critters ‘out of their sexual harassment accusations’ has been all over the news, but of course if it is not YOUR news, it has to be a lie I guess. Don’t you see how foolish that attitude is? No? Okay. Of course we all know about Blake Farhenthold. He was a pretty fair representative for this district but a bit of a ‘pitiful person’. He did nothing remotely close to what your beloved Bill Clinton did for most of his political career, but his begging for attention was his downfall, and he is gone.

“I’ll stick with the ones who ran for office and WON. Not the losers who just sit on the sidelines and complain.” Who are you talking about? Trump? Cruz? Abbott? You obviously didn’t want Trump to win, and you probably got all excited over Beto, and yes we all know Obama is grooming Beto for the presidency in 2020. Good luck with that, or maybe it IS! If he actually somehow won the nomination it would be s shoo-in for Trump! YES!! Plus Abbott won again and hopefully Abbott will run for either Cornyn’s or Cruz’s senate seat. You probably would have preferred Wendy Davis as governor.

You are a laugh a minute, SMH! Once again you lefties are ALWAYS right. If Mr. Brayshaw wants to donate money to keep the country safe from drugs, criminals and diseases that we had once irradiated, by having a WALL to keep them out, and NOT to dying children, poor furry animals, or other charities that YOU deem worthy, then HE is supposed to be ashamed. You lefties are amazing. We are supposed to get all upset and inflamed when you shout out all of our terrible transgressions, but it doesn’t really work that way. It just shows exactly how hateful and bigoted YOU guys are. We are not as stupid as the media you love, makes us out to be. Sorry.

You are just like all the rest of the lefties. You don’t care about educating anyone into really trying to understand your points of view, you only care about disagreeing with everything and seeing if you can get under their skin. It has been obvious since the beginning that Mr. Brayshaw is trying to educate people who are not sure about exactly what is happening in the news, but you lefties are going to disagree even to your own detriment. The WALL is a perfect example. You can call anyone who wants the WALL a bigot, or a racist or whatever name is your favorite to call them that week. It doesn’t make it even remotely true. Having non citizens sucking up all the resources and thus leaving our own poorer citizens to do without is NOT altruistic at all. It is just plain stupid. Why are lefties always so much more concerned about people and children everywhere, but HERE?

December 28th, 2018 at 11:26 pm

Karla good of you to stick up for the boyfriend. Mr Brayshaw spreads lies about other people, that is the definition of a liar. Go ahead and check the dictionary of you don’t believe me.

Please show where I called Mr. Bradshaw a racist or bigot. I do feel that a policy of only supporting immigration reform via a southern wall is wrong when that is strictly dedicated to keeping impoverished people of comprehensive there is an even larger border of middle class white people who cross illegally too. Whatever.

I was raised in the anti=communist 60’s when we welcomed seekers of Democracy and gave them safety. I was raised to believe that love and freedom are an unlimited commodity, only limited by those who hate and want control. In other words, it is a choice we make for ourselves.

There’s a sad lesson here about poor people fighting over the scraps. I’m sorry Karla that you feel like giving to someone else takes away from what you should receive. It’s not really a good Christian thing to do, but maybe you are not a believer of Jesus. Maybe this is all just Karma visiting you and Mr.Bill.

Have fun on date night!

December 29th, 2018 at 8:17 am

Karla, a few corrections. Farenthold is not gone. He is earning $160,000 from the tax funded government entity in Port Lavaca. A job previously not open for citizens of the region that he received without bid or comment. Also, breaking several laws regarding the awarding of such contracts.

Blake Farenthold is still working for taxpayers. Blake Farenthold did not pay the taxpayers backfor the settlement

December 29th, 2018 at 8:38 am

Mr. Bradshaw can donate to who he wants. I never said he couldn’t. I object to people labeling themselves Christian when they give to a hateful cause. A cause opposed by clergy world wide.

December 29th, 2018 at 8:41 am

Also Karla, I opposed the tax cut because I know ultimately it was an end move to make cutbacks to SS and Medicare. They were already teeing up the verbage before the midterms. They had to change a lot of that messaging during the midterms or risk losing even more seats.

How would an increase in your Part B hurt? What if they made you sell your home to get to a poverty level to qualify for health care? What kind of part time jobs can a 78 year old work to help make ends meet?

When the deficit continues in the Trillion dollar range and as interest rates go higher, siphoning off even more of the budget, these are the questions you will face in your 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Me, I’m 54 and am planning accordingly.

December 29th, 2018 at 8:51 am

Kind of reminds me of that humongous house going up on Martin Dr behind the Port L VFW. Sticks out from the other houses like a sore thumb. But it is a sign of the times. Before you know it there will be 10 of them. Sellers got a profit, county gets more, taxes,everyone’s property values improve around it. Win, win, win.

December 29th, 2018 at 9:00 am
Karla B.

You said about: “In the last 10 years, over $17 million in Taxpayer funds has been paid out by Congress in “Hush Money” for actual “Sexual Abuse Crimes” by members, mostly Democrats.”

“Prove it. You can’t because it’s not true.”

Well, yes it is, like it or not.


I doubt you will like this part of it either,

” Members of Congress have paid their sexual harassment victims more than $17 million in settlements, using taxpayer money, since the 1990s. And as part of the process, Congress passed a bill and Bill Clinton signed it into law which prevents the public from ever knowing which Representatives and Senators did this.”

Since you probably still think this is not true, you could probably look up that bill that Clinton signed… it has to be available for public consumption somewhere on here.

December 30th, 2018 at 10:20 pm

Sorry Karla. $17 million is the about paid for all claims, including those that were non=sexual employment violations. Or as Breitbart puts it “sexual and otherwise”. So no, it was not all for sexual harassment claims.
Riddle me this, Karla B, Republicans held the majority for the last two years, why didn’t they remove the cloak? Hmmm?

December 31st, 2018 at 5:41 am
Bill Brayshaw

To Karla:
Thank you for support, but you are wasting your time trying to talk “common-sense” to a Prog Activist.
The Trump Haters and Dem-Socs in love with their theories are willing to destroy our Nation with Mass Immigration if that is what it takes for Their Party to regain Power. She will twist any common-sense argument into what ever knots to avoid the truth and bog you down in false details.
Maybe she is paid a nickel/word by Soros and OFA.
But in the end, all her arguments, blathering, and insults prove my point – Democrats only care about regaining power, not American Citizens. Destroying our nation, Constitution, culture, and economy is simply a tactic to get “the votes” necessary, “By Any Means Necessary”, to get their crazies back into power. Then their power will be used to further their agenda of Globalization, Big Govt, and saddling the Middle-Class Americans with bill, while destroying our economy for their “Green Energy” and socialist experiments.

December 31st, 2018 at 9:26 am
Bill Brayshaw

Destroy everything Trump has accomplished. Destroy the Energy Industry and our new source of trade power, reduce everyone’s standard of living while raising the price of electricity, losing jobs, and stopping individual mobility.Great plan, from The New Face of The Democrt Party, Ms Occluded-Cortex.

December 31st, 2018 at 9:33 am

All is lost. Did I get that projection right? Hope you find something you enjoy in life in 2019. This stuff will kill you.

January 1st, 2019 at 8:29 am
Untitled Document