Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments

This is the year that we have been looking for – Jesus may come back to take us with Him to Heaven! We know He is coming soon – just do not know just when! But, we are working and praying until the day we hear the Trumpet Sound and are caught up in the air to meet the Lord!

We finished 2018 with a lot of exciting things happening! Hermana Angie did an excellent job in directing our children with a special Christmas program. We had several parents who do not regularly attend, come to see it. then we had the trailer filled with carolers who went around the community singing. They returned to the Chapel and to the bonfire for hot dogs and marshmallows. It was truly an evening to remember. We had our annual All Church Christmas Party and, as usual, it was a very fun time for all. Christmas is a special time at the Chapel because we celebrate it all month long!

January is beginning where December left off with a lot of activities. We celebrated Pastor Joane’s birthday with a grand fellowship meal. It is always a great time when we get to taste others’ recipes and enjoy a time of visiting. We live in such a busy world that often we just greet people and never take time to share our lives with them. Our fellowship meals are times when we are not in any hurry, but enjoy each other’s company!

On Sunday afternoon, January 13, we said our “Good-byes” to our special friend and fellow worshipper, Mike Gonzales. The last Sunday of 2018, Mike got dressed to come to the Chapel, but his strength would not allow him to make it. He loved coming to church and  especially enjoyed our Men’s Breakfasts – especially the “special recipe gravy”. To say he will be greatly missed would be a great understatement! He is helping to get everything ready for our joining him very soon! Our prayers are for his many friends and large family that the comfort of the Holy Spirit be theirs.

Pastor Joane and I are in Halletsville this weekend to help “set the church in order”. The Chapel has had a part in the formation of this church, which has grown from nothing to now ready to take full authority for their own business. They have purchased and paid for their property, have bought a “starter building” and now are in the process of raising funds to construct their main church building. Pastor Jr. and Bobbye are doing an excellent job. Both quit their jobs in another community, sold their home, and relocated to Hallettsville to plant this church. God has been good because they have put their hearts into this project. Congratulations are in order for this lovely couple and their congregation. In our absence, Pastor Jesse will be taking care of the Chapel.

Captain Robert has announced that the first class of 2019 here in Port O’Connor will begin on February 22. All interested perspective Captains should make contact with him as soon as possible to be ready to receive their Coast Guard Certification. He can be reached at 361/758-6184. This is the 20th year that we have offered the classes at the Chapel and many have received their certifications here. Go, Captain Robert!

On February 10, twenty-four years ago, we began Fisherman’s Chapel! The community has certainly changed a lot, and we also have grown in our relationship with the Lord. I trust I will never forget that first summer when we walked every street in this community and left a card with everyone we could find, inviting them to the Chapel. I knew nothing about the area except that the Lord had called me here to start this church! I have no idea how many people have helped us in some way in the formation of this church, but Heaven has kept an accurate record! One day the King of Glory will reward every effort that has been expended to help spread the Good News in this community. Should Jesus delay His Return, I hope to be preaching His Word for many more years. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of Port O’Connor!

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