Seadrift Chamber Plans a Busy Year by Tanya DeForest

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - Comments Off on Seadrift Chamber Plans a Busy Year by Tanya DeForest

Chamber President Cindy Alford with member Harrom Napp, who will be project manager for the Seadrift Museum/Visitors Center

Chamber President Cindy Alford with member Harrom Napp, who will be project manager for the Seadrift Museum/Visitors Center

Seadrift’s Chamber of Commerce is going “gang busters” with twenty-eight new members to tackle the new year. The newly elected president, Cindy Alford, and the Chamber are ready to go! Their bucket list includes:

1. Complete restoration of Seadrift’s Visitor/Museum Center
2.Repairing Seadrift’s SportsPlex
3. A new sign for the Chamber on Hwy 185

Go, Chamber, Go!

By the way, the Chamber will be hosting the 2019 Shrimpfest June 7 & 8. There will be lots of new activities as well as “bringing back the old.”

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