Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 19 - Comments Off on Service Club Spotlight by Sam Burnett

Are you a full or part-time Port O’Connor resident interested in giving back to our community? If so, please consider attending our next Service Club meeting (see below). The Port O’Connor Community Service Club is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Port O’Connor community by providing support and funds for programs and events for the betterment of this community. You would be a welcome addition to our group!

Upcoming Events:

Garage Sale: Every month, the Service Club ladies meet to sort and price current donations in order to be as prepared as possible when sale time arrives, and it will be here soon! Mark your calendars for the Fall Garage & Bake Sale scheduled for SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at the Community Center. We also want to remind you about changes to garage sale policies announced last month:


1) We can no longer accept ANY of the following items:
• Televisions
• Computers & Similar/Related Electronic items
(small appliances that still work such as toasters or coffee pots can still be accepted)
• Telephones
• Mattresses
• Pillows

2) All FURNITURE items must be inspected before we can accept them for the Garage Sale. To arrange an inspection, please contact Donna Vuichard or Marie Hawes (or any Service Club member, who can help put you in touch with Donna or Marie).

Christmas Luncheon: The annual Christmas Seniors Luncheon will be held at the Community Center on Friday, December 6. Plans are well underway for this, so mark your calendars and plan to join us for a bit of an “old-fashioned Christmas” with a delicious meal and fun entertainment!

POC Service Club’s next meeting: Thursday, September 5 at 10 a.m. at the Community Center (enter through the door at the rear of the building). Meetings are about 1 hour. Note that in September, the Service Club resumes its first and third Thursday meeting schedule, so if you can’t make it on September 5, join us on September 19!

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