You Heard It From The Dolphin…

Archived in the category: General Info, You Heard It From the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Mar 20 - Comments Off on You Heard It From The Dolphin…

I hardly knew how to put together this issue of the Dolphin. We have news of events to come, and then this one is cancelled and then that one is cancelled. Then everything is cancelled. Everyone is panic-buying; people are warned to stay away from each other. Many are afraid to go to work or were told to stay home. The world as we know it has been turned upside down. I don’t get it and I don’t like it! This old lady is teetering on the edge of the “conspiracy theory universe”.

Anyway, let’s just plow along and do our best under the circumstances. Hopefully everything will get back to, not normal. but better than normal. Here is my un-asked for advice:

“Trust in the Lord and use your common sense.”

Thank you for reading the Dolphin Talk.

Joyce Rhyne, Editor


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