Port O’Connor’s “Lil’ Sprouts” by Sarah Washburn

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 May 20 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor’s “Lil’ Sprouts” by Sarah Washburn

Despite the current school shut, down the Port O’Connor Lil’ Sprouts Learning Garden still blooms with all the children’s hopes for a brighter future.

A few weeks ago the Port O’Connor School’s Lil” Sprout’s gardening program was dealt a blow and their garden shed had collapsed. So many things have happened since and life got away from me and I hadn’t found the time to update everyone on the progress of the situation, until now.

Originally the program was started when POC 5th grade teacher Lea Ann Ragusin applied for a small educational grant to build a Learning Garden. She wanted to teach the increasingly rare art of growing your own vegetables, educate students on the myriad of beneficial and nutritional values of veggies and even introduce them to some they’ve never even heard of. There was so much science, nature and passion behind it, of course she got her grant.

After their first successful crop The Lil’ Sprouts held a mini Farmers Market in front of the school. Word got out quickly and they were sold out in a flash! All the monies were then turned back around and reinvested in more seed and supplies for the next crop. The program was a great success and the children were learning and growing so quickly. Some students even volunteered to stay after school to help weed and turn the garden beds. Once the second Farmer’s Market sale was complete the children unanimously decided to donate their funds to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital to help families afford medical care for their children, and also to honor former POC student afflicted by cancer, Miss Carly Rosenboom. It’s always been said the teachers at this school were truly amazing but I’m inclined to think the children are as well.

It wasn’t but a few days afterwards that the Lil’ Sprouts lost their small garden shed to a wind storm. As a parent and big fan of the teacher and the program, I put out the call to our tiny community asking for help in building a new one. Within the first two hours of posting on Facebook we were overwhelmed with support! A kind benefactor offered to float the whole project and a couple others immediately sent checks to the school. The next day there was a knock at my door with more donations as well. I even met a lady in Dollar General, visiting from Louisiana, who saw the post, loved the idea of the program and insisted on donating. Plants and supplies began coming in from all our beloved community members over the next two weeks. The children were so excited! I feigned surprise when my own child came home and ecstatically told me all about how his entire community had come together and they were going to get a new shed! He was so proud.
Within a few days, fellow parent and contractor Gilbert Carilles donated his time and skill set to building the shed of the students’ dreams. The new 12X8 shed would have tons of shelves, storage and was given clear fiberglass roofing so it could double as a greenhouse. To quote my own child, “It’s so cool and huuuuge!”

Port O’Connor School, teachers, staff and students would like to thank the following for all they have done and provided to help make their program a success: Francis Alexander, Marie & Robbie Hawes, Janice Stadler, Donna Morris, Gilbert Carilles and Family, The Thomas Family, Calhoun County 4H and so many more who anonymously donated and dropped off various plants. (Please let me know if I left anyone out.)

Thank you for being Port O’Connor Strong and more importantly teaching our children how to come together in times of need.
“These are photos from when the shed was done and school was still in session. I am so proud of the kids donating the Farmers Market proceeds ($512) to St. Jude’s Hospital.”
-Lea Ann Ragusin

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