December is always such a busy time of year. Lots of events have been canceled or changed because of the virus, but there is still plenty to do if you are looking. Everyone wants to keep things as normal as possible, whatever that means to you! Masks, social distancing, and closed businesses are not normal, but we can still attend church events and Sunday school. God is good and we are so blessed to be living in Port O’Connor.
On Wednesday, December 16, First Baptist Church had another free drive through meal from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This time we served brisket sandwiches, beans, potato salad, slaw and dessert. Yum! Thanksgiving we gave out almost 85 meals in less than an hour!
Mark Sunday, December 20, 2020, on your calendar. Lots of special activities will be held by FBC. After Sunday school and church services, there will be a soup lunch held in our fellowship hall. There will be several kinds of soup, corn muffins and dessert. Everyone is invited.
Our 6:00 pm service will be a candlelight service and will be held at front beach. To worship under the stars, at the beach should be an awesome experience. The weatherman says it should be a beautiful night. Let’s see if he’s right. If not, the service will be held at the church. Afterwards we will be serving hot chocolate and cookies. Lots of food being prepared by FBC this holiday season! Please plan on joining us for this special event and all the others we are planning.
One of the cancellations, because of the virus, is our 2021 Sweetheart Banquet. This was to be our 25th celebration. If circumstances improve and people are venturing out again, we will hold it later in the year. A lot of planning and preparation go into this fun event every year. It’s already time to start working on it for February, believe it or not. That’s why we are announcing the postponement now. Hopefully, we will get to hold it before 2021 is over. If not, in 2022, we will hold our 25th anniversary of the banquet.
Another believe it or not is that we are already starting to collect for next year’s Shoe Box Project. When you are shopping those after Christmas sales, pick up items for the boxes. It was such a success this year because we spread it out over 12 months instead of just 2 or 3. And because the community really got behind the event, not just church members. Thank you, again, to everyone who contributed.
Remember that we are still able to gather together and worship as we please. Our country is going through such turmoil and upheaval that we need to be praying more than ever for so many reasons. Our church is not closed and we are waiting to welcome you to any of our functions. Besides the ones mentioned above, we have our regular Sunday and Wednesday services, Bible Studies, and Youth Activities. Come join us!
Merry Christmas!
Remember The Reason For The Season!