Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Apr 21 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Are you not thrilled that you were at the Port O’Connor Sunrise Service on Easter? The between 600 and 700 people who came were inspired by the singing, the great message by Pastor Miller, the delicious cinnamon rolls from our special Cathy’s Restaurant, the hot coffee, and the orange juice; all went together to make this Sunrise Service one of the best! When we came to Port O’Connor over 26 years ago, we wanted to see things that our community could participate in together and the Sunrise Service has exceeded our expectations! Thanks for your individual effort in making Easter a community event and special celebration!

It was a very eventful weekend. We picked up our oldest daughter, Crystal, at the Houston Airport on Friday evening, after watching a live-stream of the Passion Play at the Victoria’s Friendship Church. We had great services at the Chapel on Easter with Bible Study, Morning and Evening Services following the Sunrise, and all were well attended. Then on Monday and Tuesday, I was in Minister’s Board Meetings and Pastor Joane taught a ladies’ prayer group concerning “Intercessory Prayer”.

Of course, our year is not just made in one weekend, no matter how glorious the experience was. We will be hosting a couple from the San Antonio area on Friday through Sunday. On Saturday morning, we directed a Fellowship Meeting in LaGrange and Pastor Joane returned to Houston to teach some classes at a Rehabilitation Center. “Saving Grace” on Monday. Later that week, I will be hosting some special friends at our out-of-town get-away.

We are gearing up for a special Men’s Meeting on Friday evening, 7:00 p.m., April 30. There will be men from several communities in this area and our special speaker will be Evangelist Gene Summers. Everyone is welcomed, but it will be geared toward men. On the following morning, May 1, at 9:00 a.m., we will be hosting a Men’s Breakfast, featuring a “full meal deal”! We will have most of the Friday evening men present, so it is planned to be a very grand event. Again, there is not cost for the breakfast and all are welcomed!

Mother’s Day is always very unique at Fisherman’s Chapel each year. This year will be no exception. Every Mom present will be presented a special gift and I will be preaching the Mother’s Day message. Now, I have not done this service for several years, so I am working very hard to have such a special message that it is memorialized for years to come!

The week following Mother’s Day is going to also be very special for me. At our District Meeting in Houston, I will be receiving a special pin commemorating my 50 years as an Ordained Minister. I know that most of our readers know I will also be celebrating my “29th Birthday” again – so I am not sure just how this “new math” works! Pastor Joane and I are also planning to attend Pastor James McNatt’s College Graduation in Dallas from Christ for the Nations.
We do not get much of a break from that very busy week, but the following one, on Wednesday, May 19, we will be hosting our missionary friends, Jason and Lindsay Goldberry, who are excited about moving to the nation of Chile to minister. All will want to come and support these special youth as they begin a lifetime of missionary ministry.

Who told you that all we preachers do is preach one weekly? Or is it weakly? We are very busy trying to help people everywhere know that Jesus is our Answer! What ever our questions are, Jesus is Our Answer!

We are planning to serve breakfast tacos for our Warriors on Saturday, May 27. We hear that over 200 soldiers are coming, so it will take all of us working together to accomplish this great task! To get it all done, we will meet on Friday, May 21, at 6:00 p.m. for our “Egg Cracking Party”. The breakfast will be served in the big tent at the Community Center at 7:00 a.m., so the tacos, coffee, and all the other trimmings must be ready! We have accomplished this task many times before and can do it again, but continue to need your commitment and help! Thanks for making our Warriors feel welcome!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation, which only means that everyone is welcomed, regardless of your previous affiliations or your lack of affiliations. Jesus is always Lord at the Chapel. All are welcome and you are urged to< “Come, grow with us!”

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