Port O’ Connor Service Club

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Dec 21 - Comments Off on Port O’ Connor Service Club

The Ladies of the POC Service Club had a very busy November and December with their successful Turkey Cook Off, Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Luncheon, and Farmers Markets!!! Our hats are off to all who have made the Club’s activities so successful, and we thank you for supporting us as we give back to the POC Community!! Please mark your calendars for our upcoming events!!

2nd Saturday of every month!! 8AM-Noon Farmer’s Market- Front Beach Pavilion. The Club will be selling their goods at their Booth at the Farmer’s Market, and appreciate your generous support!!

January 6, 2022: 10:00 AM Service Club Meeting POC Community Center
January 20, 2022: 10:00 AM Service Club Meeting POC Community Center

April 2, 2022: Spring Mega Garage Sale!! The Club continues to accept your generous donations of used household, decorative, and kitchen items; small appliances; clothing; shoes; toys; children’s and baby items; furniture; etc. For your convenience, we now have a “Donation Drop Box” located at the front of our Donation Center. If you would like to donate furniture, please call one of the ladies listed below, so that arrangements can be made. We cannot accept computers, electronics, mattresses, or microwaves!!!

Alane Haardt: 281-416-6028
Nancy Ladshaw: 830-832-0510
Marie Hawes: 361-920-2322
Nan Burnett: 832-276-5948

If you are interested in joining the Service Club, please visit us by attending one of our meetings. All community minded ladies are welcome!!
Submitted by Alane Haardt

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