The Cemetery Association had a meeting March 7 and elected new officers for 2022. They are: Sylvia Ragusin, President; Shirley Harper, Vice President; Marie Hawes. Secretary/Treasurer.
The upcoming Raffle was voted on for May 28 with the Bake Sale at King Fisher Beach and a Bake Sale at POC Hardware Store. Tickets for the raffle will be $5.00 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20.00.
We have a lot of awesome items including a custom made fire pit made by Henry Goode. If you wish to make any donations contact: Sylvia Ragusin 361-648-1954 or Shirley Harper 361-746-3108 or Marie Hawes 361-648-2322. Cash donations can be made to POC First National Bank c/o POC Cemetery.
Our next meeting will be March 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Port O’Connor Community Center. New members welcome!