Chamber Chat by Sue Glover

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Jan 23 - Comments Off on Chamber Chat by Sue Glover

The Port O’ Connor Chamber Board of Directors recently installed the new officers for the 2023 year. Darla Parker will serve as President, Dawn Ragusin as Vice-President, Sue Glover as Secretary and Brent Hart as Treasurer. Members include Mike Overton, Debbie Michalek, Terri McGuire, Belinda Bush, Steven Guevara, and Kimberly Lucas.

Our 2023 membership drive is underway, and we are planning our Member Appreciation Casino Night for February 24th at the Community Center. All Chamber members are invited to attend and enjoy the games and fellowship.

The Farmers Market will continue to be held the second Saturday of each month from 8:00-12:00 at the Kingfisher Beach Pavilion. The vendors will have homemade and homegrown products so don’t to forget to get out and support our neighbors. If you would like to participate you can find the vendor application and guidelines on the Chamber website under events, Farmers Market.

The Eleventh Annual Crawfish festival will be April 29th and we are currently accepting applications for sponsors, vendors, and cookers. We hope to make this year’s festival the best one yet so please get your information in early.

We welcome our new members for this month, Texas Style Cabinets and Xandra Ann Art, LLC. If you would like to join the chamber please visit our website at The chamber meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 at the meeting room at the Library. Our meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to get involved.

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