Diane Wilson Awarded Goldman Environmental Prize

Archived in the category: Announcements, General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jul 23 - Comments Off on Diane Wilson Awarded Goldman Environmental Prize

Environmentalist Diane Wilson of Seadrift received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in San Francisco on April 23, 2023 for her grass-roots activist work and environmental achievements.
She was the sole prize winner from North America along with six other environmentalists representing continents or regions from around the world. The prize winners were recognized in San Francisco, California and then traveled to Washington, D.C. to be honored again at the Kennedy Center. Wilson is known for winning the largest citizen lawsuit, $50 million, in the history of the U.S. Clean Water Act against Formosa Plastics for their role in polluting nearby waterways with plastic pellets (nurdles). Wilson is an example of what one person’s dedication and hard work can do to make a difference in their community and inspire others.

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