Spotlight on the Port O’ Connor Library

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 23 - Comments Off on Spotlight on the Port O’ Connor Library

Library News:
POC Library Hours: Phone Number: 361-983-4365
Sunday – Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
*Note: Closed for Thanksgiving holidays on November 23-25th
What are the advantages of having a library card? Ask Delilah Alford, winner of the Library Card Sign Up Month! She was thrilled with the wonderful basket that our Library Director, Dina Sanchez, made for her. With a library card, you get free access to books, movies, magazines, newspapers, study tools, Internet access, board games, and more. It’s the most valuable card in your wallet! Thank you to everyone that visited the Port O’Connor Library to get a library card.
Visit the Kids Corner and check out the new AWE Computer and take a peek outside at the new bike rack purchased and donated by The Friends. Both are such popular resources already!

Thank you to Sam Burnett for making these adorable Halloween candy boxes and to Susan Wallace for purchasing them from the Farmer’s Market and donating them to the Port O’Connor Library Branch!

8:00-9:00 AM – Coffee & Conversation
– Coffee with a group of neighbors and friends is a perfect “blend.” Please join us!
*Special Note: No meeting on November 22nd
9:30–10:30 AM – Bingo – The fun follows the 8 AM coffee event on Wednesday! Special thanks to the generosity of the noted sponsors.
● November 1: sponsored by Trinity Shores
● November 8: sponsored by Bethany Senior Living
● November 15 sponsored by Calhoun Home Health
● **Special Note: No meeting on November 22 due to the Thanksgiving holiday
● November 29: sponsored by Victoria Hospice
1:00-3:30 PM – Mah Jongg – Ever felt like you’ve played enough Mah Jongg? Neither have we, Join us for a game today.
Thursdays: 1:00-3:30 PM – Bridge – Please join us. No matter which direction you sit, the cards will always go your way.

Another thank you goes to Sylvia Ragusin for hosting an impromptu game of Loteria after Bingo on October 25th and bringing prizes!! We appreciate your generosity.
Friends of the POC Library:

The Friends collaborate closely with the library in order to help support the needs of the community and meet the needs of library management. This group of people are passionate about the library and support many people in the community with events.

Join us on November 20th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM for A Night of Poetry. Poetry, a literary genre full of sound devices, is meant to be read ALOUD. All are welcome to attend this FREE event and participate as well. Attendees will have a chance to read original poetry or something by a favorite author. Each attendee who wishes to participate will be given an allotted amount of time to read their selection. Time will be adjusted depending on the number of attendees participating. All are welcome.

So much Halloween fun was had at the October Children’s Program. We played Bingo, tried not to drop the “eyeball” from the Spoon Race, participated in Spider Toss, Hat Toss, and a Bean BagToss. We pinned the Spider on the Web, too. We collected points while having fun, fun, fun!

On November 4th another Children’s Program took place with numerous Thanksgiving crafts! We started with Thanksgiving Bingo and had centers for creating turkey headbands, woven placemats, Thanksgiving wreaths, and coloring mats with cool markers.

Be sure to mark your calendar and save the date for the next Super Saturdays Children’s Program, Cookies for Santa, on December 2nd.

Submitted by Darla Miles
Friends of the Port O’ Connor Library, Publicity Committee/Historian
Facebook Page: Friends of the Port O’Connor Library, Inc

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