Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Sep 24 - Comments Off on Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski


It’s a simple word, a four letter word not as nasty as some others you may or may not know, as a matter of fact the definition is the opposite of a curse, but a blessing.

As far as a definitive definition, it is one of those words that goes far beyond what you might find if you looked it up in the pages of Webster’s Dictionary, like love or beauty or even darker subject matter such as hatred, it is too deep and complex to be easily categorized.

Transcending any simple explanation of what its meaning or value is, it instead leads you down a multi-forked path where its meaning shifts and changes depending on the situation.

For me, it definitely is something I’ve been called on to do many times over the nearly fifty years I’ve been living on this planet.

First, I was charged with my mom’s care and the responsibilities within when my father was unable to take that care on himself (see what I mean about the word care constantly shifting tone and description?) be it for selfish or psychological reasons.

Being just slightly older than ten years old when I started, I admit it taught me a certain kind of perspective on reality in terms that for the young is rare due to the horrors of aging being shrouded for most young people until a later date.

It also taught me how to be responsible as well, how to see the phases of human life as something more than some abstract concept early on and how to use kindness as a tool to make others comfortable.

That’s not to say it was not hard at times, it’s never easy to be a caretaker for anyone by any means and that doubles or triples when you’re talking about someone in close relation to you like your own mother.

Exhaustion is also a very fitting word to use in these situations, as it is that in many ways.

Physically it can be a challenge moving and helping a grown adult, especially if they are in pain.

Mentally, it can burn you out when you are constantly on call for them, when any moment can bring a complication or a new problem.

It is a contest of wills, your will to keep a level head and continue giving care with the intent to heal, the other person’s will to fight and be strong, and the ability to know that even though your own freedom may be compromised you can only hope that when you are in the same place someone shows you the same kindness.

As I find myself in this role again temporarily or more long term due to my own predicament, I can only pray for guidance and keep on keeping on.

Finally, speaking on the same subject of caring, let’s be glad that my ‘boss’ and the main cog behind the Dolphin Talk newspaper, Joyce Rhyne is feeling better and is still cranking out the news…we care a lot Joyce.

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