POC Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 11 - Comments Off on POC Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

The last week of November leading into the first week of December easily becomes the busiest time of the year for many members of the Service Club. But despite the increased activity for these indomitable women, they somehow manage to keep their sense of humor and enjoy each day.

Monday, November 28th was the beginning of their Christmas Season which marked their First Trim the Trees’ Party. And a Party it became. Starting at a somewhat early hour, some members gathered at the Community Center to find not only boxes of ornaments to be placed on the already erected tree, but a delightful repast consisting of mini-quiche, streusel and sour cream coffee cake, various breads, delicious dainty sandwiches, sweet potato pie and an incredible cake. And all to be accompanied with freshly brewed coffee. Also adding to the holiday spirit were many musical CDs, including several of Christmas songs from our neighboring Cajun country state.

Tuesday, November 29th meant the arrangement and decoration of all the tables in the main hall of the Center. And the always present Nativity scene at the entry to lend a note of the reason for our Christmas was displayed on the very large table next to the second tree. Finishing out the foyer were a large and jolly snowman and one that was completely lit from within, all guarded by two semi-stern Nutcracker statutes.

Wednesday, the 30th took care of the hanging of the wreaths on the front door and adding ribbon bows and greenery to the exterior lights. Additionally, the two Chairmen with the assistance of a very creative member placed ropes of greenery on the front area around the dolphin statues before each of these gals decided to rest their weary feet and go home.

Thursday, December 1st marked the last Club meeting of the year, and then all members returned to their kitchens and started cooking for the outstanding Luncheon on Friday, the 2nd of December.
And what a Luncheon it was – a delicious and bountiful meal with delightful entertainment by the children of Port O’Connor School, complete with an impressively attired 5th grader “Santa Claus”.

It’s always difficult to return to business after recounting Club members’ activities and enjoyment earlier this month, but I do want to remind each one that our next meeting will be Thursday, January 5th, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room in the back of the Community Center. Hope to see a full listing of members there!

Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon Service Club members pack “to-go” plates to be delivered.

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