Time truly does fly! The last six weeks of the school year have begun, and graduation day for our seniors will be just over a month from now. As usual, the Dolphin would like to recognize our graduating seniors and we’re asking that you send us a photo of yourself, along with your name, your school, your parents’ names and where you reside. We would like to include you in our June 8th issue.
We would like to feature high school graduates, college graduates, and trade school graduates in the July 8th issue. This is open not only to Calhoun County graduates, but anyone in our readership who would care to participate.
You can e-mail to: dolphin1@tisd.net or send by mail to: Dolphin Talk; P.O. Box 777; Port O’Connor, TX 77982. We must have your photo and information by June 2, 2012. When e-mailing photos, please send in the highest resolution possible. We hope to hear from you.
Speaking of time flying – I’ve been trying to organize and file back issues of Dolphin Talk and in the process have run across much interesting information that I had forgotten. We plan to occasionally re-run an old article that we think some of our readers would enjoy.
If you would like a copy of an old Dolphin Talk, there are some available of most of the issues from February, 1996 through January, 1998. You are most welcome to come by the office and get one or more of them.
Did you know that the first two issues of Dolphin Talk were 4-pagers on plain white paper? After the first two issues, we progressed to newsprint, an 8-page tabloid format. It wasn’t until May of 1997 that we had enough news to print 12 pages. At that time, the paper was called Dolphin Talk, Port O’Connor News, so there wasn’t much about Seadrift or elsewhere printed in it. Here’s a couple of facts I had forgotten: the Port O’Connor Community Center was dedicated on November 14, 1999 – 1 year, 11 months, and 22 days after the POC Service Club initiated fund raisers for it; in March of 1999, the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 35th anniversary.
In closing, may I say “Happy Birthday” to Elizabeth Hawes, formerly a Dolphin Talk contributor. Hope your day is special!
Thank you for reading Dolphin Talk!
Joyce Rhyne, Editor