VBS Wrap-Up by Devon Vasquez

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Aug 12 - 0 Comments

VBS students sing for Fisherman’s Chapel congregation.

Wow, what a week! VBS has come and gone at the Chapel, and what an experience it was for everyone involved! God really became real in the hearts of so many children, and the helpers and adults had a lot of fun in the process!

This Vacation Bible School could not have been possible without the help, time, and resources given by so many in the community. I would like to attempt to thank each person that helped and I apologize ahead of time if anyone is missed; there were so many volunteers and helpers, it is a daunting task!

Thank you to Brother Jesse and Sister Angie Alderete for taking over the food and snacks for each night. What a blessing to feed these children not only spiritually, but physically. They had several helpers including James Alderete, Rosie and Tomasa Rodriguez, and Maria, Angelica, and Perla Rodriguez. Thank you! A special thanks to Mike and Martie Gonzalez who took over a night of feeding and were there to help serve as well. Thank you to Doug and Kimberly Bennett, who grilled around 80 hamburgers with the help of Joe and Vera Wyatt to feed the children for our last night at VBS. The burgers were great! Kimberly and Doug also provided the food to make snacks each day for the children. These snacks emphasized the Bible Point for that day and really added to the children’s learning experience, thank you Doug and Kimberly for your generosity!

We had several leaders who gave of their time and resources to help with different areas of VBS. They put in hours of study and practice to make this week more meaningful for the children. Thanks to Darin Luna, Julian Garcia, Alissa Garcia, Joane McDonough, Angie Alderete and Devon Vasquez, we couldn’t have done it without you!

VBS would not have been complete without the volunteers who helped as Crew Leaders each night. These leaders poured into the children and were their confidants, mentors and guides for the week. These included Debra Houston Holmes, Parker Luna, Jonathan Prince, Nathan Luna, Kaelin Bell, Erica Munoz, Katherine Stringo, Emily Vasquez, Samantha Shaw, Sophie Perry, Alexis Carriles and Jackie Stringo. Thank you!

For helping with set-up and break-down, Mike and Martie Gonzales, Nathan and Darin Luna and family, Mike and Pat Prather, Patrick Overton, Zack Schneider, Joane and Erny McDonough, Jesse and Angie Alderete, Julian and Alissa Garcia, Weldon and Debra Houston Holmes and Devon Vasquez.

There were also several volunteers who came and said, “Use me for whatever you need!” We SO appreciated your willing spirit. These included Kim Sonnier, Carol Haverfield, Jane Pongratz and Linda Bonar.

Special thanks to Joyce and Johnny Rhyne who donated paper supplies and let us use their facilities for copying materials. It was much appreciated!

Thank you to Ray and Vidalle Ramirez who brought food for our lock-in on the last night of VBS. Lastly, I would like to thank Debbie Gayle and Roxanne Ochoa for donating bags, gloves, and supplies for our beach clean-up to wrap up the end of VBS. Whew! What a week and what an awesome group of volunteers who made all of this possible! You are in our hearts and prayers and we know God will return His blessings on you for all of your hard work and efforts! God Bless.

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