Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Aug 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Ending their summer schedule of meetings only once a month on August 2nd, the Club briefly discussed several items of note.

The first was the decision of Club members to once again donate money to the staff of the Elementary School. This will help pay for various items during the coming school year as needed in the classroom that are not covered for the teachers and librarian.

Lydia Strakos, Chairman of the upcoming Garage Sale, mentioned that the date of the Sale previously scheduled in October, has been changed to Saturday, November 3rd due to a conflict. Actually, this will give more time for the accumulation of goods for the Sale. So, if any resident has items no longer needed, such as furniture, kitchen items, clothing, bedding, books, and decorations, please contact Lydia Strakos at 983-2003 or 983-2341 or Debby Busby at 512 914-9521 to arrange for storage until the Sale in November.

The meeting then concluded with the reminder from the President, Janet Johnson that the regular meeting schedule will commence on Thursday, September 6th with the election of officers and payment of annual dues.

Once again, we are pleased to welcome all community-interested women to our meetings. They are held on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month (beginning in September) at 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting Room of the Community Center. Please call our President, Janet Johnson at 983-4733 for further information.

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