On Sunday mornings, we have been working our way through 1 Peter 2:9, preaching about being a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. This past week, we looked at what it means to be a people belonging to God. As Christians, we are a private possession of the Creator; we occupy a place of privilege; and we enjoy a powerful protection because we are surrounded by God’s presence and love. What a special people we are! If you are looking for a Church family to belong to, we invite you to consider becoming a part of the ministry of the Chapel, where you will be loved for who God has made you to be!
This past Sunday evening, we were honored to host the Reverend and Mrs. Gayle Grisbee, who are missionaries to Latin America. The Reverend Grisbee is the Academic Dean for the Latin America Advanced School of Theology. He has served in some area of missionary endeavor for the past 31 years. The school has 2,500 students in many countries, including Cuba, Central America, and South America. They have asked that we “pray the Lord of Harvest that He will send laborers into the fields that are ready.”
Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) is in session. Each Tuesday evening from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m., students will be bringing their workbooks to class for two hours of teaching and a time of fellowship. Everyone is invited to be a part of this intense study of God’s Word. Those who wish additional information can call the instructor, Pastor Joane at 983-2619.
Friday Night Youth (FNY) is going strong with new faces with new ideas each Friday evening from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. (except the first Friday of each month). Now that school is going strong, many kids are finding a way to enjoy meeting informally with their classmates for a time of fun, food, and fellowship. All area youth are invited.
Next Sunday, October 14, the Chapel will host the former South Texas Superintendent, the Reverend Howard Burroughs. The Reverend Burroughs, along with his wife Margie, will be ministering in the morning service only. They have preached here several times before and their message is always well received. This opportunity to hear Brother Burroughs does not happen very often, so make plans to be present for this special service – Oct. 14, 10:00 a.m.
This month of October is filled with activities for most everyone. We have ladies who will be attending the Women’s Retreat in Kerrville. We have those who will be in LaVernia for the Church Life training. I will be in San Antonio to help interview those seeking Ordination, and Joane and I will be attending the Minister’s Retreat in Kerrville later this month. Are we busy? Yes, but we are trying to find ways of being a blessing to others! Be a part and/or pray for those who are involved in these activities.
Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation, who strives to make Jesus Christ real to people in this community. We attempt to reach everyone in this area, including people of all ages and those who speak both English and Spanish. We are learning a new song, whose chorus reads, “We’re the people of God, called by His name, called from the dark and delivered from shame. One holy race, saints everyone, because of the blood of Christ, Jesus, the Son.” (Wayne Watson) This is who we try to be! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”