“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.
Death of our Republic
I think most of the readers here understand that our Founders gave us a Constitutional Republic. They knew from history that the Democracies of Greece and Rome contained the poisonous seed of their own destruction when the lazy and greedy citizens learned they could vote themselves a living from the Public Treasury by electing corrupt charlatans as representatives and Senators. The Federal Govt allowed the States to decide election laws that included age, residency, literacy, usually property ownership requirements, and charged a ‘Poll Tax’ to pay for the cost of these records and elections. Furthermore, the Senators were elected by the State Legislatures to represent the interest of the State, not by popular election. This along with 6 year terms was to provide the “senior house” with more stability and maturity. Soon after the establishment of our Republic, our Forefathers were horrified by the ‘Democracy” of the French Revolution, once again proving that pure democracy quickly degenerates into mob rule and that usually is only controlled by a Dictator with a large forceful following and a “Personality Cult”. In France’s case Napoleon.
As America grew and progressed the property requirement was dropped and Blacks were given citizenship and the vote through the efforts of the Republican Party. There were home-grown socialists and Marxists, and many more immigrated from the failing societies of Europe. Also the Utopian fantasies of academia took hold in some universities and in so-called ‘Progressive’ groups and political organizations. Some of their ideas were good, like women voting, but some ideas were very bad, like popular election of Federal Senators, a Central Bank to lend money to the Govt, and an Income Tax to pay the interest on that money. The Income Tax was only on the very rich and was capped at 3% at first, but we know how that worked out. The Liberal Progressives of both Parties finagled us into our first European War, World War I. The aftermath of that was the Bolsheviks stealing the Russian Revolution, with the help of American “Progressives”. The post-war boom and bust cycles of the victors and the crushing terms of the treaty with Germany, gave rise to Fascism in Italy with Benito Mussolini as dictator, Communism in Russia with Vladamir Lenin (later Joseph Stalin), National Socialism(Nazis) in Germany with Adolf Hitler, and an appeasement-orientated Socialist-Labour govt in Great Britain. A credit tightening by the Federal Reserve started a minor depression which lead to the election of a Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Democrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose administration’s meddling and mismanagement gave us The Great Depression that was only ended by total military and industrial mobilization for World War II. Mr. Roosevelt and his supporters established a Personality Cult that got him elected 4 times, with near dictatorial powers.
World War II defeated the dictatorships of Hitler, Mussolini, and “god-king” Emperor of Japan but gave rise to new dictators in China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Indonesia, Argentina, later Cuba and Cambodia, all accompanied by the “adoring throngs” of the Personality Cult. Some of these dictatorships were overthrown and the others failed, except China, that adapted a capitalist veneer while the communists still hold the real power, but they have abandoned the Personality Cult and replaced it with real economic goals.
The Lib/Progressive/socialists exist in both major political parties, but seemed to concentrate on the Democrat Party for the 1960 election. They were successful with John F. Kennedy, Civil Rights (with a great deal of help from Republicans), the Space Program, and the beginning of the welfare state. Their big failure was the Vietnam War. They had no leaders that were war-fighters and refused to listen to people with experience. So the young New Democrat/socialists simply blamed that on the Republicans and managed over the years to get away with it. The GOP had President Richard Nixon, a paranoid fool and greatly influenced by the Internationalist/Liberal wing of the GOP, that foolishly tried to cover up the Watergate Burglary. While this pales in comparison to Obama’s cover-ups of his history, campaign and Green Energy scandals, Fast and Furious, failed Middle-eastern policy, Benghazi debacle, and others, Nixon was forced to resign, as he should. The Mainstream Media did it’s duty to protect the citizenry and expose corruption. Next the Lib/Progressive Dems got Jimmy Carter elected, probably the worst President we had until Obama. Jimmy Carter presided over multiple diplomatic failures in the name of Human Rights, we lost proven allies and millions died in Communist and Islamofascist take-overs and the wars that followed. He gave away the Panama Canal. He expanded welfare, even to non-citizens, even illegal aliens, and gave us the Community Redevelopment Act, a huge boondoggle that ACORN and a young lawyer named Barack Hussein Obama expanded into the “Mortgage Meltdown” with the help of crooked accounted practices overseen by Liberal/Progressive Dems Barney Frank (House) and Chris Dodd (Senate). Carter’s economic policies caused terrible inflation and crippling interest rates that took years to normalize.
After Carter’s failed presidency, Ronald Reagan was elected by a large majority that included many fed-up Democrats. Reagan turned the country around, got people working again, rebuilt the military and set the stage for the economic and bloodless defeat of Soviet Communism. Communism was dead except in American universities and the left-wing of the Democrat Party. After Reagan served two successful terms, George H. W. Bush was elected on his coat-tails, but Bush 1 was an CFR Internationalist and somewhat of a GOP Lib/Progressive. He expanded Federal Govt, and through diplomatic bungling got us in the first Gulf War. There was an economic down-turn in the end of his term and the Liberal/Progressives that now firmly controlled the Democrat Party ran a charismatic Liberal, Bill Clinton. The Libs “Personality Cult” went into full swing and in spite of his drug-use, philandering womanizing, and a radical socialist wife, they were successful in getting him elected. Whether you like his politics or not, Bill Clinton is a likable cuss, seems to really care about the American people, is smart enough to modify his agenda when necessary, and is capable of charming his political opponents most of the time. Also he is extremely lucky! He lost Congress to the GOP in his first off-year election, but he was presiding over a booming technology-driven economy, and was smart enough to co-operate with the GOP to roll back the welfare state slightly. People were encouraged to go to work, there was tax money available for training programs, and jobs were available. The Soviet Union collapsed and Russia was no longer a threat and China was more interested in trade than war. He got us involved in several UN military actions that were mostly failures and mostly ignored the growing threat of Islamic Jihad, though the warnings were clear.
George W. Bush defeated Al Gore in a closely contended bitter race and was faced with a decline in the Dot Com boom and soon after the devastating attack of 9-11. His administration was filled with people he had “inherited” from his father’s admin. He did far better than I expected. He was basically a good man that was trying to do a difficult job under difficult conditions. I think he loves America and believes in the American people and Constitutional Govt. After the 2006 election, he was constantly blind sided by Nancy Pelosi, Congress, and the Liberal Media. He tried to do what they wanted and do what was necessary, and he was stabbed in the back at every turn. They, the Democrats, wanted to win the Presidency in 2008, what ever the cost.
And they did, with Barack Hussein Obama. A radical far Left-wing Liberal Socialist strongly backed by the Communist Party USA and practically all of the Democrat/Socialists, Unions, the radical Blacks, Islamists, anti-colonialists, anti-capitalists, anti-Christians, the liberal media’s darling and is charismatic when campaigning and basking in the lime-light. The “Personality Cult” machine was at full speed. And the youth loved him, he is cool, they think. All the minorities love him. The homosexuals, hedonists, dopers, artsy-types, quasi-intellectuals, and the aging hippies all love him. Even after 5 years, we know very little about his past before his election to the Senate, and any research is frustrated by sealed records.
We do know that politically he is a creation of the far left and ACORN, was a community organizer and lawyer for them. His record in the Senate is practically non-existent, he spent most of time campaigning. His record as President is abysmal by any standard. The Left celebrates ObamaCare, but it is 2700 pages of confused unmanageable bureaucracy, new taxes, and outright lies on the financing. His Stimulus was a joke, jobs created cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars each, but most only lasted for a few months. Like most of his ‘Green Energy’ projects, they were pay-offs to political cronies that quickly failed. 99 weeks of unemployment. 32% increase in food stamps. 47% of Americans on some kind of Govt hand-out. Losing the war in Afghanistan. The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in our ally Egypt. Al Qaeda taking control in Libya. Syria. Our Ambassador murdered with 3 other Americans in Benghazi, while they watched it on live feeds from drones, but they lied to the American people and blamed a stinking You Tube video for the ‘riot’ that was really an organized terrorist attack with mortars and RPGs, that they had been warned as much as 3 days before, and they did nothing! The ex-Seals were ‘painting’ the attackers with targeting lasers but the AC-130s and other TAC air were told to stand-down, as were the rescue teams. They lied and the Media helped cover it up. This makes Nixon and Watergate about as bad as reading Playboy in the Oval Office. They also hid reports of our drone being attacked by Iran until after the election. No one was hurt, but this is how they govern. They are still trying to cover up a massive gun-running operation by Jihadists taking American supplied guns from Libya to Syria including man-portable anti-aircraft missiles. Fast & Furious was a program to gain political support for fraudulent and unneeded gun control, they lost control, American agents died, not to mentioned 200-300 Mexicans killed with these weapons and they still won’t tell the truth, it is embarrassing. They were trying to subvert the Constitution and screwed up their operation. They canceled the UN negotiations on the UN “Gun Ban Treaty” because of the campaign, but reopened them the DAY AFTER THE ELECTION!
The Lib/Progressives have always been dangerous to the economy, the Constitution, and our freedom, but this is the most devious, anti-American administration ever, and now Obama has 4 more years without worrying about re-election. Well, maybe – there is already talk of repealing the 22nd Amendment (limits the President to 2 terms), or Obama can just declare himself President-for-Life. There are many reports of massive vote fraud this time, many of the military overseas were denied absentee ballots, and it appears that Obama did NOT win any State that requires a picture ID to vote. Isn’t that special?
And wait ’til you hear about the Executive Order signed Oct 26, that appears to create the domestic ObamaCorp he has wanted, rumored to be complete with a Secret Police/Gestapo/KGB function. Didn’t your TV news cover that?
How much more will the American people stand? Lies and cover ups, fraudulent voter registrations and elections, govt agencies and officials that violate their own laws. If the Constitution is subverted or bypassed, the Federal Govt has no mandate, no right to exist. Obama may have “won” the election on false promises and voter fraud, but he may well lose the country.
Also posted @ The Obama File : http://theobamafile.websitetoolbox.com/post/A-domestic-enemy-of-the-U.S.-Constitution-5894558?pid=1275669421#post1275669421 Scroll to comment #31.
William D. Brayshaw, AKA Longknife 21