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Congratulations, Aliza Dean
Seadrift City Drainage Project
The long-awaited drainage project for the city of Seadrift has begun! Pictured, at right is Supervisor Keith Brune with his work crew on Denver Street. Keith and his men are out of Bay City. Their company is a sister company (Matagorda Construction and Materials) of the main company (K-C Lease Service) that has the work […]
Warrior’s Weekend Purple Heart Classic
On 9 May, 30 Purple Heart recipients will arrive in POC for our annual Purple Heart Classic in the hopes of taking home a big prize. Thirty boat captains have donated their time, equipment, and expertise so those that have bled in combat for our country can have a great time in and around the […]
The Dolphin would be happy to feature you in upcoming issue. Please Email dolphin1@tisd.net or Mail to Dolphin Talk, PO Box 777. Port O’Connor, TX Include your name and photo, residence.and parents’ names. plus, if you wish, any honors you received and plans for the future.
First Place Champs!
Congratulations Calhoun Softball A Team! They played in Rockport’s Battle at The Bay and are 1st Place Champs!