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Easter Egg Hunts
New Exhibit Coming to Seadrift
Dieter Erhard will be at the Art Boat next month from April 1st through the 21st. While here he will assemble 2.5’ X 3’ “speech boards”. Children and adults will be able to push a button in order to hear the sounds or various animals and an explanation of them. Either one animal or a […]
Seadrift Community Service Club
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” February 19, 2024, was the start date for the Seadrift Community Service Club. In February there were eleven volunteers that signed up. Pictured are its officers (L to R): Treasurer Alysa Jarvis, Vice-President Linda Odom, Secretary James Hartman, […]
Seadrift Harbor Update
One thing that instills pride in a coastal community is its harbor. Seeing our harbor get its much-needed improvements is a delight! Knowing that things are shaping up not only for the harbor, but for our seawall as well is a double delight! Pictured below are (L to R) Gary and Jason Shirley, owners of […]