Seadrift Pirates Basketball The Seadrift Pirates played the STEM 8b Vipers on January 29. The third quarter found the two teams tied 17-17, but in the 4th quarter, the Pirates moved ahead with 13 points, beating the Vipers 30 to 29. Outstanding Pirates of the Game: Isiah Flint: 1 rebound, 3 points Boston Dunn: 1 […]
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Recognizing Achievements at Seadrift School
Have You Seen The Cross?
Driving by Fisherman’s Chapel (or several blocks away, or several miles away on the water) at night will be a real treat for anyone that enjoys a most beautiful sight. This 63 ft. cross, a reminder of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, was erected in April, 2023.The lighting was completed on December 15th. When […]
Facelift Project
Great news to report this month regarding the seventeen month journey to raise money to rejuvenate the Port O’Connor Community Center. The goal has finally been reached. The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce voted to supply the last needed funds in the amount of just over $15,000.00. They will pay these funds directly to the […]
It’s a Beaut!
The City of Seadrift has a new garbage truck and it’s a beaut! It’s a brand new International and was purchased by the city in 2023. Terry Maddux, the SSW (Seadrift Solid Waste) supervisor says, “This truck rides smoother than our old truck which was a Hino.” The new truck has a lower profile than […]
Historical Marker Dedication
The Calhoun County Historical Commission invites you to the dedication of the historical monument honoring Louis Antoine Andry (November 25, 1727- March 20, 1778). It will be held on Saturday, February 10 at 11:30 a.m. at the Bauer Exhibit Building, 305 Henry Barber Lane, Port Lavaca. Unveiling will be at the La Salle Monument on […]