First United Methodist Church Worship with us Sundays at 11:00 and the 4th Saturday of each month at the Bayfront Pavilion at 6:00 p.m. Join us for a community service with a message, a meal and some games for the kids. Community Service at Bayfront Pavilion – Saturday, August 26, 6:00 p.m.
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Community Service
Diane Wilson Awarded Goldman Environmental Prize
Environmentalist Diane Wilson of Seadrift received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in San Francisco on April 23, 2023 for her grass-roots activist work and environmental achievements. She was the sole prize winner from North America along with six other environmentalists representing continents or regions from around the world. The prize winners were recognized in San […]
POC Cemetery Association Raffle
The Port O’Connor Cemetery Association would like to thank everyone that bought a raffle ticket to raise funds for the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery. Congratulations to Stephanie Smith, she was our big winner! Thank you again to Veronica Ragusin for donating her canvas photo and to Sisters Gift Shop for the basket […]
Stranded Turtles Rescued by Brigid Berger
Cruising the beach on Matagorda Peninsula, Krista Stroope came across a sea turtle on the shore. “I’ve been coming here for eight years, and I’ve never seen a sea turtle before. We didn’t exactly know what to do. It didn’t look like it was doing very well.” Krista said. “We heard there was hotline but […]
Seadrift Community Bunco
Come, join in the fun at Seadrift Community Bunco! It’s happening every second Tuesday of the month at the Seadrift Civic Center. The next game will be held Tuesday, August 8. Everyone, adults and children ages 10 and up (accompanied by an adult) is welcome to join in. Spaces are limited. Games start at 7:00 […]