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Our Heroes are Coming
Scout’s BBQ
Happy 27th Birthday, Dolphin Talk!
In case you ever wondered how this little publication came about: In the fall of 1995, Margaret Jennings, a retired English teacher, and Charlotte Graham, a real estate agent, began to discuss how this community had no way, other than posting signs at Alvin’s and Shamrock, and by word of mouth, to spread the word […]
Victoria College Dean’s List
Victoria College has recognized the outstanding academic performance of 128 students by naming them to the Fall 2022 Dean’s List. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average over a minimum of 12 academic credit hours within the semester and must not have any unsatisfactory grades in […]
Upcoming Church Activities:
Seadrift First United Methodist Church, Seadrift: Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 pm 2/22 Grace Episcopal Church – 213 Austin Street, Port Lavaca Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 2/21 4:30-7:00 pm $7per plate Ash Wednesday Service 2/22 7:00 pm Lenten Breakfast, Fridays at 7:00 am in Parish Hall, 2/24-4/7 1st Bay Praise: Saturday, March 25 at […]