First United Methodist Church of Seadrift The annual All Saints Day service will be held on Sunday, November 6th at 11:00 am. Names will be collected for those who have died since All Saints Day, 2021, and will be honored during this service. Please submit all names by Sunday, October 30th. Forms for names can […]
Home > Announcements
All Saints Day Service
Grace Episcopal Announcement
The Bishop is coming! Please join us on Sunday, October 30th as we welcome Bishop Reed and the Partners in Ministry congregations for our 5th Sunday gathering at 11:00 am. We will be celebrating the sacrament of confirmation in addition to Holy Eucharist and will be feasting on a potluck luncheon after the service. All […]
Flag Disposal Boxes
Just a reminder there are flag disposal boxes at Coastal Bend Marine and at the POC Volunteer Fire Dept. Please dispose of your old flags there. The Boy Scouts pick them up and dispose of them properly. Thank you again, Troy Beaudry, for making these.
Angel Announcement
It will soon be time to begin our “Adopt A Christmas Angel Program” to make sure all Port O’Connor children receive something nice from Santa. Names are being taken for prospective recipients at Port O’Connor Hardware. If you need your child to be included, please register. Names will be kept confidential.
What’s Up?
Weekly Events: Wednesdays: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.- “Coffee and Conversation” POC Library Multipurpose Room Thursday: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. –Bridge POC Library Multipurpose Room Fridays: 1:00-3:00 PM- “Mahjongg” POC Library Multipurpose Room Saturday: Friends of Bill W 7:00 pm First Baptist, POC Fellowship Hall Sat., Oct. 29 Costume Run 7:30 am Port O’Connor […]