“Hey, how are you? Sitting, staring at a computer keyboard and monitor, I barely know how to start this. You see, I’ve learned when people haven’t met you, they tend to smile politely and say something like, “it’s good to meet you, but I’m really on a tight schedule today, so I have to run […]
Home > Announcements
Welcome, New Pastor
50th Anniversary
Congratulations on 50 wonderful years built around a marriage focused on commitment to family and community. The both of you are a blessing to everyone who crosses your path. Your example of perseverance through the good times and the bad, through sickness and in health have proven to be a great example of marriage. We […]
POC Cemetery Association
The next meeting of the Port O’Connor Cemetery Association will be held on Thursday, July 21 at the Port O’Connor Community Center. New Members Welcome!
Environmental Issues Forum
The Calhoun County Democrtic Club is co-hosting an environmental issues forum with Maclovio Perez Jr. on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the VFW in Port Lavaca, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 16 Konrad Rd., Port Lavaca. Maclovio is a retired meteorologist who is running for Congress against Michael Cloud, but the environment has […]
Come, Enjoy BayPraise!
Come, Enjoy BayPraise! Saturday, July 30 at 6:00 p.m. at the Seadrift Bayfront Pavilion. Bring your own chair if you can, and enjoy dinner provided by our churches, music, and a message.