Almost one hundred Seadrift residents voted in the recent city election. Forty-three early votes were received and on election day (May 7) forty-nine votes were received. Mayor Elmer DeForest received seventy-three votes. He was running unopposed. It was a tight race for the three men running for the two out of five positions on the […]
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Seadrift Election Results
Constitutional Amendments Reducing Property Taxes Approved
Austin, TX – Thanks to the voters of Texas for voting overwhelmingly for Propositions 1 & 2 and recognizing that every Texas homestead needs property tax relief! The readability and conformity of ballot language will be improved in the future. In April, at the direction of Lt Governor Dan Patrick, the Senate Committee on Local […]
POCID Bond Issues Pass
Although it has not been officially confirmed as of this writing, the Bond Issues proposed by Port O’Connor Improvement District, which were voted on May 7, passed by a wide margin, according to the unofficial vote count.
Please abide by these Rules for the Port O’Connor Cemetery:
1. No glass of any kid on grounds 2. No vehicle to drive off road or shoulder 3, No grave borders, including rocks, on or around grave 4. All graves will be marked in a permanent way within 3 months of burial. 5. All funeral wreaths, easels & baskets, potted plants will be removed […]
Registration Underway for VC’s summer, Fall Classes
Students can now enroll in Victoria College’s traditional classes – those that lead to a degree, certificate or university transfer – for the Summer II sessions as well as the Fall 2022 semester. Registration for each session continues as follows: Summer II Session – registration continues through noon on June 30; classes are scheduled July […]