16 in Matagorda Bay, San Antonio Bay, Aransas Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and the Upper and Lower Laguna Madre Bay systems. They include: – Three fish per day per angler – A minimum size of 17 inches and a maximum size limit of 23 inches – No fish over the maximum length may be retained. […]
Home > Announcements
New Spotted Seatrout Limits
Upcoming Tournament
Celebrating 10 Years
On Saturday, March 12, POC Liquor Store celebrated 10 years of doing business in Port O’Connor. Kaleigh McCauley was also celebrating having successfully completed the process of meeting all the rules and regulations to open the business in her name. Kaleigh is proud to be able to continue the business her father, Noral McCauley, who […]
Republican County Convention
The Republican County Convention will be held Saturday. March 26 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon at the VFW Banquet Room, 16 Konrad Rd. in Port Lavaca. All persons who voted in the Calhoun County Republican Primary are invited to attend. The Convention will elect delegates to the Texas State Convention and vote on recommendations […]
Public Announcement
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is planning to conduct prescribed burns in Powderhorn Wildlife Management Area (WMA) at 10769 FM 1289, Port O’Connor, Texas 77982. Our primary target timeframe for these burns is sometime between Mid April and June of 2022. Burn opportunities are dependent on weather, vegetation conditions, current and expected fire danger, […]