Calhoun County Fairgrounds – February 26, 2022 Now is the time to go through your boat and make sure your safety gear is ready for another season. Check your life jackets to make sure that they are not torn or faded, which could mean that the fabric has been weakened. If you have any doubt, […]
Home > Announcements
Boater Education Class
Crabbing Closure February 18-27
Benefit for Ryon Preslar
Reelin’ for Ryon’s Recovery Benefit BBQ & Dance Saturday, February 5th – Yorktown Community Hall 60 Community Hall Rd., Yorktown, TX Meal Served – 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Silent Auction – 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Live Auction starts at 5:30 p.m. Music by Nick Russell & The Twisted X’s Tickets- $20 – BYOB Benefit […]
Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust Announces Funding For Twelve Environmental Projects
Steven Raabe, Trustee of the Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust, announces that twelve projects, from eight entities, totaling nearly 3.3 million dollars have been approved for funding. The projects being funded, by category, are: Habitat Restoration (Five projects totaling $1,236,129) Restoring Oyster Reef Habitat in Tres Palacios Bay and Developing Best Practices for Future Restoration, $399,816, […]
Port O’Connor School Honor Roll
For the 2nd Nine Weeks of the 2021-2022 School Year