Enjoying Island Weather And Getting Healthy Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well, enjoying the weather and staying healthy. I mention healthy because I recently realized that at one year past the half-century mark, I’m no longer a Spring chicken and need to be more cognizant about my weight and […]
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Island Life… by Clint Bennetsen
Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Fall, Rain & Mosquitoes Are In The Air Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and have benefited from the rain that has fallen from the sky lately. I went pretty much the entire summer here on the island with no real measurable rain, and now in the past […]
Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Always Being Prepared During “H” Season Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and surviving the summer heat. I know one thing, compared to Victoria, the island feels like a winter paradise! The rare times that I’m forced to venture there, the radiating heat from all the asphalt, concrete and […]
Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Find The Shade – Survive The Island Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoyed your Fourth of July weekend, wherever you may have been. As with all summer holiday weekends, Barnacle and I stayed on the island and enjoyed watching the annual POC fireworks show across the bay. […]
Island Life… by Clint Bennetsen
Summer Days Have Arrived Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and were able to spend some time with your dad on Fathers Day. The siblings and I took a road trip to Brazoria and enjoyed some quality time with our dad, Henry. And after seeing his garden, I’ve got […]