Spring Northers Just Won’t Quit Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and were able to spend some time with Mom on Mothers Day last Sunday. Barnacle and I went in, and the siblings and I enjoyed a nice lunch with Mom at Red Lobster, and then I stayed over […]
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Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Island Life… by Clint Bennetsen
Seven Years Full Time On The Island Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoyed a nice Easter with family and friends. My intentions were to run in and attend Sunday morning church service with Mom, but mechanical problems with the outboard had the boat sitting at Sonny’s for […]
Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Gardening Gene Comes Alive Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and remembered to set your clocks ahead this past weekend. I have but one clock to occasionally glance at out here, so in about ten seconds I was done. Time is really of very little importance to me […]
Island Life… by Clint Bennetsen
Chores of Maintenance Never Ending Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the warmer weather we have had lately. The latter part of December and first week of January produced some real winter weather, and it looked as though a cold and nasty few months were in store […]
Island Life… by Clint Bennetsen
Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoyed Christmas with the family a few weeks ago. The nasty weather kept Barnacle and me stranded on the island this year. In fact, it was fourteen days, due to bad weather or extreme low tides, before I could finally make a […]