Life Beyond The Sidewalks Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the extra daylight in the evenings. Well, I’m definitely in a conservative mode on my rain water usage right now. There have been times when rain looked promising, but no such luck out here. It’s kind of […]
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Island Life… By Clint Bennetsen
Spring is in the Air on the Island By Clint Bennetsen
Island Life… Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying some of these nice days we’ve been having. As is normal for March, I’m sure we will have a few more northers blow through, but for the most part the feeling of Spring sure seems to be in the […]
Island Ice A Rare Sight By Clint Bennetsen
Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you have thawed out from last week’s ice-over, and the short cold spell this week. It has not been much of a mild winter as the so-called experts predicted. Who actually makes those predictions anyway, that furry groundhog rodent? Sometimes I think so. The chickens fared just […]
Winter Ailments Part of Island Living by Clint Bennetsen
Greetings from the island everyone. Hope all of you are doing well and had a nice Christmas and are successfully trudging through the new year. I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions, my only goal is that my family and I stay healthy from one January to the next, and that’s easily achieved through […]