Letter to the Editor: In the August 10, 2012 Dolphin Talk, Thomas Spychalski attempts to make the point that stricter gun laws would not have prevented the carnage that took place in Aurora, Colorado. Perhaps. I would argue that a ban on assault weapons, while not preventing such an incident, might have reduced the number […]
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Letters to the Dolphin
Letters to the Dolphin
My Two Cents Worth by G.B. It’s nice that we can ride Golf carts around town, but too often I have seen some loaded with children zipping in and out of the parking lot at the Speedy Stop after dark with no lights on. Please, golf cart owners, it is the law that you must […]
Letters to the Dolphin
July 11, 2012 The Honorable Chief Justice John G. Roberts Supreme Court of the United States Washington, D.C. 20543 Dear Justice Roberts and Associate Justices: Re: Freedoms Lost On 4 July 2012 the American Flag was raised early, and then I continued to observe Independence Day in BLACK, the garb of grief, while mourning for […]
Letters to the Dolphin
Flying the Flag: I love flying the United States flag and enjoy riding around town seeing all the flags on summer weekends. When we fly our nations’ flag, we assume a responsibility to present it in accordance with the US Flag Code. Reading the Code reminds us that lawyers predominate in our legislative bodies but […]
Letters to the Dolphin
Dear Editor, As a member of the Calhoun County Historical Commission, I deeply appreciate the value and emphasis The Dolphin Talk places on Calhoun County’s history. I enjoy reading the “Now and Then” by J. Phillip Ellenberger, the Historical Commission Chair. As an editor you value the contributions of individuals who helped to pave the […]