Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 23 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

We welcome you to keep coming by to see the progress on the Cross! We can highly recommend Dwayne Twomey for any masonry work! Just see the base of the Cross that he just completed. And he and his wife are delightful people to be around. New to the community, but a big heart for what is happening in Port O’Connor!

Our schedule is being tested with friends going to Heaven and friends getting married. JR Lange’s 200 year old dad’s funeral was on June 5. Two of my pastor friends had deaths in their immediate family. Three weddings are being finalized before month’s end.

Father’s Day will be a grand event at the Chapel. Every dad present will receive a special gift. Pastor Joane will have a special message to inspire and challenge each dad and a lot of prayers will be offered to assist those men in this most difficult task.

Pastor Joane is putting a “SPY CAMP” together for our Youth! It will be a few days (June 19 through June 22) when our kids can experience the love of God in unique ways. Information for this special event can be received by contacting Pastor Joane at 361-218-6693.

Each year we host a Parsonage Porch Fellowship. It coincides with the Community Fireworks display.. We gather and enjoy “hot dogs” and trimmings with emphasis on fellowship! Everyone is invited to attend.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to inspire those from every age group to walk in close personal fellowship with our Lord. Our congregants meet at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning for Bible Study, 11:00 a.m. for Morning Service and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Service. We also gather on Wednesdays for food, fellowship and a challenging message from God’s Word. Everyone is welcomed and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us”!

Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 23 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

It is Vacation Bible School time again!! Unfortunately, by the time the paper comes out, it will be all over. Each year we have between 50 and 60 children join us for 4 days of Bible study, music, food, fun and games. So much excitement all compressed into 3 hours each day. The laughter and music can be heard all over town. I hope your child was able to be part of the fun, fellowship and learning this summer. A big thank you goes out to everyone who volunteered to help out this year. It takes about 25 people to keep everything flowing smoothly each day. What a blessing you all are to FBC.
It is also Summer Bible Camp time again. This year we have about 30 campers looking forward to spending a week at the Texas Baptist Encampment in Palacios. It’s a wonderful experience for campers and councilors alike, right on the bay. There will be a BAKE SALE on Saturday, June 17, starting at 8:00 a.m. at POC Hardware. The proceeds go toward the cost of sending all these campers to Palacios. Please come by and purchase some baked goods or make a donation. FBC pays the cost for each child and anyone is welcome to apply. The cost this year is over $200 per child, so all donations are appreciated.

We have our next Birthday Bash on June 26 at 6:00. The church will be providing lasagna and pulled pork sandwiches. Come and join us in celebrating birthdays and welcoming our new pastor, Rich Schaller. You can bring a side dish, salad, or dessert if you want. There is always plenty of food for everyone!! Baptists are famous for liking to cook and especially eat! Weekenders, visitors, members, non-members are all welcome to share this time at FBC. Come and see what we have to offer.
Our Ladies Bible Study is is continuing throughout the summer months, but we are not doing a planned study until the fall, when we will start……

Come any Tuesday at 4:00 in the Fellowship Hall next door to the church and share time with a wonderful group of ladies. Members, visitors and non-members alike, are all part of our FBC Bible Study group. Please come join us.

We are still collecting nonperishable food items for the Community Food Pantry distributed by Fishermen’s Chapel. Bring items any Sunday and leave them in the basket by the front door and we will deliver them. Monetary donations are also welcomed.

Shoe Box delivery time is getting closer and closer! If you would like to be a part of this wonderful ministry that delivers Christmas presents and Bible literature to children all over the world, it starts right here in POC! POC takes donations of things small enough to fit into a shoe box, packs them up and delivers them to be sent all over the world. Items most requested are small toys, bar soap, combs, brushes, crayons, T-shirts, sewing kits, fishing line and hooks, wash rags, etc. Donations are welcome. We are hoping to surpass 200 boxes this year. We have sent that amount the last two years.

Our doors are open and FBC is waiting to welcome you to any of our services, Sunday we meet at 10:00 for Sunday School and 11:00 and 6:00 for church services. CHOIR MEMBERS wanted! We meet each Sunday at 5:00 for practice. Come raise a joyful noise unto the Lord with us.

The Pursuit of Happiness by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 23 - Comments Off on The Pursuit of Happiness by Erny McDonough

“The Pursuit of Happiness” is one of our God Given Rights and is included in the Preamble of the Constitution of our United States. This subject has been a favorite one of preachers, philosophers, politicians, and poet since long before our Nation was established. Scientist have avoided the subject because it deals with human emotions and sentiments, which do not lend themselves to measurement or objective evaluations.

My thoughts go to this subject because we are approaching the time of the year for us to celebrate the forming of the greatest nation on earth – these United States of America. Independence Day should be recognized for the freedoms that our forefathers sought in establishing our nation. This Independence has been tested by many of our youngest and brightest having to go to foreign lands to defend our rights. As we just memorialized the many who paid the supreme sacrifice by giving their lives in defense of freedom proved “Freedom is Not Free!”

A University of Michigan’s Institute of Social Research found no relationship between happiness and money, or happiness and educational level. I’m sure that our educational system would not like for us to emphasize that a high school dropout with money to pay his bills is as happy as a college graduate under similar circumstances.

The major factor influencing happiness is expectation. Those who get more in life than they expected tend to be happier than those who achieve less than expected. Those who seem to have everything are not necessarily happier. After a while, they get used to abundance and getting more has no substantial effect. It has been said that J. Paul Getty, who at the time was the world’s richest man, when asked what would bring him the most happiness, replied, “One more dollar!”

Good health does not guarantee happiness, and poor health does not rule it out! When I think of the happy handicapped, I think of Teresa, who came to live with us as a foster sister, Although born with a severe handicap, she was happier than most people I know.

Those with strong religious feelings, but voice no strong religious actions, are no happier than those without such feelings. Among those with religious belief, those who practice their faith frequently are happier than those who do not practice their faith. When deep religious activities are replaced with other pursuits, the happiness level goes down quickly!

There was a time in America’s history when Christianity and happiness were incompatible. The Puritans regarded their religion as too serious to include the lighter side of life. Preachers refrained from telling humorous stories in the pulpit, as that was considered sacrilegious. Devout congregants lived in the shadow of gloom. Like this comic strip character, they carried their own rain clouds around them. They were taught to feel guilty when they laughed. An elderly gentleman described to his aged friends as never happier “than he was when he was miserable”. The idea prevailed that suffering must come before one deserved happiness and that would never happen here on earth!

In that generation, when working hours were long and life was hard, millions looked to the afterlife for their happiness. Heaven would supply what they were deprived of here on earth. Today’s world would lead us to conclude that we demand instant gratification. We do not want to wait for a post-mortem reward. We want our cake and eat it too – happiness here and now, no matter what the cost!

The same study by the University of Michigan found that the quality of life in a community can not be measured alone by the size of its library, the symphony orchestra, the number of schools, the employment level, the per capita income, and/or the number of boat ramps and bait shops. The quality of life also involved the number of churches and their effectiveness as measured by community involvement, the spirit of the people as reflected in their willingness to give for the common good, and the prevailing standards of morality.

There is no risk-proof society nor is there a perfect prescription for human happiness. We often are searching for happiness “in all the wrong places”! The best prescription that has ever been devised is centered in the basic principles contained in God’s Word – goodness, love, sharing, and caring. No better route has been found than outlined in the Beatitudes – “The Happy Ones,” proclaimed by Jesus from the mountain top. Living for Jesus Christ will not automatically produce happiness in one’s life, but learning how to live for Jesus will promise happiness here and now as well as in the hereafter.

Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, Fish Out of Water
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Jun 23 - Comments Off on Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

Imagine you’re hearing a horrendous discord of sounds, a sonic sting so grating that you want to plug your ears.

The sound is very deceptive, because to most people hearing said sounds they would say they are not that bad, in fact they may even dismiss them as a slight annoyance, a mosquito to be psychically swatted away, but to you the sounds make you want to scream your head off.

Deceptive too for anyone observing the situation would be my perceived reaction to the sound, which would appear to be a state of contentment if not even enjoyment if I could conjure up a smile at that particular moment.

Fact is all those expressions would be fake, false, and quite out of touch with the feelings inside me, that’s because the sound is one of a friend, family member, or acquaintance who constantly spits out nonsense of all sorts and never takes anything in.

Lack of accepting criticism and correction would be the biggest of the culprits in the situation that lead me to write this column about the subject, but the sounds can come in many shapes, sizes, and assorted nasty flavors.

Ignorance would be another because as much as you may tiptoe through tulips or on eggshells not to create a social gaffe or a breach of friendly etiquette, these noisemakers will continue to flaunt the behavior that led to such rambling narratives as you see in this column.

Sadly earplugs only go so far as these sounds and indeed actions are intrusive in a bunch of different ways not easily deterred.

Loud is a word usually reserved for sound, but smells can be loud, sights can scream, and even a presence can shriek just as loud as any chain rattling spirit.

So in order to fully understand the subject matter of this column, you have to think of this noise as almost a living entity, a plague upon the senses if you will, that little bit of food stuck in your teeth that you cannot seem to dislodge no matter how much you try.

Now at this point in the column I’m usually prone to writing about the things you can do to improve a situation, ways to maybe change your mode of thought to be able to escape the fate of this assault on decency.

I’d be preaching tolerance, an ability to cut through the muck and find clear water to sail on, listing the best methods to ‘count to ten’ and not react in anger, perhaps writing it out, or punching a pillow, who knows.

In a better light than what lights this page today, there are tons of possibilities.

However on this one I’m at a total loss, I can think of no other advice but to create space between yourself and this ‘noise,’ basically I have no other consul to offer at this one besides…run.
Run as fast as you can, far as you need because this sound may carry.

Good luck.


Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 May 23 - Comments Off on Shrimpfest

Seadrift Chamber of Commerce
Gates OPEN 4PM – Midnight
$5 Entry until 8PM
after 8PM $15

Gates OPEN 12PM -Midnight
$5 Entry until 6PM
after 6PM $15

Great bands, pageant, 5K, shrimp boot auction, Miss Bay Rat, poker run, scavenger hunt, inflatables for kids, vendors and more!

Tournaments: Fishing, KidFish, Horseshoes, Frozen T-Shirt, Washers, Corn Hole, and more!
NEW THIS YEAR!!! Shrimp Cook-Off!!!! Details on Chamber  Cash prizes!!!

Volunteers wanted and needed!

Contact or register on website!

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