Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Happenings at First Baptist Church by Diane Cooley

Easter was celebrated last weekend all over the world. Right here in POC we had another glorious sun rise service at Kingfisher beach. Several hundred people came to take part in this wonderful event. I pray you were one of them. Fisherman’s Chapel and POC First Baptist Church join together to present the service each year. Pastor Rich Schiller from FBC preached the main message and Pastors Joanne and Erne McDonough from Fisherman’s Chapel led the prayers. Members of FBC Choir led the singing. Fisherman’s Chapel provided coffee and juice and Mary Tavenier baked delicious cinnamon rolls. If you have never welcomed Easter watching the sun rise over Matagorda Bay, you need to mark your calendar for next year. Be there.

The day before Easter, FBC held their annual egg hunt. The weather was beautiful and we had a BIG crowd of children aged toddlers through 6th grade. FBC hides approximately 1000 eggs each year plus golden prize eggs for each age group. (See pictures of lucky winners). Afterwords we serve punch and cookies in our Fellowship Hall. It’s a special tradition in our community and parents who brought their children years ago are now bringing their grandchildren! If you have never joined us for this fun afternoon, please come next year and start your family tradition!

We have ongoing classes and activities every week at FBC. We are waiting to welcome you with open arms to any and all.

Sunday – 9:00 Sunday School – 10:00 – Church – 6:00 – Prayer Meeting
Tuesday – Ladies Bible Study – 4:00
Wednesday – 5:30 TEAM KIDS and Youth activities

Come join us next Sunday.

Aliza Dean 3rd thru 5th grade

Aliza Dean
3rd thru 5th grade



 Ruby Rosenbaum Babies - 3 yrs

Ruby Rosenbaum
Babies – 3 yrs

John McCall - Babies - 3 yrs

John McCall – Babies – 3 yrs


Alicia Morlin - 1st and 2nd grade

Alicia Morlin – 1st and 2nd grade

Lane Seymour 1st and 2nd grade

Lane Seymour
1st and 2nd grade

Noah Peng 3rd - 5th grade

Noah Peng
3rd – 5th grade




Connor McCauley PreK - Kinder

Connor McCauley
PreK – Kinder

Senior Spotlight…by Tanya DeForest

Archived in the category: General, Senior Spotlight
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Senior Spotlight…by Tanya DeForest

Mike Victory
“Seadrift just seemed like home.”

When asked why Mike and his wife Cilia have lived in Seadrift for thirty years Mike commented, “Seadrift just seemed like home.” What impressed Cilia about Seadrift was the way the townspeople rallied around their family when they needed help.

Cilia and Mike attend a local church named “New Beginnings” where Mike was water baptized. “I just wanted to get closer to God,” Mike said about his experience. Cilia had her moment with God when as an eleven-year-old she went forward at a tent revival to receive Jesus as her Savior. Cilia remembers the singing, the playing of the drums, and the pastor’s invitation to come forward to receive Jesus, and Cilia did just that! Now Cilia says, “Going to church is the highlight of the week.”

Originally from Corpus Christi, Mike is an Army veteran who served in Germany as an ambulance mechanic. He is retired from the City of Point Comfort where he worked for eighteen years. Before that he worked at Brown and Root as a sandblaster and a painter for fifteen years.

Cilia grew up in Bloomington where she was a landfill attendant for seven years. She worked at Formosa as an electrician’s helper for a year and a half, was a housekeeper at the Captain’s Quarters in Seadrift for thirteen years, and did janitorial work at the Seadrift First National Bank and the Seadrift Methodist Church for nine years. She retired from the Seadrift School where she worked full-time doing janitorial work for seven years.

Mike and Cilia have been married almost forty-six years, have three children, and eleven grandchildren.

Mike and Cilia Victory

Mike and Cilia Victory

Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, Fish Out of Water, General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Fish Out of Water by Thomas Spychalski…

It seems that allergens and the allergic reactions they cause are almost like your body’s version of a self fulfilling prophecy.

Your body thinks that all that nasty tree pollination is a personal attack even though it is not, so along with all the clogged nasal passages and sinus headaches that come with it, your body is also the victim of an internal lie.

I didn’t always use to have allergies, at least not the ones that burns like I stuck a small sun up my nose just because it’s spring, I always knew I was allergic to dogs and cats but I never let it stop me from hugging a Fido or a kitty, I mean have you seen how damn cute those guys are?
It might be stupid, but in the end some of my best friends ended up being cats and dogs so I still maintain, despite complications, that this was the right choice.

However, it seems the last couple years that seasonal allergies have come home to roost in my cranium and if the current clogging and throbbing up there are any indication of how long their stay will be, it seems they like it here and made a reservation for every spring.

I hope they enjoy their stay but I already know by the noise I’m hearing up there that they are wrecking the rooms up there.

Funny thing is I’ve been waiting to see an allergist, and they will when it would seem the allergens will be retreating, which does not seem like a great time to be tested or treated.
That said. it could be worse, allergies can be serious, enough to land one in the hospital in the most extreme cases.

That being said, I have an extra issue with the idea of allergies, and that is the most popular allergy medication actually makes me feel ill, meaning it might only be via an allergy expert that I finally feel relief.

So until then it’s a bunch of home remedies and prayer, I would not find it so annoying if the burning sensation didn’t make it impossible for me to sleep on an almost ‘toothache’ level.

Worse this time, it has taken away my sense of taste and smell. Besides the obvious thing to think that it could be COVID instead (I’m pretty sure it’s not), losing taste and smell is not a fun thing to go through, your food having no taste is just another insult added to my allergy injuries.

My allergies really went off the deep end starting two years ago when I was in Knoxville, Tennessee an area of East Tennessee where the locals have a saying: “If you don’t have allergies when you get here you will when you leave.”

That said, I guess it’s just a small inconvenience compared to many things, I’d just like my nose to not be red and aching and to be able to taste my chicken soup.

Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

Thank You
We would like to give our heartfelt Thanks and Sincere Appreciation to the First Responders who recently came to our aid in an unexpected family emergency.
Within minutes of our 911 call, responders from POC Volunteer Fire/EMS Department, Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, Calhoun County EMS and Texas State Game Wardens arrived to assist and comfort our family.

A special Thank You to our local Justice of the Peace, Nancy Pomykal, for her compassionate and devoted service and empathy. We all feel extremely lucky to live in a community of such caring, considerate, and dedicated people.

The Solorio, Tigrett, Gregory, and Upchurch Families

Happy Mothers’ Day by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Apr 23 - Comments Off on Happy Mothers’ Day by Erny McDonough

While typing on my computer in my office, Pastor Joane is in Victoria awaiting the birth of our first great granddaughter. Ariel (our oldest granddaughter) and Hunter are experiencing the whole mystery of life itself, the miracle of motherhood. And in the plan of God, there is no time in life when we are not in some way touched by our mothers, even after our mothers have passed. The demands and responsibilities of being a mom are at least as commanding as they are joyous.

Motherhood begins with love – hopefully, of a wife for the husband, and equally, of a husband for his bride. I am old-fashioned enough to find it hard to believe love is real when the commitment of marriage is absent! Love is a self-giving relationship in which there is mutual respect, mutual admiration, open communication, and joy in each other’s presence. This is where motherhood should begin.

Motherhood should become a possibility only when a child is truly wanted – by both mother and father. Each child has this right! Even when the child is unplanned, it has the right to be desired and loved.

I believe that much of the child abuse in our society is the result of unwanted children. When infants and children make demands upon parents who do not even want them, the stage is set for those parents to respond in irrational ways. In the middle of an already sleepless night, a baby cries and cries and cries. That is a very difficult problem even for those who absolutely want the child. But for those who do not, it is impossible – beyond tolerance – beyond reason.

Psychological abuse can take place when a child is unwanted. One child is singled out. He or she becomes, without any justification, the black sheep of the family. When anything goes wrong, the whole family knows whom to blame.

Every child has the right to be wanted and loved unconditionally. Parents should be able to say and act accordingly. “You do not have to do anything to earn our love.” Even those strange and wonderful adolescents should feel this kind of acceptance.

Every woman should know that it is anti-Christian to believe her value is based upon her decision or ability to bring children into the world. Yes, God did say to the human race, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” When I was about to get married, Dad came to me and told me, “Son, God has already filled the earth and He does not need your help in keeping it filled!” Yes, “Children are a blessing of the Lord,” but adoption is an option that is still available! Wanted children are those for whom we can provide materially, emotionally, and spiritually. And every child has the right to be wanted!

The unique bond between mother and child is established before birth. Mother is providing for baby from conception. Every mother has known for a long time that someone is living inside her. The care of a child must begin before birth for the child to be healthy!

Just think about all that goes on during those years in which we are directly responsible, legally and morally, for our children. In the very beginning, parents are responsible for meeting all of the baby’s needs. This is symbolized in no better way than a baby at its mother’s breast.

Satisfying the baby’s physical needs is paramount in the earliest days, but soon other needs must be satisfied also. There are safety needs, love, affection, and belonging needs, esteem needs, and so on. Satisfying the physical needs shows through the years as the child becomes more physically capable. But personal love and support are always needed, and mothers have a special way of proving this, even when we are grown.

During the growing-up years, there are a great many tasks to accomplish. There are traumas in maturing – from a skinned knee to rejection by a high school sweetheart – and motherly comfort helps most of all.

But as I see it, the greatest need is for mothers to prepare their children for eternity. In fact, I see it as abuse to bring a child into this world and not help him or her become ready to face God! Remember, we are not simply raising children – we are bringing eternal souls to planet earth, and they will have to determine their eternal destiny! I believe the church will assist mothers in this task, but the church can not do it all. Mothers should teach their children to pray, study the Bible, and most importantly, accept Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior and Lord.

Motherhood does not stop when the children are “grown” – whatever that means! there are new ways to relate to one’s mother, for sure, but the need for Mother and her need for us continues so long as the Lord graces us with life.

Men, we have not forgotten your importance in the “hood,” but we will talk to you next month!

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