4-H News

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 25 - Comments Off on 4-H News

Intercoastal 4-H:  We are doing a scholarship fundraiser for Intercoastal 4-H seniors. We are selling football squares for $25 a square. Get with a 4-H member to purchase yours or find us on facebook at Intercostal 4-H. Our next Intercoastal 4-H club meeting in February 1 5:30 at the community center.

Bryce Sandy 

Intercoastal 4-H Secretary 

Senior Spotlight by Tanya DeForest

Archived in the category: General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 25 - Comments Off on Senior Spotlight by Tanya DeForest


Life-long residents of Seadrift, Joe and Mary Beaver, will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary this year! They are, also, life-long members of Seadrift’s First Baptist Church and have been blessed with five children, twenty grandchildren, fifty-two great grandchildren, and twenty-one great great grandchildren (with two on the way!)

We salute Joe’s service in the Navy. He served on the famous USS Midway! He, also, was a commercial fisherman. At one time he ran Captain Joe’s Seafood Shack Restaurant in Shiner, enjoyed doing fundraisers, and helping with Seadrift’s Baptist Church’s food pantry. He even played Santa and “Bingo Man” at the local nursing home. Joe was a man of many talents!

Mary Beaver was very talented as well. She crocheted dresses for toys for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, for toys for homeless inner city children, and for teddy bears for the police to give to children.

Mary worked as a deckhand on their boat. She went to nursing school after getting her GED at the age of fifty and proudly became an LVN. She worked at the Port Lavaca Nursing and Rehab until she retired.

Mary loves to read and would spend hours reading to her children when they were little. She loves to read her Bible and still reads from it every night before going to bed.

We celebrate Joe and Mary’s contributions to so many people and wish them a very blessed new year and a happy up and coming seventieth anniversary

Yeshua by Sierra Jubilee

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 25 - Comments Off on Yeshua by Sierra Jubilee

So, you may be asking, “What does Yeshua mean?” The name “Jesus” is not His factual name. Surprise! Jesus was a Hebrew and as such, He had a Hebrew name! “Jesus” is the Greek anglicized name for Yeshua. Yeshua, short for “Yehoshua” means, YHWH is salvation (Roth, 2012, p. 2). So, when you see or hear a reference to “Yeshua”, you will know who is being mentioned. I love saying Yeshua because it is so authentic. Growing up, my family and I called Him, “Jesus”. However, I was blown away when I learned that “Jesus” is actually not what Gaberial told Mary to name the Messiah in Luke 1:26-31 (New King James Version). If you think about it, it does make sense, though. The Hebrews do not even have the letter “J” in their language. So, why would the Messiah have a name that begins with the letter “J”? Consequently, our Anglicized Bibles have taken on the Greek version by translating “Yeshua” into “Jesus”. I’m not saying calling Him “Jesus” is wrong, it is just not authentic. I like what Beckah Shae, a Christian songwriter and singer, said in an interview regarding “Jesus” vs. “Yeshua”. According to the interview done by the Holy Language Institute, Beckah Shae says, “when I say, “Jesus it is like wearing a nice necklace, but when I say “Yeshua” it is like wearing a real gold necklace.” Additionally, Shae says, “it feels like it’s the real thing. It is like the real gold. It’s the real thing and it’s just more rich. It’s…more meaningful, more precious. It is more of a precious thing”. In conclusion, by knowing the Messiah’s given name, I feel like it will help to bring us into a closer walk with our Creator while we strive to know Him better on this journey called life.


Holy Bible: The New King James Version, Containing the Old and New Testaments. Nashville, T. Nelson, 1982.

Holy Language Institute: Following Yeshua Together. “Beckah Shae: “Why I Use Hebrew in My Songs.”” YouTube, 13 July 2011, www.youtube.com/watch. Accessed 19 Dec. 2024.

Roth, A. G. Aramaic English New Testament. Fifth ed., Netzari Press, 2012, pp. i–1069.

Fun at School

Archived in the category: General, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 25 - Comments Off on Fun at School
Destiny Banda stands by a reproduction of an adult emperor penguin.  The class was deciding if they were taller, shorter or the same height as an emperor penguin.

Destiny Banda stands by a reproduction of an adult emperor penguin. The class was deciding if they were taller, shorter or the same height as an emperor penguin.

“Come as You are”

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 17 Jan 25 - Comments Off on “Come as You are”


“Come as You are” is the theme of this nondenominational church in Seadrift. Located at 912 W. Broadway, its pastors are Mart and Mary Ann Maxwell. They love to have visitors at the 10:30 service on Sunday mornings and their 6:30 Bible study on Wednesday evenings. Their youth services are led by Allen Pokluda. The youth service times vary so a phone call would be in order to find out. His number is 361-235-2291.

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