“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)

Wuhan Coronavirus, How it Affects Us

There is much hysteria in the counter-claims and political posturing this election year, and the Wuhan coronavirus has been a major excuse. We need to get back to some basic facts about it, and the effect it has on America.

First, approx. 2.8 million Americans die every year. The number of patients dying of Wuhan virus is high, even shocking during peak transmission, but the fact is most of the deaths are the elderly and those with ‘serious co-morbidities’ – conditions likely to cause death, in any age group. It may be “mean-spirited” to say, but many, perhaps even most, of the victims of this virus were likely to die anyway within the foreseeable future. It is an “Immune Deficiency disease” though “pneumonia” is the primary cause of death. We will see how it really effects the annual death rate. And there is a financial input, because Medicaid will pay for any Coronavirus Death, it is very beneficial for a hospital to list the death of an uninsured patient as Coronavirus, even if the major cause was something else.

The Wuhan virus is highly contagious, and little understood because it is new. And most of the info we got from China, the UN, and WHO was false. In the last few weeks we are learning there are many infected who have NO symptoms, as well as many healthy people that have few mild symptoms, and simply “tough it out” like a cold or “Seasonal Flues”. Some folks have a higher resistance, others dose with vitamins, Commercial “cures”, and home-remedies; and sometimes these work. We are discovering tens of thousands of people that had it, because the testing is getting better. The US leads the world in Corona Testing now.

America must get back to work. Basic Logistics, like food-supply depend on it. Conditions vary widely, it is stupid to compare New Jersey – densely populated with less than 9 million people, with Texas and 30.5 million in a huge and varied state. No, “It’s not fair!”, it is a VIRUS! NJ has 4 times the cases and 9 times the deaths for less than a third of the number of people. Different type country and different people, different climate, and different attitudes. Warm weather, sunlight, and high humidity are known to kill the virus, quickly. Minutes compared to hours inside. Salt air and water are known to be natural “disinfectants”. We need to get outdoors more. Vitamin D, from sunlight, is known to strengthen the immune system. That is a factor in the “Herd Immunity”, we don’t have an artificial, commercial vaccine, so we better use what we have. The bottom line is America MUST get back to work! So the places that can, should. And it is not “Statewide” either – Houston is a mess, so is the Dallas area and the Austin-San Antonio corridor, but Refugio has 1 case(s), Aransas County has 2, We have 36 total cases with 11 active on 5/8. Statewide- 35,390 total cases, but only 15,997 active. One size does not fit all! Improved Testing is pushing the Total Case numbers higher by including people that had it but no serious symptoms. Hospitals are using Corona as Cause of Death to collect from Medicaid. The Average Age of Corona deaths is 75, usually with co-morbitity conditions.

The most important lesson from this Wuhan Chicom Virus is we must rethink our “trading” with China. Whether this is a Bioweapon and released intentionally is open to debate. The “release” was most probably accidental, since the Chicoms have no vaccine or “cure” either; but the mere research, development, and possession is proof of nefarious intent! The Cover-up and lying to WHO and the UN is absolutely inexcusable! The refusal of allowing our Virologists to study it and the lying about actual data and the effects has made a minor outbreak into a ‘Pandemic’ world-wide. While the ChiComs forbade travel from Wuhan to other parts of China, they allowed people to go to other parts of the world, especially Europe, Canada, and the USA. Many went to Canada to get to the USA after Trump’s Travel Ban from China. Also the Chinese were a major exporter of medical supplies and Personal Protection Equipment before this happened, but became a hoarder and net-importer from unsuspecting countries, than raised the prices, also selling inferior, even worthless goods and test kits. They threatened to stop deliveries of contracted sales of drugs and PPE to the US, unless we did things they wanted. They even tried to blame the US, and even Italy, for the Wuhan Virus in some of their Propaganda “News”. But, one fact was released, the Obama Admin had given $2.7 Million to the Wuhan labs, and some of the samples. Reports say that is where the HIV/AIDs cultures came from, that “some-how got mixed in” the Bat Virus.

We must bring all our Medical Supply manufacturing back to the USA! All the Drugs, Vitamins, & food supplements. We simply can not trust the Chinese, They have proven they will use their supply as a ‘Bargaining chip’ when we have the greatest need. It is stupid to trust any computer or radio circuitry from China. These are used even in our weapons-systems and radars, and may have “back-doors” for “Fail-on-command” by radio or micro-wave. China needs our markets to continue their military expansion, we must cut that off. We need to re-industrialize for National Security as well as economic sense. Money has velocity where it circulates to build growth, we need it here, not sending it to our Sworn Enemy, the Chinese Communists. They have just demonstrated another front in their development of “Unconventional Warfare”. We must stop accepting ChiCom students in our universities, giving them internships and jobs in our technology and defense industries for them to learn and steal all our industrial “secrets”. Basically we must start treating the ChiComs the same way we did the Soviet Union! It is not “Racist” or “xenophobic”, it is simply common sense; they have declared themselves for years to be our sworn enemy and their intent to take over Asia and eventually the world. It is Marxist Totalitarianism we are supporting with our trade, and they are pushing it around the world, even supporting it in our colleges and universities. It is economic, cultural, and national suicide to ignore the reality of this any longer!

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. (See website for links and updates.)
Coronavirus Lessons

There are many ‘Lessons’ learned from the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic, the most important is China and Xi can not be trusted. They are run by the ChiCom Party, with “President Xi” as “President (Dictator) for Life”. He has lied to the world about the Coronavirus, is now trying to blame the US Army for introducing and spreading it throughout China. Ridiculous and impossible! It originated from the Biological Weapons lab in Wuhan; many believe by test-animals being sold in the local food market. China now manufactures many of the drugs and antibiotics used in the US, and XI has threatened to withhold shipments because of News calling the ‘Novel Coronavirus’ “Wuhan or Chinese Virus”. This proves that China is not a reliable Trading Partner, can not be trusted, and will use anything to try force dropping the tariffs to the lucrative US Markets. We must keep the tariffs on, and re-industrialize here to have secure supplies of drugs, medical equipment and supplies, and anything else essential to our defense. We need to stop educating Chinese Students that work as Industrial Spies as part of their education and early work experience, then return to China to aid the ChiComs’ world domination schemes.

President Trump ordered travel restrictions and quarantines on Jan 31. Many Democrat leaders complained and ridiculed them, and they were not enforced properly. Many Chinese, even from Wuhan were freely traveling between Vancouver BC, and Seattle WA. This caused an early spike of infections and because it got into Nursing Homes, many deaths. Also, there were 46 Americans evacuated to Japan from Wuhan and 49 Americans from the cruise-ship “Diamond Princess” who were supposed to have been quarantined in Japan until tested, but the Embassy sent them back on cargo jets with Medical personnel. Some were released in CA before the CDC test results were returned, but the infected were supposed to go to Omaha to a Biocontainment Facility. Some of the released did test positive and later had symptoms. That may be part of the early infection spike in CA.

Italy rapidly became a hot-spot for infections and with EU Open Borders spread rapidly through the EU and to many American Tourists.When Trump finally ordered restrictions on flights and voluntary quarantines on returning visitors he was again criticized, but there were many infections and deaths traced to these tourists. More person-to-person infections from travelers were quickly found. Many of the infected were not identified as COVID victims until death.That seems to be the case of a hospital patient in his 90s that died in Matagorda, Sunday Mar 15, his test results were released on the 16th, the first death in Texas.

We must have Simple Med-checks, questions on symptoms, travel, and a temp check on everyone coming into the USA. Tests are inproving in accuracy and time, but quarantines must be enforced. “Voluntary” and At-Home quarantines must be monitored with fines and jail for violations for them to work.

The Coronavirus Spending Bill was being unnecessarily delayed by Nancy Pelosi try to load it with her “Wish List” including Federal paid Abortions, https://pjmedia.com/trending/no-the-coronavirus-emergency-spending-b ill-still-hasnt-made-it-to-the-senate-heres-why/for details. We must get the politics out of this emergency. This is a war for survival.

There definitely is a “curve” associated with this and any other ‘epidemic’. As we see how it is handled in other countries, we can make better predictions, but until the infection rate flattens, anything is a guess. America is a big country, Americans are hard-headed and independent, and there are many people trying to profit from this, so the variables are huge. The time frame varies with different countries, we must learn from the experience and mistakes of others. America is a big country and we must contain it, to defeat it. We can do it, quickly and efficiently if we work at it. Summer temperatures and weather will help. The Anti-Malarial drugs, and Anti-Viral drugs used against AIDS, offer great hope for a quick cure, and eventual vaccine. But NOT a vaccine manufactured in CHINA!!

The Chinese are NOT our Friends and dependence on them for manufactured goods is SLAVERY! Globalism and free-trade are a scam to enrich the Money Manipulators that produce nothing. They buy cheap and sell high, and can create “shortages” whenever it suits them. They can create Media hysteria for their benefit. We must re-industrialize for shorter supply lines and national security. Less transportation means more of the cost can be paid in wages. And the money paid for products then stays in the USA, and as it circulates it creates greater and greater Prosperity for more and more people.Our people, American People. Not financing the ChiCom Army and their technical progress and industrial production in all types of weapons.

Mobilized against the Wuhan Virus is a great first step to Full Industrial Mobilization for the Economic Revival and ensuring National Security for the USA!We must never be dependent on China for anything, ever again! And we should not be dependent on any other country for anything important Medically or Militarily. EVER! We are avoiding the take-over by the Globalist Totalitarians by just “dumb-luck” of this “Corona-virus epidemic”.

In the long run we may see it as a blessing that forced a Political Wake-Up on the Sheeple. We better Rebuild America and get back to “E Pluribus Unum”, instead of the stupidity of “Diversity” and Identity Politics. The strength of America is in our culture of unity and equality for all American Citizens, “One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All”. But we have an anti-Constitutional faction making an industry out of “Special Rights” for anyone that “feels oppressed”. Get over it! It is a Satanic Political hussle that will turn on anyone and everyone when it is Politically Expedient.

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Redefining the Political Confusion

The “Democrat Party” is Imploding, or at least going through a tremendous transition period. Many “Republicans” are happy to see the Dem Leadership embarrass themselves, exposing their criminality, bias, and Anti-Constitutional Agenda; and Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, and Anti Christian attitudes. While I am very happy to see the Anti-American elements exposed, hopefully to be tried and punished in courts run under American Jurisprudence, court procedure, and Constitutional Law; I think we need to to take a somber look at what has happened and what needs to be done.

First we need to look for Truth, and Justice should be our goal. To find truth we must throw out the perverted “Current Definitions” and explain new, more descriptive, definitions. To begin with, I am not a “Big R” GOP Republican. I am basically a Jeffersonian democratic-republican, a Constitutionalist. Looking at history, the Traditional Democrats were more States.

Rights/Limited Federal Govt than the Republican Party, who saw more advantages in a strong Federal Govt with far reaching powers to grow Govt to expand economic interests and trade. Originally for the westward expansion of the Original United States, and later as a World Power. This is good in some ways, but has great potential for abuse; because power corrupts, and corrupt people love power, to both empower themselves and to corrupt others into following them. And the Constitution was written by wise men to limit the power of a Central Govt, and protect the States and the People from any faction abusing the Federal (Central) Govt’s delegated powers.

We need a Democrat Party, but we need an American Democrat Party! Based on the positive principles of the original Jeffersonian Democrat party. Since 2006 the National “D” Party has taken such a hard left turn that FDR or JFK would not recognize it. This is no longer the Traditional Democrat Party or even “democratic”. I think the Iowa Caucus has demonstrated that. The “D” Primary has become a Marxist Promising Contest, with the various Candidates trying to ‘Out-Promise’ the others on Liberal Progressive Ideology that would give even Traditional Liberals a heart-attack! This is a symptom of the “Big European City” Mob Rule that the Founders feared. The indoctrination of Collectivism/Marxism as an Ideology, has overtaken a large segment of the current “D” party ‘base’, the most active segment of the base. Coupled with the Media’s desire for ratings, and Anti-Tea Party/Anti-Trump hysteria, has caused the political fad of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. This caused a natural back-lash from Trump supporters, Original Intent Constitutionalists, and some Christians that see this as the Communist take over of the “D” Party, much of the Federal Bureaucracy, and especially “D” party leadership. Corrupt “D-Rats” and socialist “Dem-Socs” are actually steering the “D” Party into Anti-Constitution and Anti-American activities. These are most visible in the false prosecution of Trump supporters, and the Shampeachment of President Trump himself, using methods and procedures that are easily described as “Stalinist”, certainly more in line with Soviet NKGB, then what we believe in as Americans. Also they are attacking our Constitutional Guarantees of Natural Rights of Traditional Americans.

We must try to differentiate between the factions. The power-crazed “D-Rat” & “Obamunist hold-over” leadership, or The Dem-Soc Faction (Marxist/Socialist/Communists) do not represent the bulk of the real “Democrat” rank and file. All of us, regardless of “Party Loyalty” or Political ideology need to realize this, and try harder to discern the goals of different groups. We must also recognize there are factions on all sides. There are the RINOs, the Neo-Con/Globalists, the “Big Govt UniParty”, and the ones that are mostly in it for their own self-interests. We must use honest definitions for other factions, also. Nationalists are not “Nazis”, but concerned with National Security, National Sovereignty, and the rights and interests of American Citizens, over the interests of the Internationalists/Globalists/One Worlders and the various Money Manipulators. Those who are against abuse of our Military, meddling in other countries affairs unnecessarily, and being the World Policeman are not necessarily “Isolationists”, but recognize practical limits and the rights of others to their cultures. And all cultures are not equal, but are suitable for those people that choose them, or they should change theirs, not us.

We must be honest in using the verbal ‘short-hand’ of “labels”, and need to be understood by both parties for good communication. Marxists want to demonize anyone that resists their acts by calling them NAZIs, but Nazis were National Socialists, only differing in seeking National power, as opposed to the Internationalist goals of the Communists. Both want Totalitarian power. Both are “Marxists” in their totalitarian “socialism”, the ‘bait’ for their take-over of cradle-to-grave power & domination. The somewhat more honest “Communists” admit that “socialism” is a ‘temporary phase’ as a ‘transition’ into “communism”. While the Communist wants violent revolution to quickly move a society into Communism; the “Socialist” wants a “Democratic Transition by Popular Vote”, with “violence” used only when and where their “Transition” is rejected by the people. Experience by many nations has given us a “popular saying” by the Anti-communists: “You can vote yourself into Socialism/Communism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.” “Fascist” is another popular insult of the Communists, but modern “Fascism” also has it’s roots in Marx if you study Mussolini. Generally it is a co-operation of Big Industry(s) and a totalitarian Regime to use “Socialism” to get the people to accept the Regime’s totalitarian usurpation of natural human rights. A Constitutional Republic is designed to prevent all of these abuses if properly administered. Where the Constitution guarantees the Natural Rights of the Citizens, and limits the Powers of the Central/Federal Govt to those delegated and mandated to the Federal Govt.

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome

There is so much craziness going on in Dysfunctional DC, the D-Rat “Blame Trump” Caucus and Media, and the ever popular “The Sky is Falling” Chicken Little “Trump is Destroying the World” Snowflakes; it is an “Article: Target Rich Environment”, but “a ball of confusion”. So, I will try to address how they tie together: The insanity of D-Rat “Resist & Obstruct” or “Trump Derangement Syndrome”:

Nancy Pelosi’s “Shampeachment” of President Trump marches, stumbles, or slithers on: It was such a National Emergency that she had to have a vote on her “Non-crime with no real Evidence Accusations” before Christmas Vacation. But from the House vote Dec 18, until ‘Dead-line’ for this paper, 23 days, she has not delivered her House Vote to the Senate Clerks. Pelosi is trying to manipulate the Senate Trial as she did the “Impeachment Investigation”, it is a farce. She knows her “Articles” are made-up accusations, not crimes, no evidence, only “opinions” on policy differences, and mostly a ‘cover-up’ for real crimes by the Bidens and others in the Obama Admin.

While Pelosi is dithering with the “Impeachment Vote”, Iran was creating chaos in Iraq. The D-rats were cheering for “Trump’s Benghazi”, but Trump immediately sent troops to protect our Embassy. Then we got a great opportunity to get the #1 Terrorist in the Middle Eeast, Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, and Trump ordered the drone-strike. Queen Pelosi had a hissy-fit because Trump did not ask her permission. Everyone knows why, she and her Leaker-in-Chief Schiff would have dithered some more, tried to make more “Impeachment Fodder” out of it, and CNN would have been broadcasting ‘The Plan’ world-wide in 5 minutes. Trump acted to save our troops, Soleimani, 5 other Hezbollah and Shia militia leaders were killed, and 6 others wounded and captured.

The Lib/Prog Media went full attack on “Dictator Trump” while Pelosi is flirting with “Treason” trying to protect Iran and their terrorist surrogates, as well as “Sedition” for her domestic campaign of “Resist and Obstruct” of the President’s Duties. The Dems and Media accused Trump of starting WW III, while the Mullahs tried to woof their people and military up for Reprisals for killing their favorite terrorist. After the funeral, the Iranians launched a major ballistic missile attack on two bases where US troops were. 16 missiles were launched, 4 didn’t even find their way to the targets and the 12 that made it did no significant damage. No Americans were hurt. The real casualty was a Ukrainian airliner with 176 passengers and crew. The Iranians denied responsibility, but refused to turn over the ‘black boxes’ recovered. The debris-field indicated an explosion at altitude rather than a crash, damage and parts recovered indicate the airliner was hit by anti-aircraft-artillery fire and 2 anti-aircraft missiles. The Lib-Prog media switched back to “Trump is a coward for not retaliating”, while Pelosi pushed some non-binding resolution through the House stopping him from doing anything militarily without House approval. That same day, Iran was forced to admit responsibility for shooting down the airliner, but the Lib-Prog Media is still pushing “Trump made them do it”. Whose side are those people on?

Trump and our Generals knew the Iran attack was an embarrassment to Iran and a “face-saving act” for their own people. And Iran is now trying to de-escalate. In less than a week, the Leftist Media accused President Trump of being incompetent in protecting our Embassy, to a “murderer” for killing the Terrorist King-pin, to “causing WW III”, to being a “coward” for not retaliating for the ineffectual missile attack. Pelosi and her Dem-Socs are so wrapped up in trying to “get Trump” that they are forgetting about their duty to the American People and their Oath to the Constitution and our Republic to “protect and defend from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Updates: Nancy Pelosi will release the Impeachment Articles to the Senate so the Trial can begin or an Acquittal Vote held. There will be motions to “Dismiss with Prejudice”, For lack of a crime, and lack of evidence to support the Accusations. I hope that McConnell resists the pressure to try and “cut it short”, and gives it a Full Trial. With all the witnesses Pelosi wants, and all the witnesses the Trump Defense Team need to prove a “Not Guilty” Verdict; and to prove all the Sedition Conspiracy and Criminal Cover-ups to force DoJ Trials for all the Criminal Co-conspirators.

The Iranian Govt admits they shot the Airliner down, they claim “fog of war”, try to blame Trump, but their excuses do not fit the facts. The Airliner was under radio & radar contact, probably with a transponder, there is no excuse for them shooting it down! There are massive Demonstrations by the Iranian People against the Islamic Regime. The regime threatens repression and violence, President Trump warns the Mullahs not to kill the demonstrators. President Trump may have started a ‘Make Iran Civilized Again’ movement!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Democrats would get behind an effort to help the Iranian people change their government into something that helped them and developed their economy for peaceful trade? Instead of destabilizing all of the Middle East by religious war? There are already rumblings from Pelosi to prevent Trump from encouraging them to throw off the chains of the Islamofascists. Has it been the Obamunist fad of “Appeasement” for so long, that the D-Rats are incapable of anything else? Or are they so blinded by their Trump Derangement Syndrome that they don’t want anything to work well for America?

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Impeachment Hoax

The Great Sedition Conspiracy has entered into its latest phase, the Impeachment Hoax. This started with claims that a “Whistle-Blower” gave Testimony to Adam Schiff Chairman of the Intel Committee that President Trump demanded the President of Ukraine investigate the Petro/gas company Burisma hiring Hunter Biden on its Board of Directors for a ridiculously high salary and bonuses. His father, Vice President Joe Biden demanding the previous Ukrainian Admin quash an investigation into Burisma and fire the Prosecutor, or he would cancel a $1 Billion Military Aid package. There is no doubt that this threat was made, VP Biden bragged about it on video at a Counsel on Foreign Relations Conference.

The D-Rat Propaganda Media was ecstatic! “We got him now! Trump using his office to demand an investigation into an Opposing Candidate! Abuse of Power!” (curiously, that is what the D-Rats did to Trump for 4 years now!) Schiff read off a fantasy conversation of what he wanted people to believe happened, to Congress and the Fake News. The Propaganda Media Manure Spreader revved up to red-line! But it immediately started falling apart as the facts came out. President Trump released the transcript of the call, and quashed that lie. We learned the previous standard for a Whistle-Blower was actual first hand knowledge, but for this case was nothing but workplace rumor, second, third, & fourth-hand OPINION of what went on. “Gossip Girl” wishful thinking.. And it gets worse. The “Hoax-blower” had been in contact with “Schiff and his staff”, probably including ‘Lawfare’ Lawyers hired to create an impeachment, for a month before his “Startling Revelation”. Fine-tuning the script? Planning the Media Campaign?

Witnesses are called to confirm the allegations. US diplomat Bill Taylor testified that Trump wanted to use Ukraine the “get dirt on Biden”, but under questioning revealed “his sole source of information” for his accusation was the rabidly Anti-Trump, New York Times! The Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, tried to support the allegation but had no first hand knowledge, but had been fired, said she “feared retaliation by Trump”, and later was caught in substantial lies. Lt Col Vindman testified to his impression of possible bad reactions, and may prove to be one of the “Hoax-blower’s sources”. Most have suspicious connections to Brennan’s CIA. All of Schiff’s witnesses are Democrat Operatives, at best.

On 11/6 the news broke that Mark S. Zaid, attorney for the ‘Hoax-Blower’ tweeted on January 30, 2017, only 10 days after President Trump was inaugurated, “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers”. That was over Trump firing Sally Yates, Obama’s Attorney General, for cause. She refused to carry out an order, to follow existing laws in controlling Illegal Immigration. Other D-Rats & Anti-Trumpers had called for Trump’s impeachment from the day after his election, 2 1/2 months before he was inaugurated, and did anything! Zaid was bragging then, that he was “all in” for the “Coup”! By then the Obama Admin/FBI/DoJ seditious”Crossfire Hurricane” and the false FISA Court Warrants/Investigations/Attempted Entrapments were common knowledge to D’Rat operatives and their allies, even if they were not yet Co-Conspirators. Zaid was a willing volunteer in the criminal conspiracy, and arrogant enough to brag about it. All of those people proved they have no respect for the Constitution, Trump’s election, the American Voters, or American Jurisprudence.

Schiff is using his power in the Intel Committee to conduct his “Fishing Expedition & Witch Hunt” in a closed “Star Chamber-like” environment under the pretense of an “Intelligence Investigation”. He is violating all previous Impeachment procedures, and American law by denying all normal defense protections to President Trump and the GOP members of the Committee. His Special Rules are straight out of a movie about Soviet or Gestapo Show trials. Schiff gets to “approve” all witnesses, he has refused to allow the witnesses to answer question he doesn’t like, and The Pelousi House approved “rules” allow him to forbid disclosure of Exculpatory Evidence discovered by his “investigation”. ( “Exculpatory” is evidence that shows the accused is not guilty.) These are all flagrant violations of Constitutional Law and American Jurisprudence. This is an Impeachment without a Crime, built on false accusations, wishful thinking, lies and raw hatred. A real political Lynching. The real reason is the Criminal Conspiracies against Trump and his supporters keep getting proven, and there is confirmed evidence to convict the perpetrators from the FBI, through the DoJ, CIA, NSA, and their agents, up to Hillary & her Campaign, and the Obama White House. Also probably the DNC.

Trump can destroy the “leadership” and the upper bureaucracy, and many elected officials of the Socialist subsumed once “Democrat Party”, and it is all based on their criminal doings. Trump did nothing wrong, they found nothing in over 4 years, and there is nothing wrong with this Ukraine investigation. The Ukrainians had started it before the call, our President is required to ensure foreign aid is not going to corrupt govts and purposes, there was no Quid pro Quo because the Ukrainians did not know there was a hold on the aid and the Ukrainian mentioned the Biden/Burisma problem before Trump did. The call was more about CloudStrike and possible Election interference to start with. But that is a whole different (Hillary E-mail) problem.

UpDate 11/7: The D-rats are actually still considering 3 Articles of Impeachment: Contempt of Congress (kinda hard not to do these days), Abuse of Power (trying to make the DoJ prosecute proven crimes by D-Rats?), and Obstruction of Justice (Just Us? Not letting them do whatever they want?). They just can’t get any evidence to support a conviction for any crime, but they don’t like what he does! So, there! “Orange Man BAD!”

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