
Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments

Amanda Nicole Wygrys

Amanda Nicole Wygrys

Congratulations to Amanda Wygrys on making the Dean’s List at Texas Sate University for the Fall of 2018.

She is a Junior, enrolled in the College of Heath Professionals and is studying to become a speech pathologist.
Amanda has maintained a 4.0 grade average since enrolling – quite an accomplishment!

Her proud parents are Mary and Troy Wygrys of Port O’Connor.

Intercoastal 4-H Notes

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments

The Intercoastal 4-H club had their monthly meeting February 4, 2019. We would like to give a BIG thanks to Mrs. Brigid Berger for giving the Intercoastal 4-H Club a generous donation towards our dance!!! We are holding a Valentineś Day Dance February 16, 2019 at the Port O´Connor Community Center from 6-9 p.m. **All Elementary Students MUST be accompanied by an adult or guardian!**

Our next meeting will be held March 4, 2019 at 6:30 in the POC Elementary Library.

McKenna Guevara
Vice President/Reporter

Winter wading does not mean you have to be miserable while fishing. The key is to buy good, warm and comfortable gear. Some of the best and most popular is made by Foreverlast. Robert Sloan photo

Winter wading does not mean you have to be miserable while fishing. The key is to buy good, warm and comfortable gear. Some of the best and most popular is made by Foreverlast. Robert Sloan photo

The good thing about the cold-water months along the Gulf coast is that fishing doesn’t shut down. It will slow a bit but catches of redfish and speckled trout can be better than you might think. The down side of fishing the cold tides of winter is that you need be geared up for comfort. Remember that we’re dealing with Old Man Winter and that means wading can be warm and comfortable one day then grim, cold and miserable the next. Fortunately, cold weather is not that big of a deal along the Texas coast where wade fishing rules from about now through April.

The unique thing about wading is that it’s a total escape from the real world. Once you get away from the boat you are on your own. It’s you, the water and the fish. And when you’re rigged up for comfort and have all the right gear it’s a type of fishing that is tough to beat. Plus, it’s a good way to find and catch big trout.

Waders know from experience that gearing up for hours of comfort in cold water is not as simple as you might think. The intriguing thing about wade fishing is that you are on your own, but to do it right requires some forward thinking and gearing up with the right stuff.

Wading starts with a good pair of waders. I’ve found that stocking foot waders are the best way to go. They are comfortable and when combined with a pair of wading boots can be worn all day. Lightweight chest waders are best. They can be worn up over the chest, or rolled down and secured with a belt around your waist on warm afternoons. Neoprene waders are good in really cold water. However, what I’ve done over the past several winters is to wear warm clothes under lightweight stocking foot waders.

My favorite waders are made by Simms. They are compact, lightweight, and comfortable. Plus, they easily convert to waist highs. Good waders will easily cost over a hundred bucks, and can jump up in the $300 to $600 range. One thing is certain about waders – you get what you pay for. Custom fitted waders like Simms are worth their weight in gold.

One big reason for choosing lightweight stocking foot waders is built in comfort. They can be worn all day for wading or while fishing from the boat.

Wading boots vary in quality and comfort. When selecting a pair of wading boots remember that you’ll need to get them two to three sizes larger than your street shoes. That‘s because you’ll be wearing socks for warmth, plus you’ve got to factor in the thickness of the stocking feet on your waders.

Part of the wade fishing line of gear is the belt. Used to be we would strap on an everyday belt around our waist and head out. Over the past decade wading belts have improved 100 percent. They offer back support, a tackle box pouch with tackle box, a rod holder, a stringer clip, and a D-ring attachment point. Some of the belts allow accessories to be moved to different positions for easy customization. A belt with a back-support system improves comfort during long wades.

It’s the accessories that make a belt worth its cost. You definitely need a secure stringer holder. A 12-foot stringer is best, and the plastic coded ones are best for quick removal of fish. A tool pouch for a pair of needle nose pliers is mandatory. I like a wading belt that allows you to move the tackle box compartment around for easy access. The best wading belt I’ve ever used is the G2 Belt Kit made by Foreverlast. It comes rigged with all the accessories and has great back support.

Lately I’ve noticed that a lot of waders are wearing things like line clippers and hook-out pliers around their necks. And some even carry their Power Pole remote around their neck so they can let the boat drift with them.

A good lightweight waterproof parka to wear over your waders is mandatory. It’ll keep you warm and dry. It’s best to wear a wading belt around your parka. That way you’ll keep water from splashing up your backside. Also, if you take a dive it’ll keep water from filling up your waders.

Something else I’ve noticed is that waders are wearing inflatable life jackets over their parkas.

Of course, winter wading will require warm clothing. My advice is to wear the thinnest and warmest high-tech clothing you can afford. Also, use the layering technique so you can peel outside layers off as the day warms up.

Always buy the best wading gear you can afford. It’ll last for years and the comfort of quality fitting waders, boots and a parka are priceless.

Holiday Celebrations Around the World

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments


Saltwater Lodge Outdoor Report by Captain Jeff Larson

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Feb 19 - 0 Comments

Dawn’s Rusty Red Ryder with his last Duck of the Season. -Capt. Jeff Larson

Dawn’s Rusty Red Ryder with his last Duck of the Season.
-Capt. Jeff Larson

Hey’ Duck Season isn’t over just yet! We are prolonging Duck Season to February 23rd. We just have to shift our sights South Of the Border. We are teaming up with Laguna Vista outside of San Fernando on the Lower Lower Laguna Madre. So if you want to go on 1 more Duck Hunt, pack your bags, get your passport and let’s go Duck Hunting. If you can’t make it this year we can book it for next year. Now we have an option during the Split.

The mild foggy weather has been warming the waters just enough to get those fish up shallow for a great topwater bite. Then here comes the Freeze Out Tournament bringing a Nice Big Cold Front and more Ducks. Typical Texas weather, Right? It’s so ironic pre fishing for any Tournament the weather is Great. The fish are everywhere and everyone is catching good fish which elevates all fisherman’s confidence. Then here comes your biggest best planned Tournament Strategy and Mother Nature throws a hum dinger curve ball weather change. Those major weather changes at go time bust most fishermen’s proverbial bubble, it drives us crazy. Here is a Prime Example. As I’m sitting here with my Team discussing what we have found, we are now dealing with 30+ mph North Winds as it shakes the house changing all our ideas because everywhere we found fish are now swimming in chocolate milk stained waters with a substantial temperature drop. No Shocker, huh?!?!?We are just going with what we know cause the wind will blow.

Even with this February cold front, I believe we are going to have an early Spring. We will be chasing Trophy Trout till late Spring. We also have Back Bay Redfishing out of Airboats all year long. We have been seeing a bunch of Reds over the last few days scouting for the Big Tourney so put on a jacket and let’s go catch ‘em!

The Jetties are still producing plenty of Sheephead with a few Reds mixed in the days catch. An occasional Black Drum are making their way into the bay system. The Big Ugly migration should be cranking up. Some Cracked Crab around the Coast Guard Station is a great place to hang a monster Black Drum. Just make sure after a long fight with one of those beast you spend time reviving her so she can live to spawn another day.
We are looking forward to a Great Year of Fishing on the Middle Coast. We are catching solid fish already even with the changing weather conditions. If your freezer is getting a little low on fillets give us a call so we can get you re-stocked up. Remember fishing this time of year you don’t have to get up early. We sometimes leave the dock at 10 a.m. and fishing until sunset.

Billy has the Lodge Calendar and is ready to book your dates and trip. Billy’s Direct Number is: 713 907 4796. Let’s get you in the Books.

Looking Forward to Fishing with You in 2019,

Captain Jeff Larson
281 217 0399

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