“Hooked On Books” Sets 2019 Schedule

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments

Fifteen lovely ladies attended the January meeting of the “Hooked On Books” Book Club at our beautiful new Port O’ Connor Library, and everyone enjoyed the New Year’s themed decorations and refreshments.  The group held a lively discussion of January’s Book, “The All Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion”, by Fannie Flagg, and then organized their meeting agenda and Book List for 2019.  If you are interested in joining this fun group of ladies, please contact Alane Haardt at alanehaardt@yahoo.com.  All are welcome!!


“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Border Wall

President Trump has addressed the Nation on the crisis on our southern border. The Democrats refuse to vote for a wall or barriers, or any meaningful control. Trump has stated that it is an emergency, a national security, citizens safety, economic, and now a humanitarian emergency; and the only timely and practical way to even start a solution is by invoking Emergency Powers to deal with the problem.

Administration figures show that 161,000 family units crossed the border in fiscal 2018, a remarkable 50 percent increase from the year before. Homeland Security officials have also said 60,000 unaccompanied children crossed the border last year, a 25 percent increase. 17,000 adults in 2018 with existing criminal records were arrested at the border, 3,755 known or suspected terrorists were prevented from traveling to or entering the U.S., and 6,000 gang members, including from MS-13, were apprehended at the border. And these are only the ones caught. The worst criminals have gangs on this side to smuggle them, and terrorists have money to hire them. Many of the young girls and women are smuggled in by cartels are forced into prostitution. Sources claim over half of these women and girls are raped by cartel “coyotes”. Govt sources claim 1/3 of all the Illegal immigrant women are raped. Also the President stated, “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records – including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and 4,000 violent killings,” Do we really want the Dem-Socs to shut down ICE and let people like that run free?

Over 80% of the drugs smuggled into the US allegedly come over the Border, with estimates of the opioids even higher, 90%. There has been a dramatic spike in illegal drugs on the border, including a 38 percent increase in methamphetamine from fiscal 2017 to 2018, a 22 percent increase in heroin and a 73 percent increase in fentanyl. And 2017 was a record 70,237 overdose deaths, 68 percent of those deaths involved opioids. For comparison, in 2014, there were 47,055 total overdose deaths. 149% increase in 3 years. In the entire Vietnam War, there were 58,220 US servicemen killed.

In a Politico poll, 42% say the border is a crisis, 37% say it is a problem, only 12% say not either. Independents are split 37% crisis & 37% problem, with only 10% neither. Even 52% of Democrats admit it is a problem with only 21% of Dims saying not.

Democrats have been promising us good border security since 1986, in trade for the Reagan Amnesty. But they refuse to vote for it now, when there is a determination to actually DO something effective. They refuse because Trump promised it to America, and their stated goal is to Resist and Obstruct Trump. The Far Left branch of the Dem-Soc party also see “Open Borders” as an opportunity to change the Demographics of our nation; to change us into a highly Centralized Socialist State run by the leftist “Democrat” Party. There are Big Donor “Robber Barons” of both parties that want the illegal cheap labor and wage suppression of the middle-class, and cheap visas for foreign “high-tech” workers. We have 4 million Americans graduating from high schools and colleges every year that need jobs.

The Dem leadership accuse President Trump of lying and even “malice” against these Criminal Invaders, but he is only trying to do his Constitutional DUTY as President and Commander-in-Chief, and protect American Citizens. In February of last year Pelosi filibustered for 8 hours for the DACAs, but now refuses to negotiate for any deal that includes a wall or fences. Or even to listen to testimony by the experts on the scene and working to control this invasion. In problem places where walls have been erected they have been estimated at 90-95% effective, and greatly facilitate catching the ones that do make it. The Dems voted for $500 Million last year for 287 miles of wall for Jordan. Walls are not “Immoral”, and Dems supported immigration control, mainly to protect Hispanic farm workers, until the Obama Administration. A Short Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx1Kb51kOBQ explains why.

By using Emergency Powers, President Trump can get the wall and barriers up faster, and cheaper, using the military and much of the $25 Billion can be used to hire more BP & ICE officers, equipment, and for other aids, as well as pay to deport many Illegals. The Cost is a pittance compared to the $163 Billion estimated cost of Illegal Immigrants for 2018, up from $134 Billion in 2017, and the over $275 Billion cost for all immigrants. “The Wall” is very ‘Cost Effective’. The whole immigration system must be fixed where it benefits America and our Citizens, not Radical Leftists and Robber Barons.

My neighbors Parker and Patty are always telling me how proud they are to be a part of Port O Connor, Texas. They say it is a great community and so friendly. They were celebrating the New Year with family recently when a funny thing happened. They were trying to teach the grands about superstitions and traditions, so they were planning black eyed peas for luck, cabbage and greens for extra money and pork to live high on the hog. They talked about it over dinner and asked the grands what they thought. The following morning the grands offered to make lunch with some celebration food of their own. When they presented lunch to the grown-ups, they served bats and balls consisting of meatballs and French fries for lots of sports wins, smiles made from cut up fruit for happiness and noodles for long life. While they assured their grandparents, they were not superstitious or even really believed in the food traditions, they were sure that their meal was much better than the meal their Grandy had planned. They made brownies for dessert. No reason, they just like them. Grandma said they were to make life sweeter, just like the grands did for them. Happy New Year!

Seadrift Solid Waste Service

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments
Starting in November 2017 Seadrift’s Solid Waste Truck and its Crew began picking up trash in our community. It’s a dream come true for the city and it’s residents! Involved in its operation are two seasoned employees and one fairly new hire.  Thank you, guys, for your service! Tanya DeForest Photo by Kenneth Reese.

Starting in November 2017 Seadrift’s Solid Waste Truck and its Crew began picking up trash in our community. It’s a dream come true for the city and it’s residents! Involved in its operation are two seasoned employees and one fairly new hire.
Thank you, guys, for your service! Tanya DeForest
Photo by Kenneth Reese.

EO’s Made Easy by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments

Maybe you have read about essential oils and are curious. Essential oils are made from parts of plants like leaves, herbs, barks, and rinds. They are processed to distill or express parts of them into concentrated oils. some add the oils to unscented oils, creams or gels. You can rub them on your skin, put them in your bath or diffuse them in your house. Research shows they can be helpful if used the right way.

Simple oils smells such as lavender, chamomile, and rosewater might calm, while others like peppermint or thyme may stimulate or wake you up. Scientists think they work by sending chemical messages to parts of the brain that affect mood and emotion. oils won’t take all your stress away, but the aroma may help you relax.

Some oils that are fine on your arms and legs may not be safe to put inside your mouth, nose, eyes, or private parts. Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are some examples.

Look for pure oils from a trusted producer that makes pure oils without anything added. You’re more likely to have an allergic reaction to oils that have other ingredients. Not all extras are bad. Some added ‘carrier’ or dilution oil may be normal for certain more expensive essential oils.

The most common use of essential oils is diffusing or electro sonically pulsing them into the air through cold water. Diffusers are inexpensive and available everywhere. They are safe and easy to use. A few (3-6) drops of oil in a water reservoir can scent your house and make oils available for you in the air of your home or office. This kind of oil delivery can be beneficial to your health and well-being.

Any essential oil you plan to use should be tested in small amounts. Touch a drop on your arm or leg, Smell the lid not the bottle and see how you react. Dilute with unscented lotion or skin oil such as argan or almond oil. If you have or develop a rash or itchy bumps, stop. If your skin is injured don’t use an oil you are unfamiliar with. Some might help, and some might harm. Don’t be fooled by words like natural and pure…natural can still irritate or make your allergic, or you might just not like it. Oils can age and ruin just like your cooking oil, so if it seems funky or off toss it. Babies and old folks may be more sensitive to oils and some could be dangerous. Do your homework and go slowly when using a new oil. Store all oils out of light out of heat and out of reach of little hands and paws and claws. There are oils that can be fatal for pets. If you are pregnant always ask before using essential oils. Some can complicate your pregnancy. Do tell your doctor if you are using or even trying essential oils. Research shows some cancer drugs and others can be absorbed differently if exposed to certain oils. There are lots of reputable websites for information about using essential oils and the library is sure to have information you can use. If someone claims to be an aromatherapist, ask if they have a license and if they are an oil enthusiast, check their information. With essential oils, a little is a lot. they are concentrated and should be used sparingly. More is not always better with essential oils.

Used the right way, they can help you feel better with few side effects. For example, you may feel less nauseateed from chemotherapy cancer treatment if you breathe in ginger vapors. You may be able to fight certain bacterial or fungal infections, including the dangerous MRSA bacteria with tea tree oil. In one study, tea tree oil was as effective as a prescription antifungal cream in easing symptoms of a fungal foot infection. Peppermint, wintergreen, rosemary and others may help with pain or bruising. The uses are endless, and they are fun and exciting to try. Many who thought they were the latest ‘snake oil cure’ find their effectiveness surprising and helpful. if you want to know more email me for a list of websites you might find helpful. gollygeetx@alumni.ou.edu

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