Students Enjoying Learning

Archived in the category: General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments
Seadrift Kindergarten classes have been studying the weather. Students had fun making snow!      -Leslie Shirall

Seadrift Kindergarten classes have been studying the weather. Students had fun making snow! -Leslie Shirall

The Dolphin’s Notebook

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Jan 19 - 0 Comments

Citizens of the Week at Port O’Connor School
Week ending January 11: PreK- Luke Breedlove; K- Abigail Gutierrez; 1st- Audrey Breedlove; 2nd- Avery Gosnell; 3rd- Audrey Rhoads; 4th- Nicholas Ragusin; 5th- Jaydin Rhoads

Two Good Guys Who’ve Done Great by Kelly Gee

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

Marie Hawes presents plaque to Kenny Finster.

Marie Hawes presents plaque to Kenny Finster.

Congratulations to Kenny Finster and Teddy Hawes who were honored as Outstanding Citizens of the Year at the 2018 Senior Christmas Luncheon. The Port O’Connor Community Service Club chose to honor them for their selfless service and many contributions to our community.

Seadrift native Kenny Finster has served as the County Commissioner for Precinct #4 for 24 years. . In that time, he has fought for POC and Seadrift and made a difference in our communities and our lives. This local son has fought hard battles and won wars of words and found funding ways to make things happen both in and out of Commissioners Court, all without losing his infectious sense of humor or his 1000-watt smile. In the midst of pressure situations his best funny story and genuine smile would diffuse the conflict and save the day again and again. When others said it could not be done, Kenny found a way.

He has worked on numerous projects, too many too list, and all have been important to him; but Kenny says he is most proud of the new EMS station between Seadrift and POC because it saves lives and will continue to make a real difference in the south part of Calhoun County. He is one of those guys who doesn’t mind hard work and can sweat with the best of them; but, he admits that the Hurricane Harvey recovery work and its myriad challenges was the hardest task he has faced. Preparation and anticipation, meetings and paperwork, devastation and possible years of recovery made it hard both personally and professionally. He wishes the best to the new commissioner and is confident he is leaving the task in good hands.

Now that he is retiring, this husband, father, grandfather and friend plans to take a few months to relax and unwind and then says he will tackle whatever each day brings that just seems right. He is looking forward to new projects and opportunities that may come his way and hopes to finish some past projects on his family land and around home. More time with his busy wife Dwana, his four great kids and five precious grands will be a big plus.

Kenny says a big thanks to all of the citizens that have helped make his 24 years such a success. We say Thank You Kenny Finster for your hard work and perseverance and years of service. You will never be replaced. We hope retirement is full of new memories and lots of fun and we will see you around the neighborhood.

Teddy Hawes and Family -Photos by Brigid Berger

Teddy Hawes and Family
-Photos by Brigid Berger

Port O’Connor native Teddy Hawes is part of the third generation of family to leave footprints in the sands here that the waves could never wash away. Teddy’s dad was a shrimper who raised 14 children in POC. Teddy is #5 by birth but #1 favorite if you ask his siblings who are all still living and see each other often. Family is priority to Teddy. His siblings, daughter and grandsons are part of daily life as he works tirelessly at his successful POC Hardware Store.

The small business has big heart and a little bit of everything. If you need it and they don’t have it, they will help you find it. You can also rest assured that if there is someone in a bad way and Teddy Hawes can help, he will help; and never take a penny or a second of credit for it. He wants to give and prefers to do it anonymously.

When not at his store he is hard at work around the house or on his land. A couple of times each year he travels to Guatemala to assist the Catholic Church there with repairs and assistance to those in need. When asked by his grandsons about his trips to Guatemala, he told them his happiest times are playing with kids like his grands and those kids he helps in Guatemala.

Ask anyone who knows him and that is the kind of man Teddy is even when nobody is watching. And he doesn’t want the acknowledgement, he just quietly works to help whenever and wherever he can. He is a faithful part of the St. Joseph Catholic Church family in POC and serves there as well.

In running a successful business, Teddy has hired, trained, and, yes, even fired many of our hometown own. He has shaped the lives of many in and around our community. Young men on the lumber loading team learn to work under his guidance. Youngsters wanting to have a bake sale or car wash learn to be part of community life through his cooperation. Clerks and distributors, businesses and customers learn to be personable and professional when interacting with him.

His business has a big impact in our community. Whenever supplies are needed for community efforts or to help our local folks whether kids or adults, Teddy is always willing to do his part.

He made a face at his sisters and daughter when this award was presented to him, but we like them, know that Teddy Hawes is a gentle man with a servant’s heart. So, if you are the recipient of his kindness, he would say, “don’t thank me, just pay it forward.” Thank you, Teddy Hawes, for all that you do for others.

Merry Christmas!

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

Cash Shirall visits with Santa Claus.

Cash Shirall visits with Santa Claus.

While Santa visited with kids inside the Fire Station, Port O’Connor Volunteer Firemen gave children a ride on the fire truck. -Photos by Patricia Mayhall

While Santa visited with kids inside the Fire Station, Port O’Connor Volunteer Firemen gave children a ride on the fire truck.
-Photos by Patricia Mayhall

Seadrift Cub Scouts Pack 106 helping collect presents to send overseas and pass out at the food bank.

Seadrift Cub Scouts Pack 106 helping collect presents to send overseas and pass out at the food bank.

Seadrift Community Choir 	For the past 29 years, Seadrift citizens who enjoy singing have come together to practice long and hard under the direction of Nancy Childress to present  a beautiful program of sacred Christmas music to brighten our holiday. 	Entitled “Let There Be Music”, presentations were give at eight venues in the area to appreciative audiences.  Thank you, Nancy Childress and choir members!

Seadrift Community Choir
For the past 29 years, Seadrift citizens who enjoy singing have come together to practice long and hard under the direction of Nancy Childress to present a beautiful program of sacred Christmas music to brighten our holiday.
Entitled “Let There Be Music”, presentations were give at eight venues in the area to appreciative audiences. Thank you, Nancy Childress and choir members!

5th-Grade-@-BankKinder-@-BankFor the past 30+ years Seadrift School Students have made their annual trip to the First National Bank in Seadrift to sing Christmas carols. The students along with their teachers enjoy this tradition. We would like to thank the ladies at the bank for their kindness and generosity. May you all have a wonderful holiday season!

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2 King James Version

“Hollywood” Comes to Port O’Connor by Joyce Rhyne

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 1 Comment

Scene being filmed

Scene being filmed

“Lights, camera, action!” What an interesting experience I had on December 1st watching a scene from a “movie” being filmed! About 50 actors and crew had descended on Port O’Connor to film the first installment of a Pure Flix series.

Star of the film is Randal Reeder, a native of LaPorte, Texas, who began his TV experience at the age of 20 as a pro wrestler on ESPN’s Global Wrestling Federation TV Worldwide. Randall has appeared on numerous TV shows including Walker, Texas Ranger, King of the Hill and 21 Jump Street. His movie credits include Deadpool and Deadpool 2. He has been directed by the likes of Oliver Stone.

His director on this current project is Sam Medina. Sam made his directing debut in the upcoming action/thriller Code Name The Dragon. Sam is also an actor. He played the lead antagonist opposite Mark Wahlberg in director Peter Berg’s action/thriller Mile 22.

Filmed around Port O’Connor, on the bay and at Froggie’s Bait, the show is called Sons of Thunder. Randall says this faith-based action film is sort of a cross between Highway to Heaven and The Equalizer.

When I asked how Port O’Connor was chosen as the filming site, Randall said he was looking for a place with boats, and his friend, Andy Lack, told him Port O’Connor had lots of boats.

The scene I watched being filmed was at Froggie’s Bait where the lead actor, Randall, was aboard Robbie Sander’s boat the Beverly Sue Kelly. It was only a two or three minute scene, but had taken over an hour to set up. I was informed by the film writer Amos Elseth that it takes a full week to film a 45-minute episode.

Later as I watched the Boat Parade off Froggie’s dock, I was informed by Port O’Connor local, Suzie Jaycox that she was given a speaking part in a scene that afternoon inside Froggie’s. I certainly want to watch to see if that scene made it into the final cut.

Check out Pure Flix on the internet to find out how to subscribe to faith, family and fun entertainment.

Randal’s wife Kate Oja freshens his makeup. -Photo by Patricia Mayhall

Randal’s wife Kate Oja freshens his makeup.
-Photo by Patricia Mayhall

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