Republicans To Host SD18 Quarterly Meeting

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

The Calhoun County Republican Club will be hosting SD18 Quarterly meeting on Saturday, January 12. This will include County Chairs from the 21 counties in the district.

The meeting will be held at Grace Episcopal Parish Hall, 213 E. Austin in Port Lavaca.

Public is invited; however, we need reservations for meals (no cost). Continental Breakfast (provided by Rep Morrison) 8:30-9 a.m. Fish Fry Lunch 11:30am – 12:30 p.m. ( compliments of Senator Kolkhorst and Chuck Carter).

Texas Rep Geanie Morrison, Rep Todd Hunter, State Senator Lois Kolkhorst, US Congressman Michael Cloud, and NRC Texas Rep. Toni Dashell have all been invited to speak.

Meeting is 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 – 2:000 p.m.

Please plan on attending and please make your reservations. Call Connie, 361-552-0917 or Lisa, 361-552-6313.

Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

It’s Christmas in Port O’Connor! We truly trust that it will NOT snow, but we will enjoy whatever the Lord brings our way! The Chapel is very busy at this season. Our children presented their Christmas Program on Sunday, December 16. Hermana Angie did a wonderful job of helping each child with their parts and everyone enjoyed this special activity.

Our annual All Church Christmas party will be held at 6:00 p.m. on December 23. Everyone should help provide a potluck dinner and all who wish to exchange “White Elephants” must provide one to share.

The Port O’Connor Benevolence Fund Committee distributed Christmas Food Baskets on Tuesday, December 18.

Christmas truly begins for us at the end of Thanksgiving, but this year it started a little bit earlier. I made a “flying” trip to Pennsylvania, rented a U-Haul, and drove the 1,700 miles back to Port O’Connor that week. It is such a joy to have our daughter Crystal and her children, Ariel, Ethan, and Lydia with us. I am the kind of dad that would like for their children to never leave home. In fact, I guess I am old fashion enough to remember when the kids stayed home and began to provide for their parents – that’s what I’m looking for!

Our ladies decorated the Chapel on November 29, and did their usually special best! The church looks so nice and reminds us that a festive time is upon us. Thanks so much ladies for your labor of love.

Our Chapel friend, Ric Gorden, came and ministered in song for us on December 2. It was a great time and Ric was truly anointed in his ministry. We will let you know when he is returning.

On December 9, our friend Pastor Donnie Knight was with us. His unique ministry was a great blessing to all who attended. We are sure that return engagement will be announced! We will let you know when he is returning.

Our ladies joined with many others at Grace in Port Lavaca on December 1 for a special Christmas Tea, complete with decorative hats! It was a great time with a lot of laughs.

Our men traveled to Wharton on Saturday, December 8, to help with church clean up from the effects of Harvey. The church there was heavily damaged and we helped to get the Sunday School area ready to be rebuilt. It was a great day of fellowship and accomplishments
Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help all remember the reason for the season is Jesus! You will always find a warm welcome here and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

Making Memories

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

Recently, Bill Pyle made a request to have the La Grange JV Coaches to come to his house to make memories with him and his grandson, Kaleb Pyle, sophomore at La Grange High School.

Kaleb Pyle participates in Football and Baseball. Bill loves watching his grandson play sports. As his disease progresses he wanted to make memories for him and Kaleb.

It’s with grateful appreciation to Coach Barber, Coach Billings and Coach McGonagle for taking the time to make his request and reality.

Donna Pyle

Free Gifts by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Dec 18 - 0 Comments

I love Christmas so much that I am writing this article in October! We were raised poor, about the same as our neighbors, put poor! When we put Dad’s and Mom’s house on the market and hosted a large garage sale, I claimed a couple of items that we kids had given Mom for Christmas when I was attending Whittier Elementary. Two glass figurines of cows and two figurines of deer are on my office shelves and two glass figurines of ducks and two of chickens are in the parsonage. If I remember the story right, Ruth Anna, our older sister, earned the money baby sitting and we all (at least four of us) went to the “5 and Dime” to pick them out and complete the purchase. Mom cherished them and kept them for at least 50 years, until she left Dad to go to Heaven. They are not worth much except to we who remember their value!

I wish to share with you 10 free gifts for which we will not even have to shop!

First, the gift of LISTENING – Why not give this valuable gift to someone who lives alone? There are several people like that in Port O’Connor who would enjoy having you come by, BUT, we must truly listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning our responses – just LISTEN!

Second, the gift of AFFECTION – We must be generous with our hugs, kisses, and gentle squeezes of the hand. Let these many actions demonstrate the LOVE we have on the inside that are often passed over and never expressed.

Third, the gift of NOTES – It can be a note as simple as “I love you” or as creative as a sonnet. Place those notes where they will surprise that loved one and it will be even more than just a NOTE!

Fourth, the gift of LAUGHTER – We all know that laughter is like a good medicine, so learn to laugh loudly and long! Just cut out a cartoon, save a clever article. Remember a good joke and be sure the punch line is in its proper place. Our gifts will say “I love to LAUGH with you!”

Fifth, the gift of a COMPLIMENT – A simple “Wow, you look good in red” or “I like your new hair-do,” or “I think you outdid yourself on that meal” can be of greatest value to those who may feel they are being taken for granted.

Sixth, the gift of FAVOR – How much better would all year long be if each of us would simply help one another. There is nothing wrong with doing someone else’s dishes, or helping someone clean out their garage. How helpful would it be for us to help run errands.

Seventh, the gift of “LEAVE ME ALONE” – There are times in everyone’s life where we want nothing better than to be left ALONE, given some space. People often feel smothered so we must become more sensitive to those times and give the gift of SOLITUDE.

Eighth, the gift of a CHEERFUL DISPOSITION – We must work on being cheerful around those we especially love. Even if our day has been extra stressful and met with many disasters, why bring that gloom into another’s life?

Ninth, the gift of GAME – How long has it been since we offered to just sit down and play our loved one’s favorite game. Maybe it can not be done sitting down, but it is the game that they really want to play. Even if we lose in the GAME, we will be a winner.

Tenth, the gift of PRAYER – There is nothing more powerful than praying for those on our Christmas lists and letting them know that we are praying for them. Praying for someone is a way of saying, “You are so special to me that I talk to God about YOU!”

Christmas is usually a financial burden on most budgets, but there are some ways that we can give a unique gift that will be appreciated all year long! When we lighten a load for someone, we will find that we have given the greater gift to ourselves!

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Democrats and “Democracy”?

There are three major points necessary for any “Democracy” to succeed, or even to survive: Secure Borders. Honest Elections, and Equality Before the Law.

04/02/2018, Newton, Mass., District Judge Shelley M. Joseph was conducting a hearing on Jose Medina-Perez, arrested on “a drug charge”. She, the Prosecutor, and Defense Attorney had a sidebar conference, all wanting to release Medina-Perez pending trial. Newton is a Sanctuary City, and there was an ICE detainer attached to the case, and an ICE Agent in the Courtroom. And Mr. Medina-Perez also had a Fugitive Warrant for drunk driving in Pennsylvania, and had been previously deported in 2003 and 2007. He also had 2 known aliases. The 3 decided to release him anyway. The Judge forbade the ICE agent access to the Detention Area, and when Medina-Perez was moved there he was shown to a back door and allowed to climb a fence and escape.

Sanctuary City “rules” are Illegal immigrants will not be held solely on “Immigration Status violations”. Interfering with an ICE agent by denying him access & releasing the the subject is a violation. Releasing the subject when he was a ‘known flight risk’ is also a violation of normal procedure. And PA had “dibs” on him for the DWI. Why would a Judge and 2 attorneys “Willfully, Knowingly’ & Intentionally” conspire to break several laws? I suspect the Triumph of Lib-Prog Ideology and rabid Anti-Trumpism over greatly diminished Common Sense, Respect for the Law, and their Oaths as attorneys and Officers of the Court. All should be fired and permanently disbarred.

Elections by citizens are a standard in Traditional Democracies, but being perverted here. As I reported last month registering Non-Citizens to vote is becoming “almost standard” in some “Democrat Party” States and Counties. Ballot security and counting has become a joke. In Broward County, 83,000 ballots were “discovered” 2 days after the polls closed. The Broward Count Supervisor of Elections Office has a long history of corruption and fraud. Brenda Snipes was appointed when the previous Supervisor was removed for Fraud. She had numerous charges (14?) of vote fraud/ tampering against her going into the 2018 elections. It is good to be the one counting the votes if you want to hold an Elected Office. In disputes over Provisional ballots by known Non-citizens, Democrat Party attorneys insist they be counted. How can this be? California is a hot-bed of “Vote Harvesting” by Dem-Soc Activists. Having easy access to “Absentee Ballots” and Mail-In Ballots is an invitation to Fraud.

Why should States that try to have honest Elections, tolerate Congress seating representatives in Congress elected by fraud and non-citizens? And representatives apportioned by numbers including Criminal Invaders? Criminal Invaders that are systematically protected by Left-wing Marxists that now openly declare their intent to overthrow our Constitutional Republic? And replace it with what? Subjugation to a One World Govt that wants to criminalize even the criticism of “the Human Right of Mass Migration”? The UN passed a “Non-Binding Resolution”, on 12/10/18, against the objections of 16 nations, for “Mass Migration is a Human Right”. It was approved by 160 member nations. Estimates say some 250 million people are “migrants”, or want to be. There will be another vote 12/19, then “after they pass it, we can see what’s in it”. Our Media is not saying much, but with weak enforcement of ridiculously loose laws, and a lush Welfare State, the USA will be the prime target.

Our Media is overwhelmed by claims of radical Dem-Socs that Trump will be impeached, but their charges have been proven false. The Cohen/Stormy pay-off was a legal “Non-Disclosure Agreement”, and proven Trump paid out of his personal money, NOT Campaign Funds. In the last 10 years, over $17 million in Taxpayer funds has been paid out by Congress in “Hush Money” for actual “Sexual Abuse Crimes” by members, mostly Democrats. I think the Voters need a complete accounting for that! The Dems may vote an Article of Impeachment, but without any real charge or evidence, winning a conviction in the Senate trial is ludicrously unlikely, but provides endless false propaganda. American Voters are understanding this, those that don’t speak English and don’t care, not so much. The Dems are not paying attention to Equality Before the Law, only their Agenda. If we don’t fix the Broken Immigration Policy there will not be a “Secure Democratic Election” in 2020.

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