“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

The Neverending ‘Election’
I’m still re-writing this article five days after the election, and days days after the deadline. The results keep changing. The most important thing about this election is the glaring need for honest elections, the importance of citizenship, and a better understanding of the Dem-Socialist mantra, “By Any Means Necessary.”  As Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin said, “Who votes is not important. Who counts the votes is important.”
Back in February,  https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/26/lawsuit-100000-noncitizens-registered-vote-pa/ , told us: “More than 100,000 noncitizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to testimony submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems. The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.” Now if it is that bad up in the Northeast, how bad do you think it can be in the Border States with higher percentages of “Noncitizens”?
Democrats have denied any vote fraud, or “significant vote fraud” and fought ‘tooth & nail’ against any reasonable prevention and enforcement of voting security laws. Even Photo ID is demonized as Voter Suppression. But what we need is Voter FRAUD Suppression! Even Mexico has much better better Vote security. A Mexican must have a Voter ID Card. To get one, must apply in person, show proof of citizenship and identity, have photo and thumb print taken, sign the card, and after the card is approved, laminated with a hologram to prevent counterfeiting, the person must come in again, and prove who they are to pick it up. To Mexicans, citizenship and election security is more important than Political Correctness. This could easily be improved further by putting a chip in the card, to transfer the persons data to the computer by inserting it in a reader, to cut down the actual work of the Precinct Workers, and cut down any wait time for voters. The ballots could be serial numbered with the Voter ID number by running through a simple printer, and the date & time printed on the ballot and entered into the chip. Absolute security and a paper-trail as well as computer record, if there is any recount. Only a crook could disapprove of that.
In the “modern & advanced” USA, not so much. On Election Day, Project Veritas filmed and released this video in Texas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=139&v=veE5-O6wACw  By law, only Citizens can register and vote, but many counties allow people to register to vote with out providing any proof of Citizenship, people can register by filling out a card anywhere, and some are ‘registered automatically’ by things like Motor Voter. A gift to the Democrat Party by the Clinton Admin, it is a clear invitation to Voter Fraud. In California now, applicants are registered to vote even if they do NOT check the ‘US Citizen box’. Vote fraud has become a “tactic” instead of a crime to many Dem-Soc operatives. And obvious a large part of their much touted “Blue Wave”. It failed mostly, at least here in Texas, but in other states the corruption is more open.
Southeast Florida is bad, and Broward County probably the worst. Brenda Snipes is the elected Supervisor of Elections, a Democrat, and has a very long record of criminal “mistakes”, even destroying ballots. This year she is refusing access to vote counting to Repub Precinct judges, even a US Congressman was run off by “armed security”, caught moving unsecured and “no chain of possession” boxes of ballots to be counted, days after the polls closed. She ignored a State Judge’s injunction to secure her “vote counting” until State Officials could inspect late Friday afternoon, and still not arrested. By latest info, she had added 83.000 votes to the totals given at the precinct closures, and is reputed to have more registered voters than adult citizen residents in the county. (at least Live ones). During the 2016 count, 4 people were seen filling in ballots.  I could go on, but paper & ink are limited here.
Hopefully the best result of this election will be, Congress will pass laws to require Proof of Citizenship, Photo ID, and other reasonable controls on Elections and real enforcement of the laws on the violators. Just like a Nation must have secure borders to remain a nation, any representative Republic using the Democratic process must have secure voting, or it quickly degenerates. Irresponsible politicians want irresponsible voters. So when you hear “leaders” calling for Illegal aliens (Criminal Invaders) & 16 year olds voting, you will know what you are dealing with.
Please visit the website for updates and comments. This is a continuing story and very important to the continuation of our Constitutional Republic or collapse into mob-rule.

The Dolphin’s Notebook

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Nov 18 - 0 Comments

Citizens of the Week at Port O’Connor School
Week ending October 19: PreK- Branley Ruddick; K- Grant Gregory; 1st- Timothy Reneau; 2nd- Clara Stryker; 3rd- Bradley Eure; 4th- Mato Sanchez; 5th- Brodie Riley
Week ending October 26: PreK- Kevin Gutierrez; K- Torunn Short; 1st- Camren Hime; 2nd- Jakob Donaldson; 3rd- Kailey Guzman; 4th- Grace Brown; 5th- Anthony Flores
Week ending November 2: PreK- MIa Blanco; K- Aliza Dean; 1st- Leray Austin; 2nd- Marcos Blanco; 3rd- Corbin Washburn; 4th- Alexis Soechting; 5th- Cole Spicak
Week ending November 9: PreK- Saydi Ramirez; K- Helios Ochoa; 1st- Ana Brown; 2nd- Mimi Mezzell; 3rd- Caiden Hobbs; 4th- Brayson Thumann; 4th- Blake Bowman

POC PTO is planning for the annual Christmas Store where students can shop for their friends & family. We are in need of gift gabs, tissue paper, tape & gift tag labels. If you can help, thank you.
PTO Christmas Store: December 17 – 19

Seadrift School Pirates of the Week
Week ending October 19:  PreK- Mrs. Mendez; K- Brady Treumer & Perrin Arceneaux; 1st- Samiah Mueck & Rostyn Semmler; 2nd- Emalyna Pedrotti; 3rd- Zayden Montgomery & Talen Henson; 4th- Amaya Stringo & Jesus Jaramillo; 5th- Gunner Evans & Quentin Saigger Junior High; Henderson- Kaitlyn Lashley; Cady- Isabella Arriaga; Sternadel- Layton Davenport; Coach Anderson- Francis Hoang; Coach Sternadel- Athyn Morales; Franck- Layton Davenpor; Coach Lillge- Zayda Estrada; Hahn- Tim Phamt
Week ending October 26: PreK- Custodial Staff; K- Grant Hartl & Marek Osborne; 1st- Gilliana Gonzalez & Paige Davenport; 2nd- Holley McGill; 3rd- Journee Boots & Anna Nguyen; 4th- Lorena Torres & Cooper Garza; 5th- Baylee Bates & Angel Galeana Junior High: Cady- McKenzie Bierschwale; Sternadel- Sydney Rasmussen; Coach Anderson- Jesus Huerta; Coach Sternadel- Morgan Russell; Franck- Braylyn Galloway; Coach Lillge- Mercadee Owen; Hahn- Keaton Cady
Week ending November 9: PreK- Peighton Saylors; K- Kaitlin Hartl & Kambric Watkins; 1st- Sophia Castro & Jennifer Barcenas; 2nd- Isrrael Jaramillo; 3rd- Kailey Treumer & Aiden Valdez; 4th- Brice Petrisky & Chance Lewis; 5th- Marilyn Mungia & Sarah Armbruster Junior High: Henderson- Brandi Brandt; Cady- Christopher Villarreal; Sternadel- Savana Arfele; Coach Anderson- Keegan Short; Coach Sternadel- Alissa Blevins; Franck- Sabrina Nguyen; Coach Lilge- Brandi Brandt; Hahn- Tyler Henson

What’s Up?

Archived in the category: General Info, What's Up
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Nov 18 - 0 Comments

Sat., Nov. 24    POC Golf Cart Scavenger Hunt 9:30-4:00    Starts at Josie’s
Tues., Nov. 27    Deadline for Ordering Poinsettias  512-567-1464
Fri., Nov. 30    Deadline for requesting the Angel Program  Port O’Connor Hardware
Sat., Dec. 1    Freeport-to-Port O’Connor Toy Run arrives appx. 3 pm at Clarks
Sat., Dec. 1    Lighted Boat Parade  at dark        Along the ICW, Port O’Connor
Sun., Dec. 2    Ric Gorden ministry in song  10:00 am    Fisherman’s Chapel
Mon., Dec. 3    Republican Club Christmas Meeting  6:00 pm    Episcopal Parish Hall, Port Lavaca
Mon., Dec. 3    Intercoastal 4-H Club Meeting  6:30 pm    Port O’Connor School Library
Sat., Dec. 8    Seadrift Golf Cart Scavenger Race  2:00-3:30    Starts at First National Bank, Seadrift
Sun., Dec. 9    Seadrift Community Choir 9:00 am        St. Patrick Catholic Church, Seadrift
6:00 pm        Assembly of God Church, Seadrift
Mon., Dec. 10    Deadline to Adopt a Christmas Angel Port O’Connor Hardware
Wed., Dec. 12    Backyard Birds  1:00 pm    New Port O’Connor Library
Thurs., Dec. 13 Seadrift Community Choir 4:00 pm    Port Lavaca Nursing & Rehab
6:00 pm    Trinity Shores, Port Lavaca
Fri., Dec. 14    Seadrift Community Choir  2:00 pm    Seadrift School
Sat., Dec. 15    Seadrift Community Choir 7:00 pm    St. Joseph Catholic Church, Port O’Connor
Sat., Dec. 15    POC VFD Firearm Raffle & Chili Dinner POC Community Center
Sun., Dec. 16    Seadrift Community Choir  11:00 am    First United Methodist Church, Seadrift
6:00 pm    First Baptist Church, Seadrift
Sun., Dec. 16    Santa at POC Fire Station 1:00 pm
Dec. 20 & 21    Judging for Lighted POC houses
Fri., Dec. 21    Sweet Treat Contest Until 3:00 pm    First National Bank, Port O’Connor
Sat., Dec. 22    Children’s Christmas Party 10:00 am    Port O’Connor Library

What a Catch!

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments
Greg Heine caught this 247.6 lb. Tarpon by the Old Coast Guard Station in Port O’Connor on October 5th.

Greg Heine caught this 247.6 lb. Tarpon by the Old Coast Guard Station in Port O’Connor on October 5th.

Descended from Witches? by JJ Ault

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments
Sandy Ault ponders her heritage.

Sandy Ault ponders her heritage.

Not everyone has ancestors that were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials.

Sandy Ault of Port O’Connor had three: Samuel Wardwell, Mary Easty, and Rebecca Nurse.

Samuel Wardwell was born to a Quaker Family in Boston Mass. When he was grown he moved to Andover, Mass., and married a beautiful wealthy widow named Sarah Hawkes. They lived on a prosperous farm and Samuel also earned money working as a carpenter. He helped build the House of Seven Gables in Salem, Mass. It only had three gables when he worked on it. The other four gables were added later when a wealthy man bought it.

The Puritans in Salem resented the marriage of Samuel and Sarah Hawks because she was from the gentry and he was not. She loved him anyway and they had seven children.

Samuel dabbled in telling fortunes, which was not popular with the Salem Magistrates. Samuel foretold that one couple would have four girls before having any boys. That turned out to be correct. The boy was born about the time Salem Witchcraft hysteria was at its peak. That was enough to get him, his wife and two of his daughters arrested. The rest of his children were fostered out while the couple were in jail except for the tiny baby, Rebecca, who was less than a year old when they were arrested. She had to go to jail with them because she was too young to be separated from her mother.

Samuel Wardwell was found guilty on September 17, 1692, and hanged along with seven women on September 22, 1692.
The judges decided not to hang the tiny baby Rebecca because she probably wasn’t a witch. They also let her mother and two sisters go as well. Sandy Ault is descended from the tiny baby, Rebecca Wardwell.

When the Salem authorities cut the eight victims down from the hanging tree they threw them into a ditch. No one now knows what became of their remains. Today the Salem graveyard built each victim a stone bench with their names engraved on it. Sandy had me take her picture (shown at above) when she sat on Samuel Wardwell’s bench as she pointed to his name
Rebecca Nurse and Mary Easty were sisters of Sarah Cloyce; all were arrested for witchcraft along with their mother, Joanna Towne. Sarah Cloyce and Joanna Towne were released, but Rebecca Nurse and Mary Easty were hanged. Rebecca was hanged on July 19, 1692. Mary Easty was hanged on September 22 1692, on the same day and on the same tree as Samuel Wardwell.

Arthur Miller wrote a play about the Salem Witch Trials in 1953 and Rebecca Nurse was one of his characters. Years later a television movie was made named “Three Coins for Sister Sarah”. When the authorities in England came to Salem, Mass. they proclaimed the verdicts in the trials were very wrong. They told Sarah Cloyce they could not bring her sisters Mary Easty and Rebecca Nurse back so they gave Sarah three gold sovereigns, one for each of her sisters and one for herself to prove their innocence. Sandy is descended from Sarah Cloyce.

The Salem Witch Trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft—the Devil’s magic—and 20 were executed. Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted. Since then, the story of the trials has become synonymous with paranoia and injustice, and it continues to beguile the popular imagination more than 300 years later. smithsonian.com

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