Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments

Pastor Joane is home! After a 12 day mission’s trip to Bali to work with Doug and Kimberly Bennett, I picked her up at the Houston airport after a 37 hour trip (including layovers). She was extremely exhausted, but was excited to give all of you her report on Sunday, Sept. 13. It is amazing what the Lord can do with those who will truly give themselves to Him!

Captain Robert had another successful Sea Academy class and we are looking forward to expanding the opportunities we offer for the citizens of this area. We are looking at not only doing the Captain Classes, but also some first aid, maybe some GPS, and hopefully some boater safety classes during 2019. Be looking for the announcements concerning these interesting events.

The Port O’Connor Community Benevolence Committee has begun their work to secure donations for this year’s Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets. Names are already being gathered of needy families, donation requests have been sent, and people are beginning to respond with generous donations. Our Women’s Service Club has partnered with us again to help us purchase the turkeys by providing their generous donations. A lady attended a special conference and won a $500 gift card for HEB and she donated it to the Fund. We are trusting that there will be many interested persons who will give liberally so the needs can be fully funded. The Chapel only serves as the distribution agency and we sincerely appreciate all the people from this community who make it happen with their giving.

The Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday, Novemeber 11, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. at Fisherman’s Chapel. Pastor Donnie Martin of First Baptist will deliver the message. The Chapel will be providing a time of fellowship following the service. A special offering will be received that evening to purchase items for our Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets. We are trusting that everyone will come prepared to give generously!

Thanksgiving Baskets will be distributed on Tuesday, November 20. Anyone in need should contact the Chapel between November 7 and the Community Service on November 11. Please remember, we seek to serve the NEEDY and not the GREEDY! We try not to turn anyone down, but we can only give what has been provided by he community.

Everyone must remember that on Sunday morning, November 4, our clocks will change back. All who forget will still be welcomed at the Chapel and the coffee will be ready! Set your clock back one hour and be at the church!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is simple – allow Jesus’ love to flow from us to those around us. One will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the columnist to enlighten readers on a subject as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Kavanaugh, and the Election.

During the worst of the Kavanaugh Smear Campaign, I was willing to give up on Kavanaugh to get 4-6 more new GOP Senators, but he stuck, and President Trump stuck, so we got him confirmed and sworn in, and it looks like the Mid-Terms are going to be a blood-bath for the Dems. The Far Left Dem-Socialists preaching “All Women Have To Be Believed.”, even when the accusations are weak, disjointed, some even incredible, and all denied by the potential “witnesses”. That didn’t work, so the next FemiNazi step was, “Men must be assumed guilty even with no evidence!”..? So, 800 years of Anglo-American Jurisprudence and the pursuit of Justice thrown out, because the Far Left Crazies don’t like Judge Kavanaugh. Forget about “Innocent until Proven Guilty”, and “The Accused has the right to cross-examine his accuser”.

The whole Smear and Ambush was based on the belief Repubs would fold, as usual. So when the first one didn’t work, they just doubled down on dirty lies, and expected American Women to believe it. But they did not! The Hollyweirdos may be living in a porno-movie, but most Americans aren’t; and women don’t want their fathers, husbands, sons, and boy-friends destroyed by unsubstantiated claims by some psycho Drama Queens over political hysteria. Trump stood firm, and strong sensible women stood with him. And the Dem-Socs still don’t understand.

If you think the Kavanaugh fight was bad, just wait and see what will happen if the Dems gain any power in Congress. With Nancy Pelosi & Maxine Waters in the House and Chuckie Schumer, Kamala Harris, & Cory Booker in the Senate, they are going “Full Bolshevik” until they get everything they want. Welfare for Illegals, Open Borders, Free Everything for those that don’t Work, and crushing taxes for those that do work. As well as trying to impeach Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump for any made-up accusation they can imagine. The Dem-Socialist leaders are encouraging the Mobocracy. Antifa is already the enforcement arm of the Dem-Socs where they have power to control the police. How would you like them to be the new Federal Police?

Hillary threatens, “Civility will only return when WE are back in power!” If they don’t win (and they won’t), the only thing that will stop the craziness and bring the Democrat Party back to sanity is a crushing defeat in the Mid-Terms. Sensible American Democrats are starting to see that. They must start from the local level to throw out the crazy “Full Bolshevik” leaders. And start electing real Democrats that will represent their districts and states, not Dem-Socialists, and the power-crazed Globalist Elitists like Hillary, Pelosi, & Schumer. As long as they are in charge, they will corrupt any Moderate Democrat elected. They want to destroy everything Trump has accomplished to “get” him. Even if it destroys the Economic Recovery, our Re-industrialization, Wage Growth, and Energy Independence. And even our dollar!

So vote Republican to save the Recovery, or vote Socialist-Democrat (actually Communist now) for crushing taxes and regulations, Federal Czars micro managing every state’s resources, subsidizing poverty, abortion, foreign refugees, and Criminal Invaders. And just not voting is a vote for more craziness, and that is how Commies win… apathy.

I know in some cases, Dems might have to hold their nose to do it, but think of it as “a dose of Castor Oil to stop the Food Poisoning” in the Soros-controlled Globalist DNC. Just think, if there was sensible cooperation from moderate Dems, how much faster our Recovery and GDP Growth would be. And we need a “Loyal Opposition Party” to whoever is in power, and the “Dem-Socs” are NOT it.

Check the web site for updates.


Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments

Hey!  All you RV’ers!! Have you survived the soggy September!! I really thought of ordering pontoons there for a while! Looked like we might have to make all RV’s float-able!! The rain was needed, just seems we got it all at once!  Our 1957 Spartan recycled to Parts & Supply Store sits with it’s front end in a  sandy, shallow depression. A large water puddle has formed there,  and now has tadpoles swimming in the clear water !!

Our South Texas Fall is beginning.  Bird migration has been underway for a few weeks. With these weather changes come additional chores to ready your RV for cooler days and nights.

If you haven’t already removed and washed the furnace duct covers and vacuumed the hose runs, do so now. Find the inside access to the furnace area, look for a grate under a cabinet door, remove it and vacuum the area around the furnace.  Be thorough, and careful not to dislodge any wires or ducts. Use a flashlight to check the area for mud dabber nests, etc.

Check your LP/CO2 detector and smoke alarm batteries. Your CO2//LP detector is located close to the floor, close to bedroom or by kitchen cabinets. It is connected to your 12v system. Did you know it will also let your know if your RV battery is low? Be careful not to use any aerosol sprays or disinfectant sprays or wipes close to the CO2/LP alarm. They will most definitely ruin it!!  Never disconnect this alarm, Please! It is there to protect YOU!  All Done?  You are ready to check the furnace function. Make sure you have LP  in your tank and it is turned on. Pick a cool morning, turn off the AC, and turn the furnace thermostat to 90o.( I like to open the door because the first “lighting” always seems to blow dust and stale odors, which can set off your smoke and CO2/LP alarms.) The fan should come on and a couple of minutes later  you should hear the burner light.  It may not light first try, if not, turn it off, let it rest 2-3 minutes and try again. There may be air in the line that needs to be purged. Be Safe!! If it does not light, call for service!!

Be aware your RV furnace is an LP guzzler!!  In 30’s temperatures it is not uncommon to deplete a 30 lb tank in 3-5 days!! To supplement that hungry beast, purchase a couple of Ceramic space heaters.  Why ceramic? They draw less electricity, provide better heat coverage and can be plugged in all EXCEPT SLIDE OUT outlets. Your slide out has smaller wiring and cannot safely support anything more than a lamp, phone charger, etc. It’s a good time to remind you to not use appliances in your RV that instructs you not to use them with an extension cord. Why? Because your RV IS an Extension Cord. Check for the Ceramic Heaters now!! P.O.C. Hardware, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Amazon, Ace  and other hardware and household merchants will be stocking them as a seasonal item.

Using the Ceramic heaters allows you to keep the furnace temp set between 55o and 60o . This means the furnace will seldom come on, because the Ceramic heaters are keeping the RV toasty!! In extremely cold weather we may do a 70o to 75o “ furnace burn” for very short periods of time.  Generally early mornings and just before retiring for the night. The “furnace burn” warms the underbelly of your RV and your water lines which are placed very close to the duct work. Early morning “ furnace burn” gives a quick warm up throughout the RV especially soothing to the toes on non-carpeted floors. More next time on winter tips! Going to change that to cooler weather tips!  Winter just reads to harsh!  After all we are the warm weather place to be!!   Happy Halloween!!

Need Supplies? Have Questions? Need Service?
Call or stop by T&A RV, 1660 Lane Road, Seadrift, TX.
Tues thru Sat: 8am to 5pm
We  Appreciate ALL of our customer support!!!!ThankYOU!!!!!
Thom and Alice

Seadrift’s Newest Employee

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments
This is Alvaro Torres, Jr., Seadrift’s newest employee! He started his job working with the City Crew September 28. Alvaro says he is excited and willing to learn! He says, “I love Seadrift and want it to look as good as possible!” You will see Alvaro around town doing just that!

This is Alvaro Torres, Jr., Seadrift’s newest employee! He started his job working with the City Crew September 28. Alvaro says he is excited and willing to learn! He says, “I love Seadrift and want it to look as good as possible!” You will see Alvaro around town doing just that!

Veteran’s Day Program at Seadrift School

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info, School News
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Oct 18 - 0 Comments

Seadrift School would like to welcome Veterans and Active Duty members from around our community to come as the students thank them for their service to our country.
The Veteran’s Day Program will be held Wednesday, November 7, 2018 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Seadrift School Gym.

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